
Book Review “MAP: The Co-Creative White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program”

Posted on August 10, 2007. Filed under: Angels, Ascended Masters, Books - Nonfiction, Co-Creation, Devas, Energy Healing, Healing, Kundalini, Nature Spirits, Spirit Guides & Allies, Spiritual Emergence |

Book by Machaelle Small Wright

This is a wonderful book for it teaches you how to work with nature spirits, the Overlighting Deva of Healing, and the Great White Brotherhood to heal yourself and others. The basic process is to invite in specific beings to work on you in a coning of energy. You simply lay down and ask them to join you for the MAP Coning, describe your health problem in detail, then relax for the next 45 minutes to 1 hour. This, like Reiki, is not a cure all but a wonderful complimentary program that can greatly assist healing in everything from spinal alignment to phobias. I have used it to help with everything from the detox and adjustments in my energy system after Reiki attunements and with chronic sinusitis. Some problems show immediate  improvement, others takes repeated treatments. If you do this before sleeping leave yourself a note to close the Coning in the morning in case you fall asleep. It won’t do you any harm to leave it open all night, it just won’t do you any further good.

I have particularly found MAP useful in times of emotional crisis and
spiritual emergence. My team helped keep me functional and integrated
during times of great stress that normally would have flattened me.
They also helped keep from being popped out of my body during spiritual
expansion or deep healing occurred and smoothed the rough edges when my
Kundalini stirred. MAP is not only for purely physical or mental issues
so always ask your team because they probably can help.

The book
also includes instructions on how to open a coning for your children
and pets plus an emergency coning that one can at times be granted
permission to open on another’s behalf if they incapacitated. For
example I once was given permission to open an emergency coning for a
relative who just had a heart attack and on the way to the hospital in
no state to open one herself. There is also a process for people who
work in a healing profession such as chiropractors and reiki
practitioners to use to enhance their work. Finally there are optional
instructions on how to use flower essences with every type of coning if
one wishes. Flower essences are not something I have felt drawn to use
beyond good old Bach’s Rescue Remedy so I have never tried this myself.
Others have reported wonderful effects so if you already use flower
essences or feel the call to use them try it if you like.

BTW do
not be surprised if you can hear or otherwise sense your MAP Team even
if you normally do not notice such things. The first time I did a
coning it was with an energy healer who did not warn me that this might
occur. It startled me so to hear them that blocked that perception to
the point that even over a decade later I still don’t hear them. Maybe
I will try this as my issue for my next session and see what happens!

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Excerpt from the 2nd Edition on the Perelandra website.

The third edition on Amazon

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