Hundredth Monkey

The Path to Global Peace Starts in Your Heart

Posted on November 5, 2007. Filed under: Hundredth Monkey, Paradigm Shift, Peace |

I know many kind people who while would never dream of being verbally and emotionally abusive to others treat themselves badly. They criticize and even mentally cuss themselves out for little errors and normal human mistakes. They lash out at themselves mentally and emotionally often in the manner a cruel parent, sibling or another authority figure treated them as a child. They continue the cycle of violence in this way only abusing themselves instead of others.

Creating a world where peace reigns requires that kindness be extended not just to to strangers and family but one’s very own self. When waging peace do not forget to extend the olive branch to yourself. Start peace talks in this internal war by examining your behavior. Would you treat a friend in this way? Would you tolerate someone treating your child like that? If not stop treating yourself like that. If you can channel healing energy like Reiki immediately self-treat for at least 1 minute after each self-criticism with the intention to heal it to the source. If you recall a particular insult being hurled at you by another in past make that part of your regular self-treatment until that wound is healed.

One by one acts like this increases the amount of Peace on Earth.

Diamond Heart

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StarchildGlobal Earthlog Oct. 28th : The Joy and Compassion Choices

Posted on October 30, 2007. Filed under: Ascension, Ascension / Descension, Celia Fenn, Co-Creation, Collective Unconscious, Hundredth Monkey, Paradigm Shift, Peace |

I am not Celia Fenn. I am just someone who finds her writing and her channellings that she shares extremely helpful. I hope you will find them so as well!

Please click on the link to read the entire Earthlog.

Diamond Heart

Earthlog October 2007 October 28th : The Joy and Compassion Choices

Then, my friend Will from Michigan in the USA wrote to tell me his experiences of hearing the Dalai Lama speak about Compassion and how it affects our daily lives. I was delighted when he shared his story, as Archangel Michael oftens tells me that the Dalai Lama should be a kind of “role model” for those who would be spiritual leaders and teachers. What he means, as I see it, is that the Dalai Lama is both a Spiritual Leader and a person who is active in the real world. he leads in a spiritual way, but he also makes people aware of what is happening in Tibet and what needs to be done to assist the Tibetan people. He lives in both worlds, the Spiritual and the Physical. He is a “grounded” spiritual leader, and his teachings affect the daily lives of many people in positive ways, as does his presence when he speaks.


Dear Lightworkers, now, at this time, expressing Love and Compassion in the Real World is so important. Being out there as a Light and Shining your Light is so important. Being able to bring Joy to Others is so important.

When people ask me why they feel so bad, I often say, because you have chosen to feel that way. It is not a conscious choice, maybe, but a past life decision that you made when you decided to accept the religions and prophecies that were focussed on the “end” of the Planet through War and Catastrophe. For many lifetimes, perhaps, you have seen life as a headlong rush towards some huge and transformative disaster where lots of people get killed. It is this belief in the Collective that political leaders who seek nuclear wars and world war III are drawing on when they attempt to create these scenarios. By accepting that there will be a great disaster, we are helping them to create such things.

Let it be now, at this time, that we as Lightworkers, give up the disaster and catastrophe perceptions that make us depressed on a deep level, and focus on the Joy of life.

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Sirian & Pleadian Group Anchoring of New Morphogenetic Field Experiment

Posted on October 14, 2007. Filed under: Chakra, Channeling, Co-Creation, Energy Healing, Energy Transmission, Hundredth Monkey, Kuthumi, Michelle Eloff, New Age, Paradigm Shift |

I am not Michelle Eloff. I am just someone who finds her writing and the channellings that she shares extremely helpful. I hope you will find them so as well!

Diamond Heart

a message from Kuthumi channeled by Michelle Eloff
Friday, 18 August, 2006 at South Africa

Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with the Channeling being and a similar process facilitated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the presence of the channeling Master, however the effects are just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the channeling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose. All Questions & Answers from the session have been left in the transcript as we have found the answers too have been of great benefit to our readers.

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of transformation, lightness, purity and peace. Greetings Beloved Ones. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved brothers and sisters of the Light, as we gather with you upon this day in the presence of the Christed consciousness we acknowledge each of you as souls working toward the liberation of humanity’s consciousness and we honour your individual journey of self-discovery, expanded self-awareness and the integration of the consciousness of the God mind. Our gathering with all of you at this time is one of great celebration, an honour to share with those of you who have chosen to empower yourselves and experience the Divinity of your true self in its fullest power. The Sirians, the Pleadians, we the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood, gather with you to begin a very, very important experiment and that is, creating a new morphogenetic field, one that holds information that shall create a shift in the consciousness of humanity, for the presence of this field will facilitate the process of individuals tapping into a frequency of information holding light. Your world for many, many cycles was influenced by the morphogenetic field of negative consciousness, which many refer to as the matrix. This field of information has maintained the paradigm of fear that you have all worked so diligently in raising your consciousness out of. The density of the old world is what you have overcome. There are aspects of your emotional self and aspects of the personality still trying to find stable ground, a safe space from which to operate and experience the new levels of consciousness. The blessings spirit brings to each of you today is the opportunity to accelerate the process of integrating the new quantum energies and move beyond the old paradigms held within the consciousness of your brothers and sisters still grappling with the old world. Those who still fall into the category of the deep sleep. You, beloved awakeners of Light, have come into a timeline where you experience the joy of giving of your Divine Self to the Light, seeking an avenue of expression within the hearts of your fellow brothers and sisters. Upon this day we re-anchor the true blueprint of Camelot, re-creating the Divine Holy Trinity of the Divine Mother, the Divine Father and your core inner stabiliser, the Divine Child. As you surrender to the presence of Light within you, you discover the power of the three Divine aspects of Self, creating the life you choose, therefore creating heaven on earth. The world has undergone many levels of change. Each of you have contributed to this change through your personal transformation, and relinquishing the ego’s control to the soul has raised your frequency.

Today we open the heavens, facilitating the process of bringing in very high frequencies of Light, increasing the quotients of Light you personally hold as an individual, thus contributing to an accelerated initiation, taking you through 9th dimensional consciousness, and preparing the energy for the integration of 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th dimensional consciousness. You as a group are anchoring levels of consciousness from 9th dimension through to 15th dimension. You, however, will learn how to utilise this energy and transmit the information based on your personal development and the process your personal guides will have created for you by forming a template which shall create a code embodying a frequency that shall emit a sound attracting those whose frequency resonates with what you emit. And these are the ones that you shall assist in awakening to the Divinity of the Christ within as you have awoken it within yourself. So beloved ones, in the presence of the Great White Brotherhood, within the presence of the Angels and the Archangels, let us begin the activation of energy, the integration of Light and the emergence of love within the core of all that is Divine.

With your eyes closed take a deep breath in through your mouth, exhaling fully through your nose. Now take a deep breath in through your nose, exhaling fully through your mouth. PAUSE Another deep breath in through your nose, hold for the count of 4 and exhale to the count of 6. PAUSE Hold to the count of 4, breath in to the count of 6. Hold to the count of 4, and exhale to the count of 8. Hold to the count of 6, breathe in to the count of 4, hold to the count of 6 and exhale to the count of 10. PAUSE Find your own natural rhythm of deep breathing, in and out. Relax your body. Open your senses to the presence of the Divinity of all that embodies Light and love in your presence. PAUSE Open your chakras to receive the blessings of the presence of the Divine. PAUSE Take a moment to call upon your personal guides, guardians, Angels and Masters. PAUSE Call upon those of the animal, the crystal, the plant and nature kingdom that you are connected to. PAUSE Welcome the presence of the Great White Brotherhood PAUSE And greet your family of Light from Sirius PAUSE And your teachers of the Light from the Pleiades PAUSE Continue to breathe as your energy is transported to the crystal temple upon Sirius, embodying all the frequencies of the sacred geometric forms that create life. PAUSE All the beings of the Light form a circle around you, and you are guided to sit within the centre of this crystal temple.
As your base chakra touches the centre of this temple, Light begins to stir beneath you, emitting sounds, recalibrating your energy field, manifesting Divine harmony within every cell of your body, resonating with the frequencies of the crystal temple and all the beings of the Light in your presence.

Lord Maitreya manifests before you, presenting you with an exquisite crystal of quartz. This crystal is laid before you, its Light emanating frequencies of love. The love frequency opens the 7 chakras of your physical body and initiates a process releasing any residual energy of the old paradigm you have left behind through your personal journey of healing, enlightenment, awareness and rememberance. The love frequency emitting from this crystal transmutes all the residual energy into an energy of your choice. PAUSE
Simply be within these energies as your body is taken through an accelerated release. This is also preparing you for the creation of the morphogenetic field of Light.

Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Uriel and Ariel stand behind you, each of them bringing you an energy. Archangels Ariel and Michael present you with two blue rays. These blue energies represent something specific for you. Simply absorb it into your energy field. Surrender and accept. PAUSE

Archangels Gabriel and Uriel place their hands upon your back. They begin to hum a tone, opening the frequencies within the cells in your back holding core memory. The impulses coming from the sound they emanate activate the colour rays red, violet and gold. PAUSE Feel the presence of these rays clearing the core area of your back related to the past, creating a sheath of protection around you, and a nurturing vibration, a loving vibration, and the power that aligns your consciousness with the Divinity of Mother-Father God. PAUSE

Lord Ra manifests in the crystal temple. He makes his way to you and places his hand upon your crown chakra. Immediately a golden rod of energy moves into your body, down your spine to your base chakra and the golden vibration of golden consciousness fills your body and every cell of your body, penetrating the density that exists through the subconscious or unconscious, releasing you from any attachments created subconsciously or unconsciously to addictive thought patterns, belief systems, attitudes and behavioural patterns that inhibit your ability to sustain the golden consciousness you have birthed within your being. This golden vibration dissolves any attachments projected towards you consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously from those in your external world seeking power, seeking love, nurturance, sustenance, protection and life force. Archangel Michael facilitates the process of each of these individuals finding the source of their life force. This draws all your energy back to you. The golden vibration of Lord Ra heals any leaks in your energy field and aligns the four lower bodies with the higher aspects of mind, heart, spirit and being. PAUSE

Now that your energy has been cleared, we can begin the creation of the morphogenetic field. Beloved ones, a morphogenetic field is a field of information. The information programmed into the morphogenetic field never ever loses its intensity. It is this information that feeds the consciousness of humanity. Because the original programme never loses intensity, it becomes a very destructive tool if programmed with negative information. All of you present here today are vital tools in the creation of this field. You are gathering from different places on the planet because it is part of your purpose to anchor the energy you tune in to today in the different places you come from. What we create with all of you today instils a code which activates the same degree of Light within those whom you liaise with daily. Whether you are a healer, a therapist, a messenger, a teacher, a friend, a parent, or a corporate executive you will touch the lives of those whom you interact with.

The activation of todays energy awakens the 12 new Christ grids of the Lions Gate within your body and we are also activating a portal to the central Lions Gate over your thymus gland. Beloved ones, the purpose for doing this is to accelerate the awakening of the thymus chakra on your planet, for it is through this portal you travel to the inner core soul consciousness. It is from this point humanity will draw consciousness and spiritual illumination will be an accelerated process for each person experiencing life on earth. The year 2007 is the birthing of the 9th dimension for those seeking the Light of Christ within. All the Lightworkers of the planet who are working in alignment with the Divine code of the company of heaven have already aligned their consciousness with 9th dimension and beyond. You as a group holding the frequencies of 9th to 15th dimension, will anchor the templates wherever you go. Every foot step you take is an anchoring of the energies you are tapping into right now. (Note from Michelle:- On the 20th of August Kuthumi & The Great White Brotherhood activated a 44th dimensional portal through the thymus gland specifically at a point physically within Salisbury Catherdral, England. I was told by Kuthumi that eventually 440 000 Lightworkers will have their 44th dimensional thymus gland consciousness activated through being in the presence of this vortex. I was put in trance in the Carthedral and Kuthumi did the activation personally. It was the first time I channeled with my eyes open!)

Beloved ones, take the crystal Lord Maitreya has put before you. Hold this crystal to your heart chakra and align yourself with the pure intention of all of that which is Light, all of that which is love, abundance, peace, freedom, joy, truth and Divinity. It is from this intention we create. Visualise your consciousness merging with the consciousness of all the mighty beings of the Light in your presence. PAUSE Archangels Gabriel and Uriel still holding the vibrations of colour over your back, increase the transmission of these rays. This raises the fire element in your body, burning through the veils of the illusions your energy has become attached to through the old morphogenetic field, and the rays they strengthen within you, begins the counteraction process, eliminating all connections to the old field. PAUSE Let us all now begin to sound the Aum mantra which will dismantle the vibrations of the old morphogenetic field and with the utilisation of crystal consciousness we shall begin the creation of the new.

All sounded the Aum mantra seven times.

Beloved ones, connect with the resonance of Light within your body, focusing on the intention of purity and utilise your power of creation to align with the new field of morphogenetic information. Utilising your power of creation, we will give you some time now to project into this field the intentions of Christ consciousness, golden consciousness awareness, and all of that which you feel inspired to place within this field. Please proceed. LONG PAUSE Those of you reading this channeling, take some time to contribute positive information to this morphogenetic feel in which ever way you wish.

The Sirian Masters of the Light make their way toward you. They begin to walk a spiral formation around you and the Archangels. As the spiral is created around you, your consciousness is drawn into a higher level of awareness, inner knowing, a connectedness to the Divine. PAUSE The Pleadian Masters of the Light begin to walk the spiral around you too. They walk around the Sirian Masters, who walk around the Archangels standing with you. The combination of the two spirals form a powerful frequency of energy. This vortex becomes a coning of protection, holding you within the consciousness you have programmed into the morphogenetic field. The information has been programmed into your cellular structure and the crystalline frequencies held within your skeletal system are now resonating to the frequencies you have created through your intention aligned with purity.

Beloved ones, each of you are a key aspect of this field. The spirals created by the Sirians and the Pleadians are also preparing the energy of higher frequency and uniting your consciousness with the quantum field of creation and manifestation. This creates a direct ray to the heart of 8th dimension and through to the heart of the 14th dimension. The ray leading to the heart of the 8th and 14th dimensions accelerates your initiation into the worlds of manifestation, through the complete acknowledgement of your gifts and your abilities as creators. You are being offered the opportunity to bypass many of the obstacles individuals have faced, and are facing as a result of the focus you have held in overcoming the ego’s attachment to fear. Overcoming the addictions to the old world has been a great challenge for Lightworkers, but the blessing, in other words the reward, for your dedication is an accelerated shift into the higher worlds of the quantum field and the creation and manifestation abilities. Beloved ones, the small print so to speak, is that you are fully responsible for the quality of energy you will manifest through the direct ray to the 8th and 14th dimension, therefore, if you choose to focus your consciousness on poverty consciousness, on problems and what you lack, you will manifest more of it abundantly. Tuning into the energy of abundance means taking responsibility for either creating an abundance of negativity or an abundance of positivity. That is entirely your responsibility, and you have the ability to respond to the consciousness before you, the blessings that spirit bestows upon you to embrace your Divine right to create heaven on earth or continue within the creation of hell on earth. I repeat, you have the power to choose whether you will manifest an abundance of negativity and limitation, or positivity and liberation. Your choice to be a part of this energy system today is also anchoring the energy within the crown chakra.

We the Masters of the Light have been working with a group in South Africa and now this group in England. We create the chakric system from the base, Johannesburg, South Africa and have created the crown point in England. This place Glastonbury is where we have manifested the eye of the crown. All of you here today will carry the eye of the crown within you and open the eye to the royalty within you, in other words the riches of the Divine that exist within you are there to be shared with all.

Beloved ones, the Great White Brotherhood have asked that I address each of you individually introducing you to the strand of energy you hold, linked to the morphogenetic field and the aligning of humanity’s consciousness to the quantum field, as well as the preparation of the DNA alteration programme activated for the mass consciousness. Please introduce yourself by name and I shall deliver the message to you.

May we begin with the person to my left.

Greetings Lord Kuthumi. My name is A****.
Greetings brother. As we stand with you in the presence with the Divine upon this day, Lord Maitreya stands before you and offers you a Red Crystal, signifying the energy of Anchoring. Your role of service to this field is the anchoring of life force on earth as it is in heaven. Is this clear?
Yes, thank you.

May we add at this point beloved ones, that if one does not anchor ones energy on earth as it is in heaven, it makes it extremely difficult to live within the earth plane. One must ground ones energy through all the chakras so as to manifest ones needs as met. Living in a state of ungroundedness means you cannot manifest physically what you need, resulting in a feeling of disconnectedness, separation, a feeling of being separate from self. Get back into your body and celebrate the joy of experiencing physical life. Thank you brother.

Please continue

Beloved Lord Kuthumi, my name is E*****
Greetings sister. Lord Maitreya stands before you and he offers you a beautiful Rubellite Crystal, also known as Pink Tourmaline. This crystal activates the heart chakra and presents to you the strand of energy embodying Unconditional Love. Understanding unconditional love is vital for it is in this journey you are being supported in understanding the power of unconditional love. Beginning with self-respect, creating boundaries that are consistent, honouring the personal journey, honouring the journey others have chosen even if their truth does not resonate with yours. Love them for who they are and let them be. It is vital individuals understand unconditional love has absolutely nothing to do with sacrificing ones truth and everything to do with honouring ones truth. Creating a space within which ones truth is honoured and commanding the respect of that space. If any individuals behaviour, thoughts and words offend ones sacred space, that is when one stands within ones truth, stating the truth and asking that it be respected. No-one is expected to put up with anything that does not resonate with their truth. Is this clear?

Yes, Beloved Lord Kuthumi.

Peace and blessings be with you sister.

Please continue.

Love and gratitude to you Kuthumi, I am S******.
Greetings sister. Lord Maitreya stands before you giving you a magnificent Selenite Wand representing Innocence, hence the inner sense ability to stand within the Divine space of all that is Light. You represent the Light of Innocence, thus the Light existing within ones inner sense ability. Trust what you feel and what you receive from the Light of all that is Divine. Is this clear?

Yes thank you.

Peace and Blessings be with you.

Please continue.

Ta failte romhat, (Greetings, in Irish) Lord Kuthumi, I am M******
Greetings Sister. Lord Maitreya stands before you, presenting you with a beautiful Aquamarine Crystal. The Aquamarine embodies the higher consciousness of the emotional body and the spirit body, and you hold the strand of Peace through emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence combined. The door is open to you to move forward and preach that which you have learnt. Preach is teaching in peace, so a preacher is a teacher who goes forth in the state of peace. Do you understand?

Yes I understand.
Peace and blessings be with you.
Go raibh mile mile maith agat, Lord Kuthumi (many, many thanks)

Please continue.

Greetings Lord Kuthumi, I am E*******
Greetings sister. Lord Maitreya stands before you presenting you with a magnificent Amethyst Crystal. This connects to your third eye chakra. You hold the strand of Integration of Truth. As the third eye opens to receive the integration of your truth, you become the leader of Light within the Divinity of the space you occupy. There is only one way to lead and that is through example. Never be afraid to reveal your truth. The message Lord Maitreya wishes to give to you, and to all others within this group, is to not be afraid. You were born to be different. Do not sacrifice your truth by trying to fit in to a space that does not have room for you. Is this clear?

Yes thank you Lord Kuthumi.

Peace and blessings be with you.

Please continue.

Greetings Lord Kuthumi, I am D******l.
Greetings Brother Daniel. Lord Maitreya stands before you. He presents to you a Crystal Ball and with this comes the Light of the Archangel Metatron. It is through the strand Illumination that the hearts and minds of the sleeping ones shall be activated. The sound of Light is what opens the crown chakra, the pituitary and pineal glands to the consciousness of the Divine. As the Light comes into your body through these chakras, through these glands, so you too shall experience the Divinity of the sound of Light. Is this clear?

It is Lord Kuthumi, thank you.

You are welcome. Peace and blessings be with you

Please continue.

Hello Lord Kuthumi, my name is R******
Greetings Brother. Lord Maitreya stands before you. He presents to you a magnificent Ruby Crystal. Anchoring Trust is part of your journey. Trusting the Self, trusting the Divine, trusting the inner feminine and the inner masculine, and expressing the Light of the child, the purity and innocence of the child is part of your role of service. Grounding yourself on earth as you are in heaven is vital, and your energy and that of brother A***** are mirrored. You will hold the crown chakra aspect of it and brother A***** will hold the base chakra aspect of it. In other words, you will hold two ends of the rod of Light respectively. Do you understand?

Yes Master Kuthumi.

Peace and blessings be with you.

Please continue.

Hello, my name is A*****.
Greetings sister. Lord Maitreya stands before you presenting you with a magnificent Citrine Crystal. This he holds in front of your solar plexus chakra. It increases the vibrations of energy so as to show you the Divine Will Power within you. The power to will your way. To understand that where there is a will there is always a Divine way. Empowering the Divine through the will of the soul is what sets the human mind free. Do you understand?

I do thank you.

Peace and blessings be with you.

Please continue.

Greetings and gratitude Lord Kuthumi, my name is V******.

Greetings sister. Lord Maitreya stands before you, giving you a Celestite Egg. Within this egg is the seed of life, filled with great potential. What you have the opportunity to bring and to present is Independence, manifesting the trust of the Inner Divine, manifest in the external world. This is the turning point for you where you re-claim your power and move forward knowing that you are always Divinely protected and guided. Seek not the power of the life force in the world outside of you. Turn your eyes within and see that God is present within you. That the world you live within has been created that which you have intended. This is the opportunity for you to utilise the quantum energy, to change what you see as being a heaviness into a lightness. It is the power of initiation that you are experiencing. Do you understand?

Yes thank you.

Peace and blessings be with you.

Please continue.

Greetings Lord Kuthumi, my name is C******
Greetings beloved sister. Lord Maitreya stands before you with a great big Labradorite Crystal filled with beautiful colours as the light catches it, blues, greens and violet creates a whirlwind of magnificent energy around you, and it is through the Vision of Sound that you are to journey to awaken the hearts, the minds, and to stir to life the soul within the sleeping ones. Labradorite is the strengthener of the inner field of telepathic communication and it is through the language of sound that many will awaken to the Divine truth. Is this clear?

Yes thank you.

You are welcome. Peace and blessings be with you.

Please continue.

Welcome Lord Kuthumi, I am R*******.
Greetings sister. Lord Maitreya stands before you and presents you with a magnificent Emerald Gem. Within the heart of this Emerald is a dimension to the mystery school of Lord Hilarion and a World of Manifestation. Part of your journey and work of service is to awaken the world of manifestation within those who seek to free themselves from the constraints of poverty consciousness. We speak not only of the absence of material comforts, we speak of the absence of love, those who believe they are not worthy of friendship, support, recognition, acknowledgement. Poverty consciousness embodies a world of attitudes. Your journey entails shifting to the attitude of gratitude and maintaining it. Is this clear?

Thank you very much.
You are welcome. Peace and blessings be with you.

Please continue.

Greetings, my name is M******.
Greetings sister. Lord Maitreya presents you with a Lapis Lazuli Wand embodying the frequencies of gold and blue. You are taken back in time, standing before Tutankamen receiving frequencies of sound activating the throat and sacral chakras. It is through the Voice of Truth the Goddess emerges. Her receptivity, her nurturing and creativity abilities are what births the true consciousness of the Divine Goddess. All of that which you have mastered through the times of Egypt are birthed through your sacral and your throat chakra. It is these gifts you share with the Goddesses of the world. Is this clear?

Yes thank you.

You are welcome. Peace and blessings be with you.

Please continue.

Welcome in love and gratitude Lord Kuthumi.
Greetings beloved sister. Lord Maitreya stands before you. He presents you with a Quartz Crystal Wand, however, this Quartz Crystal is placed within the centre of this room. Within it is a crystal daisy, anchoring the daisy consciousness within the heart of Glastonbury. Beloved sister, you are the Activator of the Gateway to Courage, Illumination and Angelic Consciousness. This is one of the reasons why the Angels and Lord Merlin have brought you to this place. The Great White Brotherood have asked for the 12 new portals of the Lions Gate, embodying the Christ Consciousness, be activated through the purity of Angelic consciousness, and this place where we are today holds one of the portals of the 12 new Lions Gates. Lord Maitreya asks if you are willing to open this dimension to others to receive the blessings of courage, of illumination and the healing of the Angelic breath. The blessing of Angelic consciousness and the experiencing of the transmutative energies of the Lions roar. Is this clear to you?

Yes it is and yes I do, in love and gratitude.

So it is then. So it shall be. It is done. Peace and blessings be with you sister.

Please continue.

Blessings Lord Kuthumi, my name is R****.
Greetings brother. Lord Maitreya stands before you giving you an Indicolite Crystal, this is Blue Tourmaline. This very rare gem is placed within the area of your thymus and throat chakra, stirring within you the realisation of the rare qualities of Light, of love and truth resident within you. Part of your journey is to Assist others in recognising their rare qualities, an aspect that makes one unique, activating the sound of Divinity creating the collective melody of the universe. Open your heart to your uniqueness, see yourself through the eyes of God and acknowledge why it is you are loved so deeply by spirit. Is this clear?

Thank you, yes.

You are welcome, and peace and blessings be with you.

Beloved ones, the energies we have shared with you have created a magnificent blanket of Light. We enfold all of you with this blanket, and these are the energies that maintain the morphogenetic field currently in creation. For the next 24 hours your guides will continue to work with you. Your consciousness will continue to feed the field with information, therefore, be impeccable in your word, impeccable in your thoughts and your actions. This energy is being extended around the world. Your power is phenomenal – embrace it.

Beloved ones, please place your palm chakra of your right hand over your heart chakra. Feel the hand of Archangel Uriel upon the hand of yours over your heart. PAUSE Place the palm of your left hand above your right hand and that of Archangel Uriel. Feel the hand of Archangel Gabriel upon your left hand. Breathe in deeply, exhaling fully, and let us begin to intend for the consciousness held with every strand of DNA, stirring in alignment with Divinity consciousness. As we take this activation to its next level, moving all of you into the consciousness of 15th dimension, we activate the DNA alteration programme for humanity. Your DNA is your Divine Nature Active. In your heart intend for your Divine nature to awaken fully, manifesting full activation, full anchoring and complete actualisation. This is in preparation for the mighty ascension wave that shall come to your planet in the month of December 2008. Upon the 21st December 2008 we ask for all leaders of the Light to gather together to hold the intention that all souls in physical incarnation connect with their Divine nature and activate it. It is upon that day, the 21st December 2008, that 1.4 million Lightworkers will receive their Ascended Master status and be responsible for moving through the higher dimensions, experiencing multi-dimensional consciousness consciously, be assigned to specific programmes of Light, to carry the sleeping brothers and sisters into full Divine Nature Activation. You have the opportunity now to decide if you wish to be a part of this programme. If it is your wish and your will to work with the Great White Brotherhood, the company of heaven, the Angels, the Archangels, and all of those beings who embody Light, then please give your answer to Maitreya now.


So it is, it is done. Beloved ones, turn your palm chakras to the heavens now. Feel the wings of Gabriel and Uriel. Feel the wings of Michael and Ariel. Their wings now begin to vibrate. The energy they emanate create an Angelic magnetic presence around you. As your palm chakras open to receive this Angelic presence, a field of Arch-Angelic protection is placed around you. This field will be maintained for the next 180 days. It is through this time that Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Ariel will prepare your body for that which you shall come into and that which you shall transmit.

Beloved ones, be open to receiving so you can give. Know the universe is abundant, unconditional, and responds to your every request. Therefore, be impeccable with your word, your thought and your deed.

Take the opportunity now to present to the great Masters of the Light, the Angels, the Archangels, and all the Divine Beings of your energy with a request or questions and trust that all answers will come. Guidance will manifest and what must be, will be done. Please proceed now.

Question: When there’s ringing in the ears, is this a sign or is this …, how can this be helped, for myself and for other people?

Lord Kuthumi: Beloved sister, this sound is the development of the clairaudient abilities that many are now tuning into. The veils between the worlds are thinning and many are hearing the sound of the worlds beyond the 3rd dimensional world of material creation. It will take some time for individuals to become accustomed to the sound. Breathe into it. If it becomes too unbearable simply ask the Angels of the healing world to help attune the body to the frequency. It is nothing to be concerned about medically, it is simply tuning in to the higher frequencies of the higher dimensions. Is this clear?

Yes thank you.

You are welcome.

Q: Lord Kuthumi, I have a question. Since attending a workshop in April I feel a part of my soul has left. My son noticed the difference in me immediately on returning home, he said “you’re different.” And since that time I feel very different, I feel a part of me is dying. I don’t know if something was triggered in that workshop or if part of me was taken. I’d like your advice please.

LK: Beloved sister, the time has come for you to reclaim the power of your Light. It is important that you stand before Lord Merlin in a sacred place, with your presence before his, you are to command your power back into your body. We will assist you in retrieving the aspect of your soul. You are, however, to journey to a sacred place where you will not be disturbed, where your energy feels safe and protected. Lord Merlin will assist you in reclaiming those aspects of self that have become fragmented as a result of certain traumas you have been exposed to over a last while. This is the opportunity for you to understand the power of energy, for you to focus on the power of intention. Lord Merlin will guide you and will ensure that all is well. Is this clear?

Yes thank you.

You are welcome. Peace and blessings be with you.

Q: Lord Kuthumi, I’ve got a question. A couple of days ago, I came to a really enlightening situation whereby I went back to my childhood. And after looking at all the things that I’ve been through, emotional trauma, physical abuse and so forth, I came to realise that this is all a process that we have to go through to come to some understanding, and then that we have chosen this life. And I began writing a book on purposeful living to share my experience with others, and I’m just wondering if I’m going to have any help from cosmic forces with that. Plus my intention of starting my own business.

LK: It will be done in accordance with the Divine plan of your soul. This you must trust. The intention behind your purpose is what drives the force of energy, resulting in the creation and then the manifestation of a tangible force of a constructive or destructive nature. The power is within you to anchor this project on earth as it is in heaven. Do you understand?

Yes thank you.

Trust, it will be done. Peace and blessings be with you.

Q: Lord Kuthumi, several years ago, the website came into being as a mouthpiece for the Great White Brotherhood. Quite recently there’s been a lull. I trust that this will be used to its full effect for the benefit of humankind. Can you please comment? Thank you.

LK: Certainly. Beloved brother, the lull has been as a result of a time of integration you have had to undergo. All has been in preparation leading up to this day where you have opened yourself to receive higher quotients of the energy of the Great White Brotherhood so as to raise the vibration of every thing expressing a part of you to the next level. Your website will embody the frequencies of 9th to 15th Dimension. All needs to be in Divine order for these energies to emanate in Divine accordance with all that exists within the Light. Therefore, trust that as a result of what you have chosen to experience today, the energies will shift, are, in fact, already shifting. Be patient, it will not be much longer and you will have an abundance of flow to the website, for it is a vital medium of transmission of the words of Light and the energy of Light of the Great White Brotherhood. Is this clear?

Yes, thank you.

You are welcome. Peace and blessings be with you.

Q: Lord Kuthumi, there’s been a war in the Lebanon recently, and I’ve noticed aspects of the same thing in life in England. There are a lot of arrows flying around and I’ve heard of a lot of other arrows and different things, and I was wondering, the aspect of cleansing that this is doing, I haven’t quite got to grips with the bottom of where it’s come from. Can I have some assistance in understanding this?

LK: Beloved one, everything you see and everyone else sees happening in the external world, is a direct result of what is going on in the internal world of every person on earth. The battle between the ego and the soul, so to speak, is being played out. You know that war is an acronym standing for We Are Right, yes?

Ha, ha, no.

Well now you know. And everybody says ‘we are right,’ ‘no, we are right, I promise you we are right and we’ll show you we are right.’ And what happens? War breaks out. The war between love motivation and fear motivation is at its peak right now. Everyone is being faced with this opportunity on some level or another. The choice between being motivated by fear or the choice to be motivated by love. Relinquishing the ego’s control to the soul is the greatest challenge for humanity, for humanity is so accustomed to living in a state of survival, fighting, battling, struggling, fighting the demons of the past, struggling with the inner demons of the present and the past, battling to make ends meet, fighting with the mind, struggling to understand the Self. These are words all of you use daily, hence my earlier comment – be impeccable in your word, your thought and your deed, for what you affirm is what goes into the ethers creating the morphogenetic fields, bearing in mind the information never loses it’s intensity.

So what is the world creating? The arrows, as you call them, is the ego’s inability to take responsibility for its part in the so-called war. No-one willing to look at the Self, to go within, to acknowledge the individual contribution to that which is in a state of imbalance. Taking responsibility is yet another very difficult aspect of humanities initiation into true self-awareness and Divinity consciousness. Projecting blame is a clear indication of the fear of taking responsibility. Which is why we encourage all Lightworkers to look to the Self, for in looking to the Self, healing the Self, dealing with what is out of balance within, one is able to change what is out of balance without. Saving the world begins with You, and you, and you, and you. And every one person making the effort to change what is on the inside, changes the world. Many people want to save the world, heal the world, change the world, stop the wars, stop the abuse. End the battle within, stop abusing yourselves with harsh words, unrealistic expectations, running yourselves down, not believing you are worthy of the prosperity, victory, unconditional and Divine love consciousness of the universe. Every change begins with the Self. That is why I say there is only one way to lead in your world, and in any world, and that is by example. Does that answer your question brother?

Yes, thank you, it’s given a bigger… much, you know, look within. I did wonder whether there were any specific planetary influences that were working their way out, and I realise that Pluto’s traversing Sagittarius and I haven’t looked at the astrology. I was wondering if there was any karma that is maybe taking in Orion, that’s been released at this time?

Yes there is most certainly. Bearing in mind the frequencies of energy present on the earth at this time accelerating and amplifying the energies astrologically, numerologically and on many other planes. Do you understand?


Very well.

Q: Lord Kuthumi, could I ask you, who are my spirit parents and how I may work more closely with them?

LK: Certainly. One moment please. Your spirit father is Lord Maitreya and your spirit mother Lady Nada. A way to work with them on a closer level is simply by calling them forth, acknowledging their presence and asking for guidance. Guidance comes in the form of thoughts impressed on the mind, an inspiration to, perhaps read a book, to go somewhere, to look at an aspect of Self. Trust that what comes will serve you and like you think of a loved one, do the same with your spirit parents and it will strengthen your connection to them. Is this clear?

Yes, thank you very much

You are most welcome.

Beloved ones, we need to now recalibrate the energies so we can complete the anchoring of the energies. Please connect your energies together by feeling the presence of all the beings still present within the crystal temple. PAUSE If there is any intentions you wish to put forth to the presence of the Grand Masters, do this now in the presence of your heart. PAUSE Take a deep breath in through your nose, exhaling through your mouth as all the energies recalibrate along your spinal column. PAUSE Feel the golden energy of Lord Ra pulsating from your crown to your base. PAUSE Feel the energies still created by the Sirians and the Pleadians walking the spiral around you. PAUSE They now take their place around you and the vortex is complete. PAUSE

In your mind, please repeat the words after me: “Divine company of heaven, I, and repeat your name, acknowledge the power and Light present within my being. I choose to give of this Light to serve in the name of all that is Light and open to receive all of that which is in Light. I acknowledge I AM a servant of the Light. I AM a Divine messenger of Mother-Father God. I AM a vessel of love. I AM a representative of the truth that resonates through the heart of all humanity.

Take a deep breath in, exhaling through your mouth as the energies move into another octave of Divine expression. PAUSE. Continue to breathe.

Lord Maitreya stands before you once more. He holds both his hands up so the hand chakra is in direct alignment with your heart chakra, and he emits brilliant white Light into your heart, opening all the dimensions of your heart, the 12 rays of your heart. This energy extends into your thymus, into your throat, your solar plexus, your sacral and your third eye, your crown and your base chakra. And down your arms and down your legs. Your body is filled with the vibration of this pure white Light. PAUSE

Lord Maitreya now steps closer to you. He places the palm of his right hand over your heart chakra and a Divine symbol manifests upon the skin of your heart chakra. This symbol is integrated into your heart, symbolising the initiation you have taken and the activation you have participated in. And all of those in the world of Light acknowledge you as an anchor of the Divinity of love that exists within all that is Light.

Beloved ones, the time has come now to give thanks to all the Beings of the Light who have been present with you today, Lord Ra, Lord Maitreya, Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Ariel. Feel the energies around you ensuring that for the next 180 days the energies will be maintained perfectly, harmoniously, gracefully, Divinely and magically. PAUSE Give thanks to the Sirians and the Pleadians for creating the new vortex around you. PAUSE Give thanks for the conscious knowledge of what it is that you are holding in service to that which has been created today. PAUSE Thank your personal guides, guardians, Angels and Masters. PAUSE And give thanks to yourself for choosing this experience. PAUSE

Beloved ones, we give thanks to you, for choosing this experience, for coming forward as Divine beacons of Light, in service to humanity. You are the arms, the eyes, the heart and the voice of spirit. You are the connection between heaven and earth. Trust in the many invisible arms that hold you, comfort you and carry you, and the many invisible hearts that love you unconditionally and very deeply. We come forth and bless you with all you need in the form of courage, insight, will, power, trust and any other quality you need to see your journey through to completion. Know that we are with you always in all ways. May the Light of Mother-Father God shine brightly upon the pathway before you, ensuring every step you take is a steady one. The wings of the Angels are wrapped around you keeping you warm and keeping you safe. Thank you brave souls. Continue, love, give and receive.

I am Kuthumi, Cohan of the golden ray of love and wisdom and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.


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You Are The Chosen One With Special Powers & Abilities!

Posted on October 14, 2007. Filed under: Hundredth Monkey, New Age, Paradigm Shift |

Actually the fact is we are all the chosen ones. Every last person on earth is. Even the ones who don’t act nice.

You see this time around it isn’t one chosen one saving the world. This time it is has been a massive group effort to improve the lot of all. It has been up to each and every one of us whether we go that way or take a different path such as Bad Example Highway (which sometimes joins with or Moat In Another’s Eye Lane for a bit).

So my fellow terranauts the mission, if we choose to accept, is not impossible. In fact it is inevitable at this point. The only difference we can make is how smooth can we make the transition to the new age.

You see so many times I read about what magnificent powerful and amazing we all are. We can manifest everything we desire. And so on and so forth. But then some put limits on this saying there still will be trials and tribulations, earth changes and physical destruction. After reading things like that for years I finally went ?!?!?!? and wondered if I and everyone else is so darned powerful why do we still have to experience that? Maybe expectation of destruction as the only path to change is one more thing to release. Then I found this channeling though Celia Fenn which gave me hope I wasn’t nuts to feel this way after all. I know how badly habits are hard to break and here is one many millennia old. And so I keep a space open in my heart and my mind to let this future reality come to gentle fruition. I try to let the old drop away like the autumn leaves, no longer needed, drift with ease from the trees knowing that in the spring a new vigorous set will burst forth bigger and stronger than before.

Diamond Heart

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A Few Suggestions On How To Cope With Incoming Energies

Posted on October 8, 2007. Filed under: Energy Transmission, Grounding, Healing, Hundredth Monkey, New Age, Paradigm Shift, Psychic Hygiene, Shielding |

1 Water – drink as much as you comfortably can without adding anything more than a bit of fruit juice. Artificial flavorings and fake sugars are especially no-nos. If you can’t stop using such limit it as much as possible.

2 Move – walk, dance, exercise in any way you enjoy. If all else fails walk laps around your living room or shut the curtains, turn on some good music and dance like a little kid who doesn’t care that it’s moves are not correct or that someone might think it silly. Dance bad On PURPOSE!!! Do not over do though! This isn’t about pushing yourself to the limit. it is about good health!

3 Eat Good Food – eat the best diet you can afford. avoid chemicals as much as possible. eat reasonable amounts of protein. avoid junk food or at least limit it as much as possible. It isn’t healthy to over or under eat. And it still isn’t healthy to eat a whole bag of chips just because it is organic ;-p

4 Practice Energy Work – If you already do Reiki, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Yoga, meditation or similar practice good! keep it up and if you feel the call take it to the next level of practice. If not find one that suits you and start doing it regularly.

5 Psychic Hygeine – practice grounding and shielding regularly. Shield yourself, your home, and vehicle to filter out negativity letting only the tiniest bit to let you know if there is ever anyone or anything you should be avoiding. Clear your own energy and home. Use smudge, music, Reiki (a few CKR can work wonders), ask guides for help. Don’t forget the land below your home and any public areas near by which are fair game for clearing without permission.

6 Work With Your Guides & Allies – Remember you don’t need to sense or hear them to get their help! Keep talking asking them for help. I always ask when I think they might be able to assist saying something like ‘please help with this situation if you can and if not thanks for listening!’. Eventually you will learn a method that suits you for communication whether it is via a pendulum, gentle impressions on your mind you previously dismissed, automatic writing or something else.

7 Self-Attunements – ask your guides and any other beings of divine light and divine love who have your highest good as their intention to infuse you with whatever energies serve your highest good at this time including anything that will help you adjust to all the energy changes. If you have a particular request for help say “if possible I wish to heal this problem or release this issue’. Currently I feel most people are and will continue to have more trouble adjusting to the energy changes instead of violent weather and earthquakes.

And I suspect that the more of us become properly acclimated to the more powerful energy frequencies the less effect it will have on the physical plane. Think of it this way – if one gets one’s back adjusted by a chiropractor or an osteopathic doctor there is more crunching involved the futher out of wack one’s physical form is in. Yet if one’s vertebrae move back in before the treatment means less crunching. I am doing my best to get my vertbrae into proper position so when the Great Earth Adjustment occus it will only be a gentle little adjustment 🙂

oh one more thing – dry brushing before bath or shower is wonderful. Just rub down as vigorously or as gently as you like with a bath brush before getting in. Also salt rubs are nice. Again rub down as vigorously or gently as you wish but with epsom salts. If you channel Reiki send yourself it as you do it.

Diamond Heart

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StarchildGlobal Ascension Shock & The Deep Healing of the Human Heart

Posted on September 8, 2007. Filed under: 2012, Angels, Animal Healing, Archangel Michael, Ascension / Descension, Attachments, Celia Fenn, Chakra, Channeling, Cleansing Techniques, Co-Creation, Energy Cleansing, Energy Healing, Grounding, Healing, Hundredth Monkey, Laying on of Hands, New Age, Paradigm Shift, Spirit Guides & Allies, Thoughtforms, Transmute, Visualization |

This is not a recent channel yet I found it of importance at this time. It covers several questions I had and confirms some things my guides have been transmitting to me. I hope you find it as useful as I have.

I am not Celia Fenn. I am just someone who finds her writing and her channellings that she shares extremely helpful.

Diamond Heart


Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn


This article or channel was originally given as an individual channel for a client. Archangel Michael asked me to publish it as an article, with the client’s permission. He felt that the information given here is important for all humans who are going through the “completion” phase of the Ascension process right now.

The client originally asked two questions that were interrelated for her. The first was about the deep depression she was feeling, and about why she felt that she did not want to be here on the planet any more. I have been receiving an increased amount of mails from people saying much the same thing. Where, they ask, is the Joy and the Fun?

Then she asked about a soulmate relationship that had seemingly been brought to her almost as an answer to her prayers, but that had caused the collapse of her present partnership and had not brought anything else in the way of joy and love at this time. She felt confused and a little cynical and disillusioned about this as well.

This was the answer from Archangel Michael:

Dearest One, after the 11:11 stargate in November of 2005, the energy on the planet began to increase in Radiance and Intensity, allowing the first wave of Ascension candidates to break through to the Ninth Dimension of Consciousness. At this level, you take on “Global Stewardship and Mastery”. You are really in the graduating class of the Ascension process!

But, the irony with this phase of the Ascension process, is that you are required to be absolutely GROUNDED and connected to the Earth, otherwise you will spin off into illusions and delusions. So the “Ascension” becomes a “Descension” into your body. And this is a full “descension”, you have to incarnate fully and completly in order to carry the high vibrational energy of expanded consciousness.

Now, as you fully incarnate, maybe for the first time in your life, you may experience two important reactions. Firstly, your body comes under a great deal of physical stress, including depression, and secondly, you begin to see that much of what you have believed and accepted has been illusion. But these steps are a necessary part of the process.

Firstly, the Depression that you feel. Depression is a Base Chakra issue. It is caused by blockages in the base chakra that do not allow enough of the vital life force to reach the physical vehicle. So the person becomes tired and disillusioned and cannot see a way forward. The base chakra also carries the memories and impressions of your childhood years.

Initially, as you incarnate fully, the base chakra begins to clear, and you feel very tired and irritable, since the energy levels in the base chakra are being gradually raised and increased in the grounding process. There may also be anxiety episodes and insomnia, as the increased energy stresses the body. But know that the body will find its balance, the body is designed to stay in balance.

Now, know that there have been repressions and blocks that have been in place for many many years, that involve deep feelings and childhood memories, but the body will heal and find the balance once it is allowed to release these FEELINGS and replace them with new feelings. For the key here is FEELINGS.

As the base chakra clears, you are put in touch with all the feelings and reasons that initially made you close off and create blocks and repressions that you may have successfully carried all your life. But, now you connect with your Inner Child on a very deep level. You start to feel isolated, vulnerable and frightened. You become very aware of pain and suffering, and you don’t understand why you chose to come here.

In short, you are connecting with the deep hidden FEELINGS of your Inner Child. As the Heart opens in the process of Ascension, you begin to connect with the deep memories of the Heart that lie beneath the rational mind and that often motivate much of your subconscious behavior.

The heart is wounded by the experiences of childhood. You were unable to express your love, you felt isolated and cut off from Spirit, and you did not want to be here. These are the deep memories of the Heart. These are the deep memories that you are clearing away and healing. You are healing the deep wounds of your childhood heart.

And so, you are being given this time to really connect deeply with your heart and to FEEL what needs to be felt, in order to heal and release.

The healing will not come from telling yourself that everything is fine. People told that to you all your life. You need to FEEL that on a very deep level. To feel within your Heart and Soul that all is indeed well, that being on the planet was a good choice, and that you are here for a reason. And above
all that you are SAFE.

Now, it may seem very different to you, for when you look around you see war and suffering and pain. But know, that these are choices that are being made, and you do not have to be part of these choices, you can make another choice. And know too, that if those who chose violence understood that their choices come from a deep fear lodged in their heart’s in their early years, they might choose differently as well. In fact, they may well do so, as now is the time of the deep healing of the Human Heart.

So, understand, dearest souls, that you are now truly feeling, rather than thinking. And you are learning to listen to what your body feels, and to learn to align those feelings with the impulses from your Higher Self and Soul.

Know that the loneliness and the isolation are illusions from childhood, as your soul leaves the radiance of the soul family and takes on material form. Matter feels dense and dark, and the soul feels panic and loneliness and abandonment as it struggles in this new place. And so all the “mythologies” of “dark” and “light” and struggle are born. It is time to release them and understand that they are no more than childhood stories that you made up to explain why you felt so lonely and alienated and lost. You are no longer children. You are empowered beings of light and you live in the Radiance of Divine Love.

It is time to begin to see and perceive and feel the “Oneness” and the Unity and the Love between the souls who are the Human Family.

So, dearest soul, as you deal with these deep feelings of depression and shock, know they are illusions. You are always loved and you are always connected to the Source and to the Light and Love. You can never be alone because you are part of the Great Heart of the One!

And so it is, that this feeling of being alone and lost is a FEELING. It is a genuine soul feeling from your past, and many past lives, that needs to be addressed and dealt with. And you can do this by gently telling that Inner Child that it can release those feelings and see them as illusions. Allow yourself to see and FEEL the light that warms you and holds you and know that it is indeed safe to be here.

And that you chose to be here for a reason, and that as you grow and heal in your heart, that reason will become ever clearer to you.

And that reason will be Joy and Love and Growth! You will see the adventure of life as it is meant to be!

As for the Soulmate issue, well we can tell you that as your soul clears away old issues and your heart becomes “clearer”, you begin to connect with people on the Heart level and the soul level. That is because you can now “see” with your heart or with your feelings. But, often this gift is in advance of the deep healing that needs to occur in other aspects of your being. And so it is that you may attract a soulmate before you are fully ready to manifest the relationship. You see the soul is ready, but the physical reality is not yet. Spirit is always ahead of physical reality. This is part of
the necessary alignment between soul and body that constitutes “grounding”. The soul must wait and work with the body.

So, you may be like a little child, wanting to grab the candies before they disappear. In effect the soul is learning to work with the heart and the feelings and the body, and to let you know that you must wait until all is in place before manifestation can take place.

This is the law of “Divine Timing”. The soul may show you a perfect soulmate because you are now sensitive enough to perceive the voice of your soul right now, but you still need to wait until material conditions allow the manifestation of that relationship ,which exists in the spiritual, to be grounded into
the physical. This happens in Divine Timing and not in your timing.

And so it is, that you are right that you need to wait. Be accepting, but wait and get on with your life. Your Higher Self and Soul will guide you to the
manifestation of that relationship when the time is right.

In the meantime, accept that you are in transition, and that things are changing rapidly in your life. Maybe these changes are too rapid, and you are feeling a little shock. At times like these, you need to really call on Spirit for help and guidance and support. It will be given. For what is happening here is merely an alignment between soul and body. If the soul is more powerful than the body, then there will be a period of adjustment as they calibrate to the speed of the other.

And feelings of shock, anxiety and not wanting to be here are part of the deep stress of this new alignment between Higher and Lower

But, at the end of this process, you will have a fully healed and opened heart, and your Higher and Lower aspects will be fully aligned.

And then you will be ready to manifest and create and experience the deep joy of the physical plane on the New Earth.

As for your spiritual work, know that the most important work you can do now is connect with your inner turmoil and find peace. This will complete your Ascension, for you are in the final phases, the grounding phases of the work. For the goal of Ascension is to bring heaven to earth, and not for you to leave the earth.

So, as you align with Spirit you will find peace and joy. You will release the depression and you will become a fully integrated human angel.

It is indeed a great privilege and an honor to be among the first wave to experience the completion of the Ascension process, as you finally heal your Heart and come into complete physical balance.

Be kind to yourself, nurture yourself, spend time in peacefulness and tranquility. But above all, know that you are deeply loved and supported as you do this important transitional work.

© 2006-7 Celia Fenn

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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Send Reiki To Your Highest Future Self & Future Earth: A Reiki Healing Experiment

Posted on September 8, 2007. Filed under: 2012, Co-Creation, Energy Healing, Guided Meditation, Healing, Hundredth Monkey, New Age, Paradigm Shift, Reiki, Reiki Healing Experiments, Reiki Healing Project, Spirit Guides & Allies, Thoughtforms, Transmute |

These experiments are inspired by the guided meditation I posted yesterday by Amorah Quan Yin. While the intention is for the same end result please don’t let that stop you from using both techniques 🙂

Send Reiki To Your Highest Possible Future Self



Invite your spirit guides & allies to support and assist

Ask for Reiki and whatever divine energies that serve your highest good at this time and for this process be transmitted to you now.

First treat yourself with Reiki intending to transmute or wash away anything that inhibits or blocks your reaching the highest point of soul evolution in this incarnation. Do your normal self treatment process while holding this intention or simply place your hands over your head sending Reiki down though your crown chakra flushing every level and aspect of your being with energy down out through your feet and roots, into the earth. If you are uncomfortable or unable to hold this position put your hands where they are comfortable and send Reiki that way, just use the visualization to flush the energy from your crown down out through the feet. When the energy is running clear to your mind’s eye or you otherwise sense it is enough stop.

Next send Reiki, using Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or intention, to your highest possible future self. This will help you make contact on the energy levels. Once you have connected visualize this future you sitting facing you. Take your future self’s hands telling it that you wish to blend with it. If you like follow the script of Amorah Quan Yin’s meditation here to connect your chakras one by one. alternatively draw in the energy from your future self through your joined hands as if you were sipping a think shake though a straw. Do this until your entire body is filled with as much energy as it is comfortable with at this time. Thank your future self as well as your guides, check your grounding, drink some water and eat a small snack with protein like nuts if you have the urge to eat especially if you crave sweets. Eating especially protein helps you ground. Strong work like this is often best done before sleep so that you have a full night to integrate and adjust to the changes.

Send Reiki To The Highest Possible Future Earth



Invite your spirit guides and any other beings of the light who wish to support and assist

Cup your hands in your lap imagining that you hold the precious jewel that is the best possible future Earth of 2012 floating there between in your hands. Use Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or intention to connect with it. Open your heart and send it your love as well as Reiki. In this Earth all earth changes took place gradually with plenty of warning so those in few areas that would change too drastically for habitation for a time had plenty of time to move and those people received the help they needed to find new homes and good jobs. In this Earth all the people took back their personal power and worked with each other for peaceful political solutions to violence around the world. People occasionally scratch their heads wondering why they used to get caught up in the old traps of fear about earth changes and the like. Isn’t it nice it turned out to be a whole lot of fuss about nothing they say. Isn’t it fascinating how instead of massive earthquakes we just had lots of tiny barely noticeable tremors in the earthquake zones. And Wow isn’t it still mind bogglingly wonderful that everyone got together and manifested a cure for global climate change! And so on and so forth.

Add to the above visualization as you like. For every worry that arises create a gentle alternative, send Reiki to empower that image, then treat yourself for that worry until it is totaly healed. If worries or out and out fear rears up at any time about these changes self-treat and make a general offering to all beings who are willing to release those fears as well.

Now this isn’t a substitute for physical action to bring about positive changes. You still need to vote and take political and personal actions to create the kind of world you want to live in. Exercises like these are the spiritual half of the equation that will = Peace Global Transition To The Age Of Aquarius.

Let us all work to manifest the best possible future by every positive means possible!

Disconnect from the dominant paradigm and dissolve those thoughtforms that say the only way for massive global changes to occur is though violence, pain and suffering.

Sever all karmic contracts and agreements that require you to submit to authority even when it does great harm.

Accept that we are all The Chosen One. It is up to us whether we take this assignment of Co-Creation or go back to the old job for another round of trials and turmoil.

The Creator God/dess in Me Salutes the Creator God/dess in You


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You must save yourself before you can save others

Posted on September 8, 2007. Filed under: Attunement, Healing, Hundredth Monkey, Laying on of Hands, Psychic Healing, Reiki |

Self-healing is not an indulgent luxury. If you neglect your own needs how can you do your best when assisting others? Remember that in airline emergencies people are told to first put oxygen masks on themselves before helping others because if they fall unconscious before finishing helping the other person neither of them will be saved.

Also consider the hundredth monkey type theories that a certain number of people must be at a certain level for the entire collective to rise. Every bit you heal yourself is one more one more drop of healing in the ocean so many have worked hard to create.

The world needs as many healers as possible so take care of yourself. Short on time and money? Sign up at one of the free Reiki attunement teaching sites and treat yourself every chance you get. Reiki yourself with one hand at stop lights or both when you are a passenger in a car. Simply place your hand on your thigh and let it flow – no one will ever know you are healing yourself. Reiki will flow where it is needed. Reiki whatever problem areas are in reach when you are utilizing the facilities in the throne room or again simply lay your hands on your thighs to let it flow where needed. Set the intention before going to sleep that you will from now automatically transmit Reiki to yourself (and any others who wish to receive it, if you like) when needed as you sleep.

Heal the world one piece at a time starting with yourself.


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Celia Fenn Energies for September 2007 Endings & Beginnings & Your Responsiblities in the New Energy

Posted on September 2, 2007. Filed under: Abundance, Archangel Michael, Ascension / Descension, Celia Fenn, Channeling, Co-Creation, Collective Unconscious, Empathy, Healing, Hundredth Monkey, New Age, Paradigm Shift, Permission, Thoughtforms, Twin Flame |


The Energies for September 2007

Endings and Beginnings and Your Responsibilities in the New Energy

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

New World” by Gaby Van den Abeele of the Netherlands

Dearest Lightworkers, after the powerful energies that entered the planet in August, September will allow you the opportunity to integrate and assimilate and gain your bearings once again. There are powerful moments in September that will assist you to feel how you are moving into the New Earth energies.

The first significant moment is the 9-9-9 harmonic or energy on the 9th of September, with echoes on the 18th and the 27th of September, just after Full Moon. At these times, you will be made aware of the Completion or Ending of the Transitional Cycle that began in 1998, and the commencement of the first New Earth cycle. We have said before that this new cycle only really begins on the 1-1-1 harmonic, on the 1st of January 2008, and until then you can expect a period of relative instability and rapid change. Your Higher Self or I AM presence will be moving out all the “old” energies and aligning you with new directions and new opportunities.

Dearest Lightworkers, this is a time of choice and growth. Do not resist – let go of what needs to leave and be open to the new. If, in this period, you experience a feeling of not moving and being “stuck”, then allow that and know that you are at the zero point of a new creation or manifestation. Be patient, and know that what is needed will manifest when the time is right. If, on the other hand, you find things are moving too fast, stay calm and centered and know that rapid changes must happen in order to align you with the new and incoming energies of the first true New Earth cycle.

The next power moment will be on the New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse on the 11th of September. At this time, the Solar Codes for completing the old cycle and commencing the new will be integrated into the planetary collective consciousness, and humanity will be ready to move forward into the New Earth cycle.

On the 23rd of September, the Equinox will bring a moment of much needed Balance to the planet after the intense and whirling energies of Change and Transformation have done their work. This is the moment when day and night are of equal length, and it marks the shift of the seasons. In the North, the days become shorter as winter approaches, and in the South, the days become longer as summer returns. It is a pivotal point at which to feel the energies of Inner Balance before moving forward again. Allow the inner Masculine and Feminine energies to come into perfect balance within you.

The Full Moon is on the 26th of September. The Sun will be in Libra, and the Full Moon will be in Aries. This will be a Fire Moon, ruled by the fiery Solar energy of the
Divine Feminine in her archetypal incarnation as the Fire Goddess. The Goddess who energy is most appropriate to this moment is Kali, the eastern Goddess of Endings and Beginnings. The Full Moon would be a good time for Fire Ceremonies, and for expressing gratitude for what is leaving and gratitude for what is coming in with the new energies. The intense light of the Fire element will light your way forward, dearest ones, and transform all that needs transformation now.

Holding the Balance of the Inner Divine Masculine and Feminine in September

Dearest ones, in this month you will be challenged to hold your inner balance of Masculine and Feminine energies. The Goddess planet, Venus, will be transitioning through Leo, adding more fiery Solar Feminine energy to the “mix” for September. With the Full Moon in Aries and Venus in Leo, this will indeed be a time of great Creative Passion, Sensuality, and Power.

This Solar Feminine energy may manifest as new Creative Projects or new Romantic Relationships, or the renewal of such projects and relationships. It can also signify the ending of old projects and relationships that are not aligned with the New Earth energy. The creative and sexual energies will be so intense and powerful that they will provide a moment of “breakthrough”, a shattering of the old so that the new may form. If such events happen, it is important to hold your inner center and not to be swept away by the intensity and passion of the moment.

The planet of Masculine energies, Mars, will be in Gemini, opposite the Galactic center and Pluto and Jupiter in Sagittarius. This means that the Masculine energy is in an intense and expansive and transformative “dialogue” with the Galactic center which is the “hone” of the Divine Feminine energy. This dialogue is about the Transformation that is being initiated by Pluto and the spiritual expansion initiated by Pluto, as the Masculine energy moves beyond the duality of the old energy into the complementarity of the Twin Flame energy. So, you can
expect also intense transformative pressure on the inner masculine energies in September.

What this will mean, dearest Lightworkers, is that there will be a releasing and shifting in the Masculine energy. The old energies of control and domination will fall away completely, to be replaced by sharing and partnership energies. This will also mean that any relationships, personal or work-based, that are still based on control and co-dependency, will be under intense pressure to shift and change into alignment with the new energies.

So, as you can see, dearest ones, there will be some “explosive” and “tense” energies at this time, but the purpose is to finally clear away all that is not in alignment with the new energies. And, as Lightworkers, you are the “First Wave” that is creating the template for the manifestation of New Earth patterns of relationship and creativity.

Your Responsibilities in the New Energy

Dearest Lightworkers, in this new energy you will have many responsibilities as Leaders in the new Fifth-Dimensional Earth that is being created. As the new Masters of Light and Co-Creators with Spirit, you will lead the way to assist others in moving into the Fifth Dimension. And so, in the next few
months, many of you will be assuming new responsibilities and new forms of work. The opportunities will come to you, according to your desires and your gifts and talents, and it is up to you to be responsible and to manifest wisely.

But, when we look at the word “responsibility”, we see two parts – “response” and “ability” – and what is really at issue here, dearest souls, is your ability to respond to the flow of Divine Creative energy and power in your lives.

When sudden changes occur, or when the energy shifts, how do you respond? Are you shocked, angry, depressed and powerless? Or do you hold your center and use your inner power to focus and create a new manifestation? When an energy in your life breaks down and needs to be replaced, do not allow yourself to be pulled into the disintegration process. Rather, remember that you are the creator, and that you can create a new form and manifestation to replace the old.

The ongoing process of creation includes both the processes of dissolution and transformation, the energies of Kali. Do not be disempowered by these energies. Hold our power, focus and create from a new intention. This will assist you to move through any chaotic or dissolving energies with trust and with grace. For, as the old falls away, the new comes in to replace the old. There is a moment of hiatus or emptiness, and then the new energy streams in with a new creation. You can determine the shape of this new energy by holding your intention with confidence and trust and gratitude for what you know is manifesting.

And this, dearest Lightworkers, is your “response-ability” to the Light in this birthing time of the New Earth cycle of manifesting Heaven on Earth. We wish you Unconditional Love, Power and Joy in this blessed month of September.

© 2007-8 Celia Fenn and Gaby van den Abeele

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.

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Celia Fenn Aug. 31: Choosing Simplicity and Creative Compassion…and Releasing “Addictions” to Suffering

Posted on August 31, 2007. Filed under: Abundance, Archangel Michael, Ascension / Descension, Celia Fenn, Channeling, Co-Creation, Collective Unconscious, Empathy, Hundredth Monkey, New Age, Paradigm Shift, Permission, Thoughtforms, Twin Flame, Uncategorized |

Choosing Simplicity and Creative Compassion…and Releasing “Addictions” to Suffering

An article and channel from Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

image by Franziska of Germany

In these intense and changing times, many people are still struggling with making the shift of consciousness from a Third Dimensional reality to a Multi-Dimensional reality. Some think that they are alone in their struggles, and that they are missing out on the promised Joy and Peace, because they do not feel it.

This channel given below was done for a private client and is reproduced here with permission. The client felt intense anguish and pain about his life, and had many questions as to why he could not embrace the grace that was offered and why he was stuck in low self worth and feelings of negativity and fear.

The answer that came from Archangel Michael seems to have answered his question, but also shed light on why some people seem unable,as yet, break though the levels of suffering and pain and lack in their lives.

When I was at the World Congress on Illumination, we did talk much about the end of suffering and pain, and the coming of the golden age of vibrant health and well-being. But, this can only be established after the shift, and the shift is that transformation of consciousness where we understand that we, as a Collective and as Individuals, are the Creators of our own Reality, and that we can choose to create suffering. or not.

Now, this is not a facile “blaming” of those who suffer and saying “it is your own fault”. That would not be compassionate or loving or helpful in any way. However, what is being suggested is that as a Collective, Humanity has chosen to create pain and suffering that was never part of the original plan. These choices have been encoded into our culture through religion. And these choices persist on a deep subconscious level, until we can change our consciousness and recode the consciousness at a cellular level. This will activate the “blueprint” for perfect health in every cell and within our being.

Consider, that Christianity teaches that we die because we are sinful. This surely inculcates a deep sense of low self worth and powerlessness in dealing with life and death. The Eastern religions teach “karma”, where the individual is caught in an endless web of retribution and repayment that is the rationale for suffering. The Buddhists teach that suffering is normal and must be accepted. Each of these spiritual paths includes as a main tenet a deep belief in unworthiness and suffering that is passed on from generation to generation, encoding these beliefs within the DNA of generations of people. Then, new individuals are born with these beliefs already encoded in their cells. It is only the New Children, the Indigos and Crystals who are being born with a sense of not needing this unworthiness, and taking on their power to create something new. Their new energy has enabled many of those who were born with the old “coding” to shift their consciousness and begin to move into their own personal power as Co-Creators with Spirit.

If we can now accept that we can release the mind created illusions that limit our creations, we can move to that place where we can accept that we are the channels for Divine Creative Essence on the Earth, and that life was meant to be lived in Harmony with the Divine Light and Love, in Peace, Harmony and Love, and that abundance and good health are the rights of each person who chooses to incarnate on this Earth. Yes, indeed a “shift” in consciousness for all of us!

The channel begins with Archangel Michael giving two principles that can be applied to making this shift and letting go of what he as termed “habitual” or “addictive” patterns of thought and self-destructive behavior. For, humanity has become addicted to suffering and drama, and is needing to see how it may let go and shift to a more simple and peaceful and joyous way of life.

The channel
First we will say : “Let Go”…..and then we will say : “Simplify”.

These two steps, when applied to your life and to every situation, will help you to move beyond the quagmire of the mind that catches you at every turn.

So, let us explain. First, we say that you need to “Let go”. We see that whenever you are in a situation of great stress, your survival mechanism is to turn to the mind. On a deep level, you have given your mind permission to take over your life and to run your life. Now, the ego mind is by no means equipped for this function. The work of the ego mind is to deal with the Third Dimension. It weighs and quantifies according to what it knows. And, usually it finds that it does not know enough to cope with the larger questions of life and then it panics. In your case, the panic manifests as an endless stream of questions to which you can apparently find no answer.

So, let us say that this response is but a mirror for the process that goes on within you.

So, we would say – let go. When your mind switches into these long philosophical dialogues you have two choices The first is to acknowledge that this is what your mind is doing, and that you may “enjoy” these romps through the park with your mind, but that they will indeed solve nothing for you, except to take you around and around, for this is the nature of mind. I am sure you are familiar with the Socratic method, and the understanding that anything can be proven or disproven if you know how to rationalize and argue to good effect. So the workings of the mind are designed to do just that, to rationalize what appears in the outer world so that it can be assimilated.

However, at this time, life is no longer Third Dimensional, it is Multi-Dimensional, and the mind is no longer able to explain and assimilate. It panics and it rambles and it argues, but it cannot assimilate.

Now, at this point, it is better to let go. Switch off the mind, for the mind will not solve your problems or find your solutions. It is only consciousness that will do so. Your great scientist and philosopher, Albert Einstein, said that a problem cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness as it was created. So, obviously, what is needed is a shift of consciousness so that problems can be solved or put in true perspective.

Now, the great shift that is now happening is nothing other than a shift to a new level of consciousness where what seems like “problems” with time and space could be solved to the best abilities. And, we will say, that you will begin to realize that the mind will never give you answers.

When you move from mind and thought, to consciousness and feeling, you will experience a very different perspective on your life. For the mind panics and becomes desperate, and it moves into fear. From a basis of fear, you cannot solve anything, for fear limits manifestation and miracles. So, those who are trapped in the mind and fear tend to be unable to release themselves from the webs of their fear and anxiety.

Now, when you move into consciousness and the Heart, you know that all is in Divine Order and that All is Well. This brings a great sense of Peace, as well as Gratitude and Love, and from this basis you can begin to create and make changes. For, the Universe loves joy and gratitude, and it attracts the flow of abundance and love. And this flow creates the miracles that you need and desire to make changes in your life.

So, when you “let go” you release what holds you back and you clear the way to create something new.

Now, when we say “simplify” we are taking you to the next step. In your modern life there is so much “stuff” that you think that you need to be happy. When you enter into your Heart space, you will find that what you need is really very simple, and can be simplified very easily. We say, focus on the simple needs of your life, and all will be given. By this we mean, the basic needs for shelter, food and clothing and love. Well, if you have all these needs met, then you have room for gratitude, and you should express that gratitude every day. You should live the gratitude that the Earth has provided for you and those that you love.

Now, having met those basic needs, with gratitude, ask yourself what you might need to create an even greater gratitude and appreciation of what you already have. What simple things might you ask for that would enhance your appreciation of the abundance and love that you ALREADY HAVE in your life.

You see, dearest soul, we are focusing here not on what you lack, but what you have. And this is a complete change of perspective. Indeed, this is your own personal “shift” from suffering to peace. For your contract with the Earth is to be provided for while you experience life. Of course, in the modern world, everyone feels entitled to experience this at the highest level of material comfort and feels deprived if they do not. And this leads to more suffering of the mind, for the feeling of failure is intense if you do not achieve levels of material wealth and comfort that dictate the lifestyle of success.

You might ask yourself, dearest one, when you leave the planet, will you look back and see all the material comforts you had, all the things that you possessed, or will you look back for the love and the joy that you shared with others?

In truth, the great shift is not so much about moving into “quantum” reality, as in moving into COMPASSION. Both for yourself and for all others. When you start with yourself, you say “I am perfect as I am and I am in the perfect place for me at this time. God has led me here!”. When you can accept that the God-force within you has created where you are and what you are right now, then you can pause and be grateful for what you have. You can see the wonder and the miracles, instead of the lack and the pain.

Now, we will say, that at this time of accelerated evolution, you are indeed being “pushed” very hard to make that breakthough into Compassion consciousness. You are being pushed to almost unbearable tension, so that you will let go of the mind and its demands and illusions, and enter into the Heart Space of gratitude and creativity. When you enter into CREATIVE COMPASSION, you mind will cease its endless demands for something else, something more, something to ease the pain…..for indeed the pain is an illusion!

What we have termed the shift is a shift on CONSCIOUSNESS. Can you not see that you have all that you need to be happy on the Earth. Can you not see the joy and the beauty and the peace around you. And if you can, can you share this with others so that they can “see” it too. For the pain and suffering that you have created, you have created with your minds. You see only the lack and the pain and the loss, and you do not see the beauty and the gifts that are given in every moment of every day.

For, the Source pours out its gifts of Love and Abundance at all times. The Cosmos is a place of infinite riches, if you will only allow yourself to experience these riches. When you switch off the mind and begin to feel the richness of the gifts that you are given, the mind no longer keeps demanding, and the soul is able to enjoy the richness of what has been created.

Dearest soul, release the old energy view of yourself as a suffering victim of your circumstances, and see yourself for what you are. You are the pinnacle of spiritual and social evolution, a being of great complexity and intelligence, but you are still, very simply, a part of the Divine Essence, a spark of Compassionate Creativity, and you are held within the Light and Love of God at all times.

If you can bring yourself to that place of Simple Grace, all else will fall into place for you. You will see that there is nothing that you have to do and no other place that you have to be. You will surrender your will to the unfolding of the Divine Will through you, and you will know that all will unfold for the Highest Good and as it is meant to in harmony with Unconditional Love and Creative Compassion.

And this surrender of the mind and the will opens up the place for gratitude and joy, and that in turn opens up the space for the creation of miracles. For the Cosmos loves to create miracles and abundant joy, so that the more gratitude and playfulness you can experience, the more the Cosmos will join in and bring you ever more things to celebrate and to be joyful about.

So, we would say also, release what you think that you need, and allow the Divine Will to guide your steps. You may find for a while that nothing will happen as you re-orientate your inner “compass” to this new direction. But, after a time, you will find that things will begin to move in a new direction as you open your Heart and your Being to the great and creative adventure of life.

For indeed, dearest Preda, it is that simple, life is no more that the Source exploring the Dimensions of Light that were its first acts of Creative Compassion. And so, your life is simply an exploration of that place where you find yourself, and an acknowledgement of the Love that exists within all and every thing in this Light Filled dimension of Joy. The “darkness” and suffering are and always were, creations of the Mind that were an answer to the fear that arose when the explorations became intense and the being felt challenged in its growth and evolution. Fear is a way of holding back and staying in the same place, but it does not produce growth which is the nature of the Divine Light.

This has been a long discussion, but we meant to show you how simple it is once you grasp the essence of Life and the Spiritual Voyage of the Soul. It was never meant to be difficult, it was meant to be a simple unfolding and a joyful creation. If you can release the mind’s need to demand and control, then you can experience life in this way.

You can have all that you want, but you must start with Gratitude and Simplicity and create with Compassion from that point.

So, dearest soul, we hope that we can deliver you from the grasp of mind and deliver you to the angelic self within, where you can see that it is not you that provides for your family, but Spirit and the Divine, and that all you need do is be grateful for that co-operation and then work to further that co-operation in ways that bring joy to all of you.

Release and let go of all the old “mind stories” of low self worth and of not being good enough. Everyone is good enough to be loved and provided for, and indeed if you accept that, then that is what will be in your life.

Release all energies of guilt, doubt and negativity. Make a conscious effort to release these feelings and thoughts, and you will create that space of gratitude and grace that will create infinite blessings for you and all those around you.

It is so simple, dearest soul, it is the “formula” of life that was set into your DNA when the original blueprint was activated by the great Elohim. And it is still there, waiting for you to see how simple it can be when you allow and accept and create from Grace and Creative Compassion.

And so, we leave you now with a hug of love and light. You are greatly loved and you are protected at each step. You are also a powerful Master of Light, and we await your Creations with joy and love!

© 2007-8 Celia Fenn and Franziska
Creative Commons License
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You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.

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