
Celia Fenn Energies for September 2007 Endings & Beginnings & Your Responsiblities in the New Energy

Posted on September 2, 2007. Filed under: Abundance, Archangel Michael, Ascension / Descension, Celia Fenn, Channeling, Co-Creation, Collective Unconscious, Empathy, Healing, Hundredth Monkey, New Age, Paradigm Shift, Permission, Thoughtforms, Twin Flame |


The Energies for September 2007

Endings and Beginnings and Your Responsibilities in the New Energy

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

New World” by Gaby Van den Abeele of the Netherlands

Dearest Lightworkers, after the powerful energies that entered the planet in August, September will allow you the opportunity to integrate and assimilate and gain your bearings once again. There are powerful moments in September that will assist you to feel how you are moving into the New Earth energies.

The first significant moment is the 9-9-9 harmonic or energy on the 9th of September, with echoes on the 18th and the 27th of September, just after Full Moon. At these times, you will be made aware of the Completion or Ending of the Transitional Cycle that began in 1998, and the commencement of the first New Earth cycle. We have said before that this new cycle only really begins on the 1-1-1 harmonic, on the 1st of January 2008, and until then you can expect a period of relative instability and rapid change. Your Higher Self or I AM presence will be moving out all the “old” energies and aligning you with new directions and new opportunities.

Dearest Lightworkers, this is a time of choice and growth. Do not resist – let go of what needs to leave and be open to the new. If, in this period, you experience a feeling of not moving and being “stuck”, then allow that and know that you are at the zero point of a new creation or manifestation. Be patient, and know that what is needed will manifest when the time is right. If, on the other hand, you find things are moving too fast, stay calm and centered and know that rapid changes must happen in order to align you with the new and incoming energies of the first true New Earth cycle.

The next power moment will be on the New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse on the 11th of September. At this time, the Solar Codes for completing the old cycle and commencing the new will be integrated into the planetary collective consciousness, and humanity will be ready to move forward into the New Earth cycle.

On the 23rd of September, the Equinox will bring a moment of much needed Balance to the planet after the intense and whirling energies of Change and Transformation have done their work. This is the moment when day and night are of equal length, and it marks the shift of the seasons. In the North, the days become shorter as winter approaches, and in the South, the days become longer as summer returns. It is a pivotal point at which to feel the energies of Inner Balance before moving forward again. Allow the inner Masculine and Feminine energies to come into perfect balance within you.

The Full Moon is on the 26th of September. The Sun will be in Libra, and the Full Moon will be in Aries. This will be a Fire Moon, ruled by the fiery Solar energy of the
Divine Feminine in her archetypal incarnation as the Fire Goddess. The Goddess who energy is most appropriate to this moment is Kali, the eastern Goddess of Endings and Beginnings. The Full Moon would be a good time for Fire Ceremonies, and for expressing gratitude for what is leaving and gratitude for what is coming in with the new energies. The intense light of the Fire element will light your way forward, dearest ones, and transform all that needs transformation now.

Holding the Balance of the Inner Divine Masculine and Feminine in September

Dearest ones, in this month you will be challenged to hold your inner balance of Masculine and Feminine energies. The Goddess planet, Venus, will be transitioning through Leo, adding more fiery Solar Feminine energy to the “mix” for September. With the Full Moon in Aries and Venus in Leo, this will indeed be a time of great Creative Passion, Sensuality, and Power.

This Solar Feminine energy may manifest as new Creative Projects or new Romantic Relationships, or the renewal of such projects and relationships. It can also signify the ending of old projects and relationships that are not aligned with the New Earth energy. The creative and sexual energies will be so intense and powerful that they will provide a moment of “breakthrough”, a shattering of the old so that the new may form. If such events happen, it is important to hold your inner center and not to be swept away by the intensity and passion of the moment.

The planet of Masculine energies, Mars, will be in Gemini, opposite the Galactic center and Pluto and Jupiter in Sagittarius. This means that the Masculine energy is in an intense and expansive and transformative “dialogue” with the Galactic center which is the “hone” of the Divine Feminine energy. This dialogue is about the Transformation that is being initiated by Pluto and the spiritual expansion initiated by Pluto, as the Masculine energy moves beyond the duality of the old energy into the complementarity of the Twin Flame energy. So, you can
expect also intense transformative pressure on the inner masculine energies in September.

What this will mean, dearest Lightworkers, is that there will be a releasing and shifting in the Masculine energy. The old energies of control and domination will fall away completely, to be replaced by sharing and partnership energies. This will also mean that any relationships, personal or work-based, that are still based on control and co-dependency, will be under intense pressure to shift and change into alignment with the new energies.

So, as you can see, dearest ones, there will be some “explosive” and “tense” energies at this time, but the purpose is to finally clear away all that is not in alignment with the new energies. And, as Lightworkers, you are the “First Wave” that is creating the template for the manifestation of New Earth patterns of relationship and creativity.

Your Responsibilities in the New Energy

Dearest Lightworkers, in this new energy you will have many responsibilities as Leaders in the new Fifth-Dimensional Earth that is being created. As the new Masters of Light and Co-Creators with Spirit, you will lead the way to assist others in moving into the Fifth Dimension. And so, in the next few
months, many of you will be assuming new responsibilities and new forms of work. The opportunities will come to you, according to your desires and your gifts and talents, and it is up to you to be responsible and to manifest wisely.

But, when we look at the word “responsibility”, we see two parts – “response” and “ability” – and what is really at issue here, dearest souls, is your ability to respond to the flow of Divine Creative energy and power in your lives.

When sudden changes occur, or when the energy shifts, how do you respond? Are you shocked, angry, depressed and powerless? Or do you hold your center and use your inner power to focus and create a new manifestation? When an energy in your life breaks down and needs to be replaced, do not allow yourself to be pulled into the disintegration process. Rather, remember that you are the creator, and that you can create a new form and manifestation to replace the old.

The ongoing process of creation includes both the processes of dissolution and transformation, the energies of Kali. Do not be disempowered by these energies. Hold our power, focus and create from a new intention. This will assist you to move through any chaotic or dissolving energies with trust and with grace. For, as the old falls away, the new comes in to replace the old. There is a moment of hiatus or emptiness, and then the new energy streams in with a new creation. You can determine the shape of this new energy by holding your intention with confidence and trust and gratitude for what you know is manifesting.

And this, dearest Lightworkers, is your “response-ability” to the Light in this birthing time of the New Earth cycle of manifesting Heaven on Earth. We wish you Unconditional Love, Power and Joy in this blessed month of September.

© 2007-8 Celia Fenn and Gaby van den Abeele

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.

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Celia Fenn Aug. 31: Choosing Simplicity and Creative Compassion…and Releasing “Addictions” to Suffering

Posted on August 31, 2007. Filed under: Abundance, Archangel Michael, Ascension / Descension, Celia Fenn, Channeling, Co-Creation, Collective Unconscious, Empathy, Hundredth Monkey, New Age, Paradigm Shift, Permission, Thoughtforms, Twin Flame, Uncategorized |

Choosing Simplicity and Creative Compassion…and Releasing “Addictions” to Suffering

An article and channel from Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

image by Franziska of Germany

In these intense and changing times, many people are still struggling with making the shift of consciousness from a Third Dimensional reality to a Multi-Dimensional reality. Some think that they are alone in their struggles, and that they are missing out on the promised Joy and Peace, because they do not feel it.

This channel given below was done for a private client and is reproduced here with permission. The client felt intense anguish and pain about his life, and had many questions as to why he could not embrace the grace that was offered and why he was stuck in low self worth and feelings of negativity and fear.

The answer that came from Archangel Michael seems to have answered his question, but also shed light on why some people seem unable,as yet, break though the levels of suffering and pain and lack in their lives.

When I was at the World Congress on Illumination, we did talk much about the end of suffering and pain, and the coming of the golden age of vibrant health and well-being. But, this can only be established after the shift, and the shift is that transformation of consciousness where we understand that we, as a Collective and as Individuals, are the Creators of our own Reality, and that we can choose to create suffering. or not.

Now, this is not a facile “blaming” of those who suffer and saying “it is your own fault”. That would not be compassionate or loving or helpful in any way. However, what is being suggested is that as a Collective, Humanity has chosen to create pain and suffering that was never part of the original plan. These choices have been encoded into our culture through religion. And these choices persist on a deep subconscious level, until we can change our consciousness and recode the consciousness at a cellular level. This will activate the “blueprint” for perfect health in every cell and within our being.

Consider, that Christianity teaches that we die because we are sinful. This surely inculcates a deep sense of low self worth and powerlessness in dealing with life and death. The Eastern religions teach “karma”, where the individual is caught in an endless web of retribution and repayment that is the rationale for suffering. The Buddhists teach that suffering is normal and must be accepted. Each of these spiritual paths includes as a main tenet a deep belief in unworthiness and suffering that is passed on from generation to generation, encoding these beliefs within the DNA of generations of people. Then, new individuals are born with these beliefs already encoded in their cells. It is only the New Children, the Indigos and Crystals who are being born with a sense of not needing this unworthiness, and taking on their power to create something new. Their new energy has enabled many of those who were born with the old “coding” to shift their consciousness and begin to move into their own personal power as Co-Creators with Spirit.

If we can now accept that we can release the mind created illusions that limit our creations, we can move to that place where we can accept that we are the channels for Divine Creative Essence on the Earth, and that life was meant to be lived in Harmony with the Divine Light and Love, in Peace, Harmony and Love, and that abundance and good health are the rights of each person who chooses to incarnate on this Earth. Yes, indeed a “shift” in consciousness for all of us!

The channel begins with Archangel Michael giving two principles that can be applied to making this shift and letting go of what he as termed “habitual” or “addictive” patterns of thought and self-destructive behavior. For, humanity has become addicted to suffering and drama, and is needing to see how it may let go and shift to a more simple and peaceful and joyous way of life.

The channel
First we will say : “Let Go”…..and then we will say : “Simplify”.

These two steps, when applied to your life and to every situation, will help you to move beyond the quagmire of the mind that catches you at every turn.

So, let us explain. First, we say that you need to “Let go”. We see that whenever you are in a situation of great stress, your survival mechanism is to turn to the mind. On a deep level, you have given your mind permission to take over your life and to run your life. Now, the ego mind is by no means equipped for this function. The work of the ego mind is to deal with the Third Dimension. It weighs and quantifies according to what it knows. And, usually it finds that it does not know enough to cope with the larger questions of life and then it panics. In your case, the panic manifests as an endless stream of questions to which you can apparently find no answer.

So, let us say that this response is but a mirror for the process that goes on within you.

So, we would say – let go. When your mind switches into these long philosophical dialogues you have two choices The first is to acknowledge that this is what your mind is doing, and that you may “enjoy” these romps through the park with your mind, but that they will indeed solve nothing for you, except to take you around and around, for this is the nature of mind. I am sure you are familiar with the Socratic method, and the understanding that anything can be proven or disproven if you know how to rationalize and argue to good effect. So the workings of the mind are designed to do just that, to rationalize what appears in the outer world so that it can be assimilated.

However, at this time, life is no longer Third Dimensional, it is Multi-Dimensional, and the mind is no longer able to explain and assimilate. It panics and it rambles and it argues, but it cannot assimilate.

Now, at this point, it is better to let go. Switch off the mind, for the mind will not solve your problems or find your solutions. It is only consciousness that will do so. Your great scientist and philosopher, Albert Einstein, said that a problem cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness as it was created. So, obviously, what is needed is a shift of consciousness so that problems can be solved or put in true perspective.

Now, the great shift that is now happening is nothing other than a shift to a new level of consciousness where what seems like “problems” with time and space could be solved to the best abilities. And, we will say, that you will begin to realize that the mind will never give you answers.

When you move from mind and thought, to consciousness and feeling, you will experience a very different perspective on your life. For the mind panics and becomes desperate, and it moves into fear. From a basis of fear, you cannot solve anything, for fear limits manifestation and miracles. So, those who are trapped in the mind and fear tend to be unable to release themselves from the webs of their fear and anxiety.

Now, when you move into consciousness and the Heart, you know that all is in Divine Order and that All is Well. This brings a great sense of Peace, as well as Gratitude and Love, and from this basis you can begin to create and make changes. For, the Universe loves joy and gratitude, and it attracts the flow of abundance and love. And this flow creates the miracles that you need and desire to make changes in your life.

So, when you “let go” you release what holds you back and you clear the way to create something new.

Now, when we say “simplify” we are taking you to the next step. In your modern life there is so much “stuff” that you think that you need to be happy. When you enter into your Heart space, you will find that what you need is really very simple, and can be simplified very easily. We say, focus on the simple needs of your life, and all will be given. By this we mean, the basic needs for shelter, food and clothing and love. Well, if you have all these needs met, then you have room for gratitude, and you should express that gratitude every day. You should live the gratitude that the Earth has provided for you and those that you love.

Now, having met those basic needs, with gratitude, ask yourself what you might need to create an even greater gratitude and appreciation of what you already have. What simple things might you ask for that would enhance your appreciation of the abundance and love that you ALREADY HAVE in your life.

You see, dearest soul, we are focusing here not on what you lack, but what you have. And this is a complete change of perspective. Indeed, this is your own personal “shift” from suffering to peace. For your contract with the Earth is to be provided for while you experience life. Of course, in the modern world, everyone feels entitled to experience this at the highest level of material comfort and feels deprived if they do not. And this leads to more suffering of the mind, for the feeling of failure is intense if you do not achieve levels of material wealth and comfort that dictate the lifestyle of success.

You might ask yourself, dearest one, when you leave the planet, will you look back and see all the material comforts you had, all the things that you possessed, or will you look back for the love and the joy that you shared with others?

In truth, the great shift is not so much about moving into “quantum” reality, as in moving into COMPASSION. Both for yourself and for all others. When you start with yourself, you say “I am perfect as I am and I am in the perfect place for me at this time. God has led me here!”. When you can accept that the God-force within you has created where you are and what you are right now, then you can pause and be grateful for what you have. You can see the wonder and the miracles, instead of the lack and the pain.

Now, we will say, that at this time of accelerated evolution, you are indeed being “pushed” very hard to make that breakthough into Compassion consciousness. You are being pushed to almost unbearable tension, so that you will let go of the mind and its demands and illusions, and enter into the Heart Space of gratitude and creativity. When you enter into CREATIVE COMPASSION, you mind will cease its endless demands for something else, something more, something to ease the pain…..for indeed the pain is an illusion!

What we have termed the shift is a shift on CONSCIOUSNESS. Can you not see that you have all that you need to be happy on the Earth. Can you not see the joy and the beauty and the peace around you. And if you can, can you share this with others so that they can “see” it too. For the pain and suffering that you have created, you have created with your minds. You see only the lack and the pain and the loss, and you do not see the beauty and the gifts that are given in every moment of every day.

For, the Source pours out its gifts of Love and Abundance at all times. The Cosmos is a place of infinite riches, if you will only allow yourself to experience these riches. When you switch off the mind and begin to feel the richness of the gifts that you are given, the mind no longer keeps demanding, and the soul is able to enjoy the richness of what has been created.

Dearest soul, release the old energy view of yourself as a suffering victim of your circumstances, and see yourself for what you are. You are the pinnacle of spiritual and social evolution, a being of great complexity and intelligence, but you are still, very simply, a part of the Divine Essence, a spark of Compassionate Creativity, and you are held within the Light and Love of God at all times.

If you can bring yourself to that place of Simple Grace, all else will fall into place for you. You will see that there is nothing that you have to do and no other place that you have to be. You will surrender your will to the unfolding of the Divine Will through you, and you will know that all will unfold for the Highest Good and as it is meant to in harmony with Unconditional Love and Creative Compassion.

And this surrender of the mind and the will opens up the place for gratitude and joy, and that in turn opens up the space for the creation of miracles. For the Cosmos loves to create miracles and abundant joy, so that the more gratitude and playfulness you can experience, the more the Cosmos will join in and bring you ever more things to celebrate and to be joyful about.

So, we would say also, release what you think that you need, and allow the Divine Will to guide your steps. You may find for a while that nothing will happen as you re-orientate your inner “compass” to this new direction. But, after a time, you will find that things will begin to move in a new direction as you open your Heart and your Being to the great and creative adventure of life.

For indeed, dearest Preda, it is that simple, life is no more that the Source exploring the Dimensions of Light that were its first acts of Creative Compassion. And so, your life is simply an exploration of that place where you find yourself, and an acknowledgement of the Love that exists within all and every thing in this Light Filled dimension of Joy. The “darkness” and suffering are and always were, creations of the Mind that were an answer to the fear that arose when the explorations became intense and the being felt challenged in its growth and evolution. Fear is a way of holding back and staying in the same place, but it does not produce growth which is the nature of the Divine Light.

This has been a long discussion, but we meant to show you how simple it is once you grasp the essence of Life and the Spiritual Voyage of the Soul. It was never meant to be difficult, it was meant to be a simple unfolding and a joyful creation. If you can release the mind’s need to demand and control, then you can experience life in this way.

You can have all that you want, but you must start with Gratitude and Simplicity and create with Compassion from that point.

So, dearest soul, we hope that we can deliver you from the grasp of mind and deliver you to the angelic self within, where you can see that it is not you that provides for your family, but Spirit and the Divine, and that all you need do is be grateful for that co-operation and then work to further that co-operation in ways that bring joy to all of you.

Release and let go of all the old “mind stories” of low self worth and of not being good enough. Everyone is good enough to be loved and provided for, and indeed if you accept that, then that is what will be in your life.

Release all energies of guilt, doubt and negativity. Make a conscious effort to release these feelings and thoughts, and you will create that space of gratitude and grace that will create infinite blessings for you and all those around you.

It is so simple, dearest soul, it is the “formula” of life that was set into your DNA when the original blueprint was activated by the great Elohim. And it is still there, waiting for you to see how simple it can be when you allow and accept and create from Grace and Creative Compassion.

And so, we leave you now with a hug of love and light. You are greatly loved and you are protected at each step. You are also a powerful Master of Light, and we await your Creations with joy and love!

© 2007-8 Celia Fenn and Franziska
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.

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This Planet is Programmed to Self-Destruct!

Posted on August 6, 2007. Filed under: 2012, Angels, Ascension / Descension, Celia Fenn, Channeling, Co-Creation, Collective Unconscious, Egregore, Free Will, Hundredth Monkey, Indigos & Crystals, New Age, Paradigm Shift, Permission, Spirit Guides & Allies, The Shadow, Thoughtforms, Visualization |

Or Not.

We live in a free will universe. If enough people are bound and determined that the only way to change the way things are is violence, death and destruction that is exactly what they, and possibly the rest of the sentient beings on earth, will experience. This is another chance for humanity to reclaimed their personal power back and be come the Co-Creators we took birth to become. It is up to each and every one of us. Do you still believe suffering is necessary to learn and grow or simply the lot of all those incarnate in the flesh? Delete your negative programming both personal. Examine these habits and thoughtforms handed down to us parent to child, authority figures to followers. Many have rediscovered their personal power and used it to manifest good things in their life. Why not expand it to improving the lot of all being’s lives by creating a world though both inner and outer action where amazing changes occur peacefully?

Use your free will. Choose.

Moving Past and Through the Armageddon Scenarios towards Rebirthing the Earth

A Message from the Crystal Children to the People of Planet Earth

through Celia Fenn

Turkish Dutch/Nederlands Italian/Italiano

Dear people of Planet Earth, we the Crystal Children are arriving among you in significant numbers. We have come to assist you to birth the New Earth. It is time. But while we work so hard to hold and bring in the new energy, we want you to understand the energy dynamics on the Earth at the present. So many of you wonder why nothing seems to “move” any more, and why you feel so tired and unhappy. You cannot seem to connect with your guides and angels, and you do not know which way to turn any more.

We want you to know that those of you who are Lightworkers, and the Indigo-Crystal beings, have all grown incredibly fast. Many of you have opened up to become multi-dimensional and fully awake beings. This rapid growth has taken its toll on you, and we urge you to relax and rest, in this phase you are not required so much to grow, as to be fully aware of what is happening around you.

In this message we want to explain to you what is happening to the Earth at the moment, and how we are here to help you in this time. As more and more of us arrive, it becomes easier for us and you to hold the energy of a New Earth.

Programmed to Self-Destruct?

We want you to understand that the Earth was programmed to self-destruct at this time.

By whom?

Well, by you yourselves, although it happened a long time ago, and you have probably forgotten in your long journey of incarnation.

The most powerful program running at the moment is the Christian “Armageddon” programme. In the Christian Bible it is prophesied that there will be a time called the “Last Days” and then there will be a final global war that will bring great destruction, hardship, poverty and death.

Then there are other programs and “calendars” that indicate that this is the “time of the end” and that humanity will now suffer destruction and violent “ending”.

Part of the Christian and New Age programs includes the arrival of a planet called “Wormwood” or “Nibiru”, that will trigger great cataclysm and destruction for the human race.

These programs are all based on a belief that humans are basically “bad” and “destructive”, and that they will eventually destroy themselves. Eventually having become now….. We, the Crystal Children , want you to understand that these programs do not have to become reality. They do not come from a “Higher Source” – they come from your own Collective Consciousness. YOU ARE THE CREATORS of your own reality, and you have created these programs.

We, the Crystal Children, have come to show you that it is time to release these programs that engender FEAR and replace them with new programs of renewal and rebirth.

The Three Questions…..and the Thought Form War…

There are three questions that we would like to pose and discuss with you:

  • 1. Can you understand that these programs that you hold and fear are not inevitable “truths”? They are nothing more than THOUGHT FORMS that have gained power by being fed energy over many thousands of years.
  • 2. Can you understand that these Thought Forms are running and controlling you?
  • 3. Can you understand that you created these thought forms and that you can CHANGE them?

At this very time, there is a “war” being fought on a very deep level in your Collective Consciousness between the Old Thought Forms of “Termination”, and the New Thought Forms of Rebirth and Renewal.

If you had been left to your own devices, you would probably have achieved the Termination of the Planet by now. But there were those among you who grew and began to understand that this was not necessary. And so help was sent, through the advanced souls of the Star Children, who would help you to resist this Termination frequency that feeds on fear, and replace it with a Creative frequency based on love.

The New Earth does not have to birth through destruction and fear, it can be a peaceful progression in which one way of being is replaced by another. We, the Crystal Children, have come to ensure that this can be so.

The “End” is not an inevitablity….

By now there are many “awakened” humans on the planet who understand that religion is a powerful force. Religion grew up around the human need to understand the sacred and the numinous aspects of life. It began as a celebration of human life and its relationship to Nature and the All That Is.

But over time it became a control system based on fear. It began to teach you that you were somehow bad and evil, and that life in Spirit was so much better than life in a human body. And because of that you began to be dissatisfied with Earth life, wanting to be in spirit rather. And you lost your hold on your Physical and Material reality since you had lost the joy of material life. And so you allowed disease and shorter lives, because in truth you did not want to be on the Earth any more.

And so you invented concepts such as “sin” and “karma” to explain why life was indeed so “difficult” and why you were “trapped” here, when you would rather be in spirit. These you added to your religions, and they became part of your system of belief about why you were here.

But, you also began to separate out from the Planet, and to see the Planet as worthless, since it too was material, and as you despised material life you despised the Planet and so began to see it as “sick” and “worn out” and needing to be terminated as well. And so you began to prophesy “the end” so that you would be free.

But the irony is that you were never trapped. You WANTED to be here, you just forgot when you arrived on Earth and were told all the stories about how bad you were and how sick the Earth was.

It is time to realise that these stories are not true – and that you do not need to feel caught up in these belief systems.

Please understand, dear ones, that YOU created religion and religious belief, and that the Angels and Higher Beings who worked with you were no more than aspects of your Higher Selves in the Collective. They were manifestations of YOU in Spirit. So that when you channel material, you are connecting with the Highest Source of information of the Collective of Planet Earth.

And understand too, that Spirit has always had a difficult relationship with material manifestation and materiality. Spirit does not always understand human experience, and so when you decide that you want to be free of material life and the planet itself, then your “Angels” will assist you to set up this scenario in Thought Form so that it can become reality.

This is why so many of you find that your “guides and angels” are not connecting with you these days. That aspect of yourselves is now no longer sure what it is that humans want. It is waiting to see whether you will opt for termination, as originally planned, ot whether you will opt for “continuation” of the Planet Earth progarmme in the form of renewal.

But YOU have to decide and YOU have to make the choices – the Higher Aspects called Angels await YOUR DECISION as to where you will be and what you want for your Planet.

We are here to help ensure that enough people make the choice for continuation. With each Crystal Child that is born, another vote for continuation is registered in the Collective. And we want you to know that there are already sufficent “continuation” votes to constitute a “critical mass” vote. And that this can create the path to a New Earth, even now.

How the Thought Forms Run You

The Termination programs have not succeeded because there are enough Lightworkers and Indigo-Crystal children here to hold the balance.

But we want you to be aware that unless you are AWAKE, these programmes can still run you – in that they generate certain emotions and feelings that are designed to trigger mass despair and eventually, mass “suicide” as it were, as you as humans get ready to run your final “Armageddon scenarios”.

These Thought Forms lie in the Human Collective Consciousness, and are given power from there. You may not be aware of them in your everyday life, but because we are all connected through the group or Collective Consciousness, these ideas will be triggering in our subconscious all the time.

This is often the source of the Stress and Anger and Despair that many humans feel at this time.

People feel that there is not “enough” for their needs, they fear disease and death, they fear old age, they battle to maintain relationships and are generally exhausted. They are feeling the effects of the Termination program as it says; “the end”.

No it is not the End. It is in fact a New Beginning. It should be a time of rejoicing and celebration. But we understand how so many of you are still struggling with the effects of your Termination programmes.

But do not let these programmes run you – become aware that there is a different future and you can make different choices for NOW and for the FUTURE.

We want you to understand thst the Middle East was the birthplace of many of these Thought Forms of Termination, and the Middle East continues to be the place where these ideas are still running at full force. many of you wait in uneasiness for World War III and the final Armageddon.

But please understand that you do not have to fuel this reality. As more and more people make the choice for continuation, the NEED for the Middle East conflict will drop away, as will the conflict itself. The conflict is only necessary because the Thought Forms program for Armageddon requires it to be so.

Creating the New Thought Forms

We, the Crystal Children, are here to help you to create a NEW THOUGHT FORM energy based on rebirth and renewal. It may be a slow process, depending on how many people hold the energy and how many Crystal Children are born, but it WILL SUCCEED. The critical moment has already passed.

We want you to recall how many of you went through a tremendous spiritual growth “spurt” between 2000 and 2003. This was the time when so many of you were “voting” for continuation by upgrading yourselves to multi-dimensional functioning and waking up to who you truly were. It was also the time when we began to arrive in increasing numbers on the planet to help you with your shift and to ensure that the continuation programme was registered and began running.

Your votes were cast, and the energy of continuation was registered. The Termination program was cancelled by your efforts. But it lingers in the Collective Consciousness through those who still feed its energies by feeding the religions and sects that still subscribe to these teachings.

It is now up to you, as Lightworkers, and us, as the Crystal Children, to help to “hold” the vision of the New Earth and to assist the “Birth” process.

It will happen – but just when depends on us – and how firmly we can hold the vision and allow this new program to generate in the Collective Consciousness.

Continuation is at a Higher Level…

We also want you to know that those of you who have voted for the continuation scenario have also agreed to upgrade your energetic bodies to the higher level known as “multi-dimensional”. Many of you have made the transition already, but many more of you have still to go through this process. Those who have already transitioned, and the Crystal children, will assist those who still have to pass through the process.

This process invloves healing all your Past Life/Inner Child wounds and opening up your energetic field to encompass all thirteen chakras of the new Human Angel Christed being, which is what humans are becoming.

Gradually, the Earth will fill with beings of Light who are multi-dimensional Human Angels, aware of who they are and why they are here. They will live with open hearts and will share and love all their fellow beings. They will honor the Planet and create a Paradise of beauty. Heaven on Earth. It is not too far away. In fact it will manifest within your lifetimes. Now is the difficult time, as so many of you both Bridge the two realities, and indeed, become the Bridge to the New Reality for many people.

Those on Earth who have chosen not to enter the New Reality will most probably live their lives out in a normal way. But they will not be able to return to Earth, since Earth will in future only accept Multi-Dimensional Crystal or Christed beings. Those who do not make the transition will be released to continue their evolution on some other world where they can continue with Third Dimensional learning. Earth is no longer a school for Third Dimensionality – that role is over. Earth has Ascended and is now the Golden Home for Human Angels. This reality is assured. We invite you to work with us to assist in the creation of the New Earth.

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© 2004-5 Celia Fenn

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All-Purpose E-Z Incantation of Invocation & Invitation for Sublime Divine Felicitous Facilitation of Angelic (and Other) Assistance

Posted on August 1, 2007. Filed under: Angels, Co-Creation, Healing, Permission, Psi 101, Spirit Guides & Allies |

For yourself:

“I ask all Beings of Divine Light and Divine Love who have my highest good as your intention who are willing and able to help me please help me with _______ now. Please help me release and heal anything that blocks my request. Thank you all.”

Or for all beings:

“I ask all Beings of Divine Light and Divine Love who have all beings highest good as your intention who are willing and able to help us all please help us with _______ now. Please help us release and heal anything that blocks this request. Thank you all.”

Light beings respect free will and so cannot act without your permission and so we must needs request or otherwise grant permission for help. We have all been graced with a plethora of allies in spirit form. So please don’t make them sit around twiddling their thumbs (or ectoplasm) just because you are too busy feeling unworthy, unpsychic, or what ever the heck is holding you back from simply asking. They want to help as much as they can or they would not have taken the job.

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