Paradigm Shift

12:12 Universal Solstice Alchemy of Consciousness by Kuthumi via Michelle Eloff

Posted on December 15, 2007. Filed under: 12:12, Alchemy, Ascended Masters, Channeling, Co-Creation, Guided Meditation, Kuthumi, Light Anchor, Michelle Eloff, Paradigm Shift |

I am not Michelle Eloff. I am just someone who finds channellings that she shares extremely helpful. I hope you will find them so as well! Please click on the link to visit her website.

Diamond Heart

a message from Kuthumi channeled by Michelle Eloff
Saturday, 24 November, 2007

This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions that no information is altered or deleted or used for monetary gain, and the source of the information be acknowledged. To find out more about Michelle & The Lightweaver please visit

Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with the Channelling being and a similar process facilitated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the presence of the channelling Master, however the effects are just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the channelling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose.
I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of serenity, integration, synchronicity and divine vision. Greetings beloved ones.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this fantastic day of universal awakening as we, all of the co-creators within the Universe unite with you, a Universal Co-creator, and celebrate this day of the Universal Solstice Beloved ones you have reached a point upon your journey where you are moving into a new set of initiations. Let us call it this for now. This set of initiations will unfold rapidly, each of them challenging you to a degree to turn and look at the inner qualities of your inner light and how those qualities serve your greatest and highest good and that of

The 12:12 celebration is linked to the Alchemy Consciousness as well as the Alchemy of Consciousness. The days of blindly living your life have long ago ceased. You are living in a state of higher awareness within a world embodying great potential. I, Kuthumi, stand in front of you today, my energy graces the presence of your planet and I challenge you to stand up and say no to the old ways of reacting to life and the old ways of creating the limitations of your past.

The 12:12 vibration is one of the most powerful in existence relating specifically to human consciousness. The reason why I say this is because on the 12th of December every year the attention of the entire universe is turned to Mother Earth, it is the universal solstice, the celebration of the light soul that exists within every soul currently inhabiting earth. You inhabit earth for a purpose. The purpose is not to be inhibited. The lessons that have presented themselves to you on your earth journey have inhibited certain aspects of you.

That time has ended. It is in your past, gone. You have entered a world where you have to truly understand what it means for light to reflect light. If you have been one of those who have bought into the idea that light and dark need to stand in equal amounts in order for one to truly learn and master the lessons of light and balance, then I must ask you now to immediately erase that from your consciousness. The choices that you have made are presenting you with this opportunity, the opportunity to live your life expressing and reflecting light and in so doing attracting every aspect of light that exists within you into your physical reality and having it reflected back at you. This may challenge many of your belief systems especially when there are so many people out there telling you that if you do not experience darkness you cannot continue to grow, I tell you rubbish! That is over, I will repeat it over and over again if I have to.

Your choice to move into vibrations of today’s Universal Solstice is activating the memory within your cells which is triggered by the light within your DNA reminding you that light reflects light, that you are a powerful enough master to ensure that everything that you experience and that you express in life embodies light. How is darkness to be transmuted if light does not become the presence of majority? Think about it. The 12:12 vibration is presenting humanity with a remarkable opportunity of accelerated growth. You have heard of the 144,000 volunteers of the light, these are in fact Lightworkers, you, who have agreed to return at this time to anchor light, to be the ones who live life with light reflecting light. That is the theme of the Golden Age and in order for you to fully embrace, to integrate, understand and live within Alchemy Consciousness you need to grasp the Alchemy of Consciousness and this is something that will happen rapidly for you by embracing the knowing that light reflects light and no longer do you need to have equal amounts of darkness so that you can appreciate your light.

As a result of this accelerated development we are able now to expand the energy of the volunteers and awaken more and more of you and even those of you who are awake, you will experience awakening on deeper and deeper levels. So we have had 144,000 Lightworkers and instead of us now moving to 288,000 Lightworkers and then awakening another aspect of that and manifesting 432,000 Lightworkers we have been able to, with your assistance, double it to 288,000. When we move through this key activation of the 12:12 universal solstice today in the next year, twelve months, we will have doubled that to 576,000 Lightworkers fully active, fully awake and by this I mean 576,000 Lightworkers who have consciously embraced the knowing
that light reflects light, 576,000 Lightworkers who have fully embraced Alchemy Consciousness, the Alchemy of Consciousness and are actively living their life abundantly, manifesting wealth, creating wealth, experiencing health, truth and the joy of life.

Once we have anchored the energy of the 576,000 Lightworkers by the end of 2008, during the year of 2009 to the end of 2010 we will have manifested the awakening of 2,304,000 Lightworkers just as we have explained a moment ago. When I say WE will have manifested the awakening of, I include you in the WE, this means you are becoming more and more active in your role as a creator, an alchemist, a being of immense power living within a human form.

It is vital that I remind everyone of you that living within victim consciousness, poverty consciousness and conditional love consciousness deprives you of the essence of Mother/Father God’s love. You block it. They do not withhold it. We do not withhold anything from you ever. You determine what you are able and ready to accept, to integrate and attract into your life. Again this puts the ball in your court beloved one. This is the reason why I always say everything in life begins and ends with you. You are the Alchemist of your life. You have the power to turn all those base dense aspects of yourself into golden light, golden consciousness by using the Alchemy of Consciousness.

Today is the fantastic day where the Ascension Flame of the Divine Mother will increase it’s light from inside of you. As this happens there are powerful encodings, which have to do with new hydrogen matrices with amazing bonding potential inside of you awakening, this means that you are able to merge with light in an extraordinary way. This sets in motion the full activation of all the biological keys to mastery, to freedom and to full awakening inside of you. As this Master Light bursts to life inside of you, you will experience that it is possible for you to accelerate your growth like never before. In order for this to happen you need to bear in mind everything that I have said to you this day so far, to remind yourself of it daily. We also suggest that you redo the process that we are about to take you through at least once a day for a period of twelve days or once a week for a period of twelve weeks depending on how you feel about it. For some of you, you may feel that you are not able to do it once a day for twelve days. If you feel the energy is too intense then do it once a week for twelve weeks. Those of you who are ultra daring you can do it for twelve consecutive days for twelve months. Hold onto your bootstraps if that is your choice!

Having said that beloved ones let us now move into the energy flow of the 12:12. Shut your eyes if you have not already, make yourself comfortable and begin to focus on breathing in deeply and exhaling fully. Take a deep breath in through your nose, hold to the count of four and breathe out slowly to the count of six, hold to the count of two. Breathe in deeply to the count of eight, hold to the count of six. Breathe out to the count of eight, hold for the count of two. Breathe in deeply to the count of eight, hold to the count of six. Breathe out slowly to the count of eight and now allow yourself to breathe rhythmically, always ensuring that you are breathing in deeply and exhaling fully.

Imagine the presence of all the beings of this Universe gathering around you. The vibrations of their presence penetrating all your defences, the masks you wear, and the veils of illusion that float within the vision of the old way of living life. Consciously open your being and all your chakras to receive the blessing of the light of the Almighty Divine Presence of All That Is. Allow it to seep in through every pore of your skin to become one with you.

While this energy seeps into your being the biology of your body begins responding. This response initiates the changes from the very core of your inner self. Firstly the atoms of your body begin emanating higher frequencies of light. Your atomic structure is now able to absorb light from the core of the cosmos. As it brings that light into the atoms of your body new life is awakened, and new light bursts forth inside of you. The sound of that light travels into the molecules of your body activating yet another level of new life. This light I speak of embodies Alchemy and it embodies consciousness. These frequencies empower you to truly understand the Alchemy of Consciousness. Try and imagine this whole new super nova exploding inside of you, the sound of that light seeps into your DNA and all twelve strands begin vibrating, responding to the quickening of new life. This automatically activates the twelve strands of its Divine Complement and the Twin Grid of Divine Service.

Alchemy Consciousness and the Alchemy of Consciousness explodes into a new form of energy, this energy is fed by the New Flower of Life that is now beginning to create itself around you and your Divine Complement, in other words, your Twin Self. Your Divine Complement, this Twin Self or Divine Counterpart if you like, is not the part of you that reflects your darkness, it is not the so-called “evil twin”. Remember what I said earlier on, you have moved beyond that. This Twin Self is the reflection of all of the Light inside of you and the same applies to the Twin Self. You are the reflection of his or her Inherent Light. As this exquisite New Flower of Life forms around the two of you, I want you to imagine yourself standing in front of your Divine Complement. Raise your hands so that your palms touch those of your Twin Self. Imagine the powerful life-force being transported through you, through the palm chakras of your hands into that of your Divine Complement, and the same happens with this powerful Light moving through your Divine Complement and into your body, and now see your heart chakra and that of your Twin opening and as you look closer you see the Flower of Life.

The exquisite beauty and magnetic energy of that Flower of Life is the exact reflection of the Flower of Life inside your heart chakra. It is the exact replica of the Flower of Life that is being created around the two of you. Even though it may appear that this Flower of Life looks like any other one you have seen, I ask you to feel it’s energy. You will notice it’s vibration is unique, a signature, a sound never expressed through any other ever before, a vibration as unique as your fingerprints.

Breathe the vibrations of this unique tone into your body and surrender as the cells of your body respond to its powerful vibration. Fall into the love within this sound as the both of you are transported to Zero Point.

This Flower of Life begins to become a crystalline sacred geometric Merkaba vehicle around the both of you. This is the unique Merkaba vehicle of the Twin Light. It is the Light Vehicle of the Divine Complements, two unique vibrations merged as one. The powerful gift that you are receiving through this, beloved ones, is that your unique vibration and that of your Divine Complement were originally created to fit together. That vibration will not fit together with any other vibration other than that of your Divine Complement, and when these two energies unite at Zero Point this powerful new sacred geometric Merkaba vehicle of light is born. I ask you now to open every fibre of your being to absorb this powerful light as it seeps into your being, and this is what accelerates the upcoming initiations I briefly mentioned at the beginning of today’s message. This light is a light you have never experienced before, a frequency never experienced before, it is this frequency that ensures that this Sacred Mergence at Zero Point becomes the Marriage of Light, the Marriage of Light that allows Alchemy Consciousness to embrace the collective consciousness, planetary consciousness, solar consciousness and galactic consciousness. These rings of consciousness are being penetrated because our goal is 2,304,000 fully active Alchemists by the end of 2010. You are a key component in making that a reality. Movement into a Golden Age requires Alchemy Consciousness and it is this gift that you are receiving by merging at Zero Point with your Twin.

Now we take it a step further and I want you to visualise the twelve strands of your DNA connecting with the twelve strands of your Twin’s DNA. Just be aware of the vibrations of these Twin Strands of DNA. Take a deep breath in and as you slowly exhale notice how the twenty-four strands of DNA begin to merge with one another until there are just twelve strands of DNA again.
The Vibration of Light, the frequencies emitted from these twelve strands will never be the same again for they embody the Twin Consciousness of Androgyny and Alchemy Consciousness. Your DNA has merged with it’s Divine Complement, this means God and Goddess as one, masculine and feminine married and the sacredness of the power of that combined consciousness enables Alchemy to weave Powerful Magic.

Continue to breathe in deeply exhaling fully as this exquisite energy pulsates through your physiology, through your anatomy, through your biology and into all the subtle frequencies of your emotional, your mental, your intellectual and causal bodies.

Take a deep breath in and as you do this a powerful ray of light comes from the very core of the cosmos. This light filters through all the higher levels of your being, seeping into your causal body, penetrating your intellectual body, your mental, your emotional and your physical body merging with Mother Earth’s body.

Beloved one this two-way flow of energy is going to continue flowing and pulsating in this manner for the next ninety-nine days. The reason for this is that at the end of those ninetynine you will have completed a powerful stage of understanding the alchemy of consciousness. It is a time where you will have completed the initiations I spoke of earlier and you will have embodied a new lease on life, a new ability to truly see what you are capable of by allowing your light to shine through, by allowing the light and support that comes from your Twin Self regardless of whether that person/soul is a physical part of your life or not doesn’t matter, you are still connected.

Take a deep breath in now and as you exhale we transport you through space, through time and we take you beloved ones to the Kings Chamber in the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

Just open your energy, relaxing, surrendering. Egypt is one of the ancient heart chakras reflecting the Love and Divinity of the Divine Cosmic Mother. This is where the Christ Egg of Peace was anchored on the 9th of September of the year 2007. It is one of the highest altars, so to speak, of Gratitude and this is why we have brought you into this space now. The energy within the Kings Chamber has access to many portals of light and as the sound of the Twin Connection expands and increases in frequency your unique sound, the Twin Sound, of your Twin Soul, your Divine Complement, your Divine Counterpart begins to strengthen. This sound begins filling up the atoms, the molecules, the DNA and cells of your body. Surrender to this unique sound, it is beginning to activate the portal of the 12:12 gateway.

While that is taking place you will notice that the twelve strands of DNA that have been hovering between you and your Twin stretches as the both of you breathe it in. They do not separate. They are bonded within and between the both of you and that Sacred Grid of the New Flower of Life, that unique Divine Complement Merkaba Vehicle of Life is now divinely secure and crystallised within the Cosmic Grid of New Life. Surrender all your fears, surrender all of your concerns, your anxiety, any sadness or grief you may embody, any other negative emotion, feeling or thought and allow the Sacred Sound to transmute
all of it.

With every breath you take the 12:12 Gate expands opening to welcome you, to welcome your Divine Complement, to welcome two expressions of Sacred, Divine, Exquisite and Powerful Light.

When you are ready remove your palms from that of your Twin Self and take each other by the hand, both of you facing the 12:12 Gateway. By choosing to walk through this gate you are choosing and committing to the Pathway of the Twin Flame and I must emphasise at this point that when I speak of the Twin Flame in this context I am speaking of the Twin Self in the form of the Divine Counterpart, Divine Complement, the Divine Expression of self that reflects light. You are also committing to the Pathway of Service as Divine Complements carrying out your role to serve together and to bring the same Alchemy Consciousness to the rest of humanity. This will contribute to manifesting the 2,304,000 fully awakened Lightworkers in all walks of life.

So take a deep breath and when you are ready take the first step in the direction of this new world, walk through the 12:12 Gate into Golden Age consciousness, in other words Alchemy Consciousness and the Alchemy of Consciousness. The Zero Point energy you have touched upon will continue to fuel you, by this I mean it’s energy will motivate you to be aware of what your motivation is. Zero Point represents zero tolerance of anything embodying fear, poverty consciousness, victim consciousness or conditional love consciousness. Be aware of the Golden Energy of the Golden World filling the Merkaba Vehicle of you and your Twin Self, and be aware of this Golden Light filling the Flower of Life within your heart chakra.

You now stand within the presence of the Universal Lords and Ladies of the Light and the Great Celebration of the Universal Solstice is now taken to another level as we all celebrate your Unified Coming of Age, stepping into the Golden Age, embracing the Rays of Life that liberate you. We ask you now to stop, to turn and face your Twin Self again and this time we ask you to embrace one another so that the Flower of Life on your heart chakras merge and become One.

This Flower of Life now becomes a three-dimensional spinning ball of light. This spinning ball has magnetic qualities to it ensuring that the two of you are always drawn together and if you are both in physical form this vibration will ensure that the two of you unite and live your life together as one if you have not already.

Continue to breathe as we complete the activation. We will remain with each of you until midnight at which time the Universal Solstice Celebration comes to its end, however the energies that have been activated will continue for as long as you allow it to. Remember what you have stepped into, remind yourself of who you are, of what you emanate and allow yourself to choose a life of light reflecting light.

Take another deep breath in and as you exhale gently begin drawing your awareness back into your physical reality. Become aware of the sounds around you. Become aware of the feelings inside your body and know that even though you are returning to physical life, to physical consciousness and awareness that what you have experienced today will remain with you. Every single one of you who have experienced this activation today, you will continue to emanate that light through you for the rest of your existence. The Sacred Sound that exists inside of you held within that Flower of Life, will facilitate the emergence of the same process for the planet and for every willing soul who chooses to become an active One within the 2,304,000.

Never underestimate your ability to make a change. Never underestimate your ability and power to change your own life. You are now at Zero Point where zero tolerance exists, therefore no room for excuses. There is only room for action. Even when you are being passive you are being active, it is the active act of being passive, the active act of being still, of being creative. Everything embodies an action and the universe supports action.

Beloved ones we celebrate the journey you have chosen. We honour you for making the choice you did today and for allowing yourself to become one with your Twin, that Flame of Life that reveals to you your light within everything around you. Celebrate your life, give thanks for everything you have, give thanks for every journey you have embarked upon, every lesson you have learnt. Give thanks for every day of your life and you will see how an attitude of gratitude is in itself one of the most important keys of Alchemy Consciousness. May each of you fully recognise the gifts that lie within gratitude. May each of you feel the presence of the divine inside of you expressed outside of you and may all always be well in your world.

I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.

This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions that no information is altered or deleted or used for monetary gain, and the source of the information be acknowledged. To find out more about Michelle & The Lightweaver please visit

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The Path to Global Peace Starts in Your Heart

Posted on November 5, 2007. Filed under: Hundredth Monkey, Paradigm Shift, Peace |

I know many kind people who while would never dream of being verbally and emotionally abusive to others treat themselves badly. They criticize and even mentally cuss themselves out for little errors and normal human mistakes. They lash out at themselves mentally and emotionally often in the manner a cruel parent, sibling or another authority figure treated them as a child. They continue the cycle of violence in this way only abusing themselves instead of others.

Creating a world where peace reigns requires that kindness be extended not just to to strangers and family but one’s very own self. When waging peace do not forget to extend the olive branch to yourself. Start peace talks in this internal war by examining your behavior. Would you treat a friend in this way? Would you tolerate someone treating your child like that? If not stop treating yourself like that. If you can channel healing energy like Reiki immediately self-treat for at least 1 minute after each self-criticism with the intention to heal it to the source. If you recall a particular insult being hurled at you by another in past make that part of your regular self-treatment until that wound is healed.

One by one acts like this increases the amount of Peace on Earth.

Diamond Heart

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The Earth Changes Channeling from Kuthumi via Michelle Eloff

Posted on October 31, 2007. Filed under: Archangel Michael, Ascended Masters, Ascension, Ascension / Descension, Attachments, Celia Fenn, Chakra, Channeling, Cleansing Techniques, Co-Creation, Earth Changes, Energy Cleansing, Energy Healing, Entity Removal, Guided Meditation, Kuthumi, Mary Magdalene, Michelle Eloff, Paradigm Shift, Peace, Spirit Releasement, Uncategorized |

I am not Michelle Eloff. I am just someone who finds channellings that she shares extremely helpful. I hope you will find them so as well! Please click on the link to visit her website.

Diamond Heart

The Earth Changes Channeling

Johannesburg – 02 August 2004
TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT MICHELLE & THE LIGHTWEAVER PLEASE VISIT Please keep in mind that just reading this information will activate a process and shift for you. It is not the same as being in the presence of the channeling Master, but you will still benefit from reading it and aligning your consciousness with the associated Master.

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom, to greet thee at this time and to bring unto thee the blessings of deeper understanding, of expanded consciousness, of integration and of _expression. Greetings, beloved one’s. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you all upon this evening, as we hold each one of you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved one’s, as we gather with you this evening in the presence of the Christ consciousness, we bring to you as a group, and to you as individuals, information that we trust you will integrate in a manner and that will serve to awaken deeper levels of understanding within the hearts and minds of your fellow travelers, as well as within your own heart and mind.

More and more people ask “What is happening to this planet? In the year 2012, will everything come to an end?” Much of the information that has been written to date has manifested fear in people’s hearts and in their minds. Because they do not understand that humanity as a collective consciousness can affect how the changes impact on your planet and all its inhabitants, they feel afraid about the current & upcoming changes.

It is important that you understand that this kind of change has happened before. The planet has experienced polar shifts before. This is evident in history.

It is also important to know that humanity, in this particular timeline, has an advantage, which could in fact pose a problem, but with understanding the problem can most certainly become the solution. The difference is that humanity has far more knowledge and far more intellect than the last time the planet went through this kind of shift.

Other earth changes that have been recorded in your Earth’s history have been the times of Lemuria, and the changes of Atlantis. History is repeating itself where humanity has reached the point of self-destruction because of the lack of light. I say “lack of light” because of the lack of understanding and the lack of sufficient knowledge that can empower people to fully understand what consequences their actions create. So let me make it very clear that the darkness I speak of, is the darkness manifest due to a lack of knowledge, lack of understanding, and lack of wisdom, as well as the lack of love. Without love, light does not exist. Without love and without light, ignorance, fear and negativity become the order of the day.

Now if you observe the changes that have taken place within humanity’s consciousness over the past 25 years, you will notice there has been a steady progression in the expansion of consciousness. The consciousness I speak of is that of awareness, where more light is coming in the form of awareness, knowledge and understanding. However with this knowledge, more questions are arising, and with more questions come more answers, and with more answers therefore, more questions. And so the process begins to mushroom into a whole new and even more profound level of consciousness.

During the time of Atlantis people had learned how to utilize the power of nature by harnessing its forces. However, due to lust consciousness, being the abuse of power, greed and selfishness, the process of self-destruction played out. This was a time, one might say, when the lords of lust and the lords of light were in battle. The battle that took place was also between many highly adept alchemists, wizards, sorcerers and witches – the great manifestors.

This is where we could say white magic and black magic played itself out, hence the lords of light and the lords of lust. Those of lust consciousness adopted a belief in fear, in lack and in loss, and through that wanted to control and own most of what was in their environment. Their belief was that the more they could control and own, the more power they would have. That power would maintain their comfort zone and be a manifestation of more power. Therefore, no loss and no lack. This abuse could not be tolerated and as I have said, it moved into a process of destruction.

Now your planet and present timeline consciousness has been playing out along very similar veins. Most of you are already aware of the fact that 10% of the earths population either controls or owns 90% of the earth’s resources. This is in itself a severe imbalance. Modern technology has unraveled the use of other forms of technology that you would not be able to begin to comprehend. You would honestly believe that it is a manifestation of some kind of science fiction novel, or movie. But let me tell you, it exists. The researchers of your governments do not sit and play computer games all day. Serious research is conducted 24 hours of every single day, of every year. That research of technology has manifested in many levels of separation.

Now without going into too much of the highly sophisticated and advanced technology that the scientists of your planet have figured out, we will speak about technology that all of you are familiar with, of all of the gadgets that are supposed to make your life easier. Many of these gadgets emit radioactive rays. This impacts upon the environment. The radioactivity breaks down the negative ions in the environment, creating positive ions, which is a form of pollution, which not only weakens and breaks down your organic vehicle, but it does the same to everything else that is organic in the environment.

There are already people within media who are gaining more interest in the earth changes, and we believe that not too long ago it was written in one of your newspapers that the magnetosphere over Southern Africa is becoming weaker and weaker. The earth’s magnetic field, which is responsible for maintaining the magnetosphere is becoming weaker because of the pollution of various frequencies impacting upon that particular structure of energy.

Three thousand kilometers beneath the earth there are immense changes happening as well. The inner core of the earth is expanding. There are other core points of the earth that are cooling, which is also resulting in many of the weather changes upon your planet. All of this activity is for a purpose and has manifested as a result of certain actions.

Now it is important that we explain every aspect of this to you, so that you can see that it is a natural process and one that could not be avoided, because it is a part of the evolution of the planet as a being. And it may not need to manifest to the extent that it may manifest, if humanity as a consciousness can begin to pull together and live a more conscious lifestyle. So here we shall begin to speak more of what is happening to the earth, and then we shall move on to how humanity’s consciousness can contribute to supporting the changes as opposed to making them worse.

In fact your solar system is moving into a new energy space. There is already scientific documentation that this is happening, and I urge you to find out more about this. This solar shift is impacting upon the magnetic fields of other planets and affecting their atmospheres. Mars has already experienced changes where there has been a thickening of its magnetic field. Jupiter is experiencing magnetic shifts. Uranus’s magnetic field has already doubled in its intensity, and Neptune and Uranus appear to have had a recent polar shift. Other evidence that things are changing within the solar system is that since 1975 volcanic activity upon your planet has increased by 500%. Since 1975 earthquake activity has increased by 400% and between the years of 1963 and 1993, the manifestation of natural disasters such as floods, tidal waves, hurricanes, twisters etc, have increased by 410%. All of these are as a result of many of the changes that are taking place within your solar system, and not just upon your planet.

Of course it is important to know that the sun itself affects your planet and that the moon is undergoing shifts. Its magnetic field is also increasing. Now, as this is happening and the magnetic field on planet earth is decreasing, many things come into play. The impact of the lessening of the magnetic field on the human as a being is not entirely known as yet. We can however say that what humanity is currently experiencing within themselves, is as a result of the weakening of the magnetic field.

One of the side effects of the weakening of the magnetic field is people having difficulty maintaining balance within their bodies energetically. It will also affect people in that they will have difficulty maintaining physical balance, not being able to literally, stand up properly. Mood swings are another of the symptoms, and the emotional body becoming erratic and volatile in its _expression, and in the person’s ability to try and maintain some level of balance. People may find that at times this is easy, and at other times extremely difficult.

This is why the masters and many other grand teachers have been stressing the importance of becoming more consciously aware of how your actions affect the planet. Blindly moving through life with absolutely no consideration for other forms of life has created problems. The ozone layer is becoming weaker. This you have known for a very long time, but what we have found is that still much of the human race has not grasped how serious this is. Much of the human race has not grasped it because they do not understand it. Why is this? Because humanity still to a large extent believes in separation and duality.

Now no one can blame humans for thinking this because everything in your world confirms and affirms separation. If you are not united, as in physically joined to a tree, to a flower, to an apple or a banana, to a monkey or your mother, then how on earth can you be one with it? We say this because this is how many humans understand energy. Many people do not see the physical manifestations of Spirit, so if God is not dropping in for tea, (or any of the masters or angels) then how on earth can it be real, and how can you be one with it?

Therefore it is up to each and every single individual, through their own experience of manifesting unity, to guide others to understand the same. If a person does not understand that using products that are full of chemicals, are going to poison the earth, there is absolutely no reason for them to stop. But if people begin to understand that if you use products that poison mother earth, the seeds that you plant will produce poisonous food, which will then be lacking in nutrients and vital minerals. Your cattle will begin to die, or even worse they will produce young with deformities. Even their children may be born with deformities. The lack of education regarding such subjects has become a problem beloved ones.

Now moving out of rural consciousness and into suburban consciousness, there are even those who we would consider more dangerous, who do the same thing. The difference is that they have more resources at their disposal to cause damage. Let us look at the major companies of the planet that are responsible for manufacturing products that have poisons in them which are poisoning the earth. Because they are such large entities very few people will make a stand. One of the reasons why a stand is never taken is because the majority of society has absolutely no clue as to what is going on, but it is becoming evident by the impact that it is having upon your children. For those of you who are becoming more and more sensitive you are finding that your bodies are beginning to reject certain foods, and certain drinks, and that you are reacting in an allergic manner to products used upon your bodies, and in your environments. All of these beloved ones, are also red flags to show you that something is not working in harmony with the earth. What is being created and produced en masse is not for the good of the whole.

Now some people, (maybe even those who may come to read this material), may think, “Oh my goodness, there’s someone else, another conspiracy theorist, running off at a tangent.” This has absolutely nothing to do with that. This is fact. And if anyone who wishes to take the time to research the archives of many research institutions, and many of the faculties in government, you will find hard evidence that this is in actual fact true. The more you know, the more tools you have at your disposal beloved ones to make changes.

What we are trying to explain and bring into understanding, is that to become more conscious, is to become more responsible. The more responsible you are, the better the chances are that mother earth will be able to completely detoxify herself, and to bring her body back into balance. How do you think your body would be able to function, if every single day you were pumping very dangerous poisons into your body. Add a little sprinkling of rat poison or a few of the ingredients of many of the detergents used to your salad dressing, and see what that does to your body. This is what is happening to mother earth. She is being poisoned. This is also contributing to the shifts, because she as a body is also having to adapt and to support herself, in bringing her health back into balance.

Now let us take you out into space again to show you why you are all one, and how everything affects everything, even if it is out of your vision. As a result of all the shifts taking place within your solar system, more and more plasma is growing. This is resulting in many of the planets becoming brighter. All you need to do is to look up at Venus, and you will notice how much brighter that planet has become. And the plasma is expanding and increasing in many other areas in outer space. With all of these shifts and changes, thickening on certain areas, and thinning in other areas, the dangerous gamma rays are slowly also beginning to seep through, and this is very dangerous to the human body itself.

Again, within your physical reality, if there is more conscious living, you will be able to make sure that the impact is not as severe as it has been in past shifts, and as severe as it can become.

Humanities consciousness is now undergoing an even deeper shift because you are moving out of 3 dimensional consciousness, and into fifth dimensional consciousness. The magnetic changes automatically bring this about. Your planet is also already fully in the photon belt, and the photon energy is impacting upon your lives, upon your emotions, and upon your world collectively.

The journey through spiritual evolution has brought about a lot of understanding, but it has also manifested an immense amount of fear. Much of what has been written about and predicted by many prophets has already manifested, however, much of it has not manifested. And it is important that we bring this information to you now, because this also shows you that what has been predicted can be reversed. All predictions are based on a probable outcome, which is information gathered and based on past predictable behavior. So if the predictable behavior is changed, the prediction no longer manifests. And this is the aim of making all of this information available to all of you, in order to make you aware of how these shifts and changes taking place in the consciousness of humanity and within the physical structure of your earth and the solar system, can bring about changes that will support your earth, as opposed to destroying her, as has happened in the past.

Here also, it is very important that we remind all of you that as you have consciously chosen to make changes in your life, you are contributing to the shift in the collective consciousness of your planet. Each individual’s change makes the collective change. The more you learn, the more you know, and the more others will come to learn and to know.

So the whole modern movement in spiritual evolution is great cause for celebration, because even though all of this activity is taking place on a physical level, spiritually man is evolving at a rate that has not ever been recorded in earth’s history. The combination of intellectual intelligence, coupled with the strengthening of emotional intelligence, is creating the integration of spiritual intelligence. Beloved ones, without spiritual intelligence, one cannot be balanced. So physiologically humans have evolved, and intellectually humans have evolved, and those were the first two aspects of humanities evolution. And now the vital conclusion of that evolution into the golden age is the union of emotion and spirit.

That union of emotion and spirit, brought into balance with the physiological process and the intellectual process, will bring all the elements together to allow the state of evolution and ascension that your planet is working towards, to happen. This manifests in the greatest blessing of all for your planet, and that is the marriage and union of spirit and science.

Therefore it is very important for each person to understand the science within themselves, to understand that spirit animates each one of you, and that there is a science within that animation. It is important to understand that everything that has brought life, as you know it into creation, was as a result of that fusion of spirit and science. One could not and cannot exist without the other, and growth cannot reach the full potential of _expression and experience without spirit and science together as one.

So the spiritual movement as it is becoming more commonly known at this time, is for a very, very valuable purpose, and all of you actively building platforms upon which to build your lives, are the catalysts in creating the union between science and spirit. Everything that is breaking down within governments and organized institutions and religion, is a part of that process of bringing about deeper understanding and awareness, and expanding consciousness. This is so that people can feel empowered to individually and collectively stand up to the powers of lust, in order to bring balance back to the earth, and to bring balance back to life. That balance will re-manifest itself as the process of evolution revolves through another spiral of geological _expression and physiological ascension.

Now let us also tell you that many of the changes happening in your solar system, which are affecting your earth, are impacting upon your physical body, which is also bringing about what is being termed as the mutation or awakening of dormant strands of DNA in the human body. The frequencies of the earth are also increasing, which is allowing less density to be present, and of course the less density, the faster the rate at which energy vibrates. Therefore one is able to shift into other dimensions of reality.

Many of you are experiencing instant karma. It is not so much instant karma beloved ones. This is evidence that you are working in fifth dimensional consciousness. The fifth dimensional consciousness is such, that as you think, so you create. So if you feed energy into fear, what happens is that fear manifests. You invest energy in light, and light manifests. Now what happens is that many people are vacillating between the two, because third dimensional lower frequency still affects many people. So, on your good days, you find yourself experiencing higher levels of consciousness. This is also influenced by the shifts and changes within the magnetic fields of your planet. The reason is that you too are made up of electro magnetic energy. Magnetite is present in the human brain, so it also impacts within all the aspects that the brain governs and rules, and even those that you have not yet tapped into. This results in the neurological system being affected.

So there you can see how you are all connected to every level of energy within, upon and around your planet.

Now the geomagnetic field of the planet is being affected by the electromagnetic energy that is being created through a lot of modern technology, and especially many of those that you are not aware of. This is impacting on the animal kingdom. Birds, whales and dolphins, mice, and even molluscs use the geomagnetic fields to travel. Whales and dolphins however use the total geomagnetic field, not to find direction, but to assess the depth of water to know where it is shallow and where there is land. Now, where that geomagnetic field is affected, whales and dolphins beach themselves. If you go back in history not too far past, you will see that when there have been times when dolphins and whales have beached themselves, the geomagnetic field has been going through a severe process of shift, a kind of polar shift. So in actual fact, the polar shift is already in motion and the so-called prelude is not such as many have believed it to be.

Again, this is the reason why we are giving you this information. Because the more you know how it is affecting your planet, the more you can do to ensure that what has been playing itself out, does not continue in its intensity.

So beloved ones, taking responsibility for your life as an individual, by imagining yourself as a planet, as a body of light within the solar system you can begin to understand how important it is to take care of that planet, and in order for it to provide all of the resources required for all its inhabitants to function properly and in optimum energy. You can call the inhabitants of the your planet (your body) your organs and everything else that makes that planet (your body) tick. By taking full responsibility for ensuring that you know as much as you can possibly know, about what your actions, your thoughts and your words do, the more you are able to contribute to the change. We are not speaking only of your physical actions, but of your internal reactions as well.

We said earlier on that the moon’s magnetic field is also increasing. Now I’m sure that many of you are aware of the fact that on the day prior to the full moon, the day of the full moon, and the day after the full moon, many people behave like lunar-tics, behaving in ways that are out of character. There is an immense amount of emotional energy during that time when suicides, murders, rapes and violent acts take place, more so on these three days than at any other time of the month. Now because the moon’s energy is becoming stronger, you are also witnessing many more violent acts. This is where the moon, in a way, is supporting the process of revealing what is out of balance in society, within their emotional and within their mental bodies.

So, the more spiritually aware you become, the more emotionally aware you become. The more emotionally aware you become, automatically your spiritual awareness expands, and with that, your intellectual awareness and strength can be utilized to create physical change, that will support the physiology of your body and the physiology of your environment. So everything works together. Again, a perfect example of how everything is interconnected. How the moon is helping mother earth, and how the shifts and changes going on within your solar system is creating that shift, not only physically, but within the planet’s consciousness, which is automatically allowing for the process of shifting into different dimensions to take place.

Many people have asked whether the day will come when they will be able to shift from one consciousness or dimension into another dimension, and be consciously aware of it. The answer is absolutely yes, because the more you take responsibility, the better your chances are of experiencing it. The more you take responsibility, the better the chances are of your planet surviving. The more responsibility you take for you, the easier it will be for you to lead by example. Always remind yourself that if you want to see change happen in your world and within the great community of the collective consciousness, and even within your own intimate space, you have to be that change. Therefore there is only one way to lead and that is by example.

The more you learn, the more you understand, and the more you know. Share this with others. If you observe someone doing something out of ignorance, and you feel the moment presenting itself is apt for you to go forward and share that information with the so called ignorant one, then go ahead and do it. For far too long people have retreated within themselves not wanting to get involved. Lack of involvement so to speak, has separated the majority of humanity from their spirit, from their heart and from their mind. So the separation of the heart and the mind is a direct reflection of the separation between spirit and science. And all of that separation has manifested in the different religions, each one of them condemning the other and trying to convince everyone that their path is the only path, and through that they create wars. No one wants to get involved. No one wants to take it upon themselves to truly walk their talk, to live that truth and to make the effort to find their authentic selves. Why? Because they might be judged, they might be criticized, they might be rejected for who they are and what they have to say. All the years of shutting up has manifested in what your earth is experiencing today. So beloved ones, the news for you is that it is time to come out of the closet, and to show your true colours.

Many of you sitting in your individual space, and we speak not only of those present here this evening, but also of the ones who will come to read these words, say, “I will serve, I want to serve, I want to make a difference. How can I make a difference? I will represent the divine. I will protect other kingdoms.” But the moment many are placed within that spotlight, all the fears, all the programmes and insecurities rise to the surface, and one shrinks within oneself. Beloved ones, we do not say this in judgment, we are simply expressing the observations that have been made with many who are truly wanting to go forward and make a difference. And you can, if you will all work together. Take responsibility for your individual process, but open your heart, open your mind and open your life to welcome those who have the same so called mission, and together you will achieve this. So, with expanded awareness comes more focus and concentrated effort. Those efforts have a stronger impact on the social environment and collective consciousness and eventually that becomes the norm, because more and more people will see beyond the illusion and recognize the truth.

The way this will happen is that the more people come out and speak about what they know, about what they have discovered and intuitively feel, and the more people research their intuitive feelings, the thoughts impressed on the mind, and find the evidence, the more people will sit up and listen. Many people have said, “I will only believe once I can see proof”. Go and find that proof. You will not find it sitting in the comfort zone of past belief systems and programmes, waiting for Commander Ashtar or any other being of light to manifest in your office, or between you and your television set, telling you “Here I am, this is real.” It is time for that spiritual movement to take place, in other words, the movement of spirit being motivated by your spirit, to do something different. And that will manifest through each one of you in your unique ways, and those unique ways will create a powerful collective group of energy that will be able to support the process of change.

Now we will start with the questions, because these questions will give us the space to give more of the information that is important to you.

Question: I would like to know what will happen to people on the planet in 2012, with the tectonic plates moving, which presumably they will do. What will happen to the people on the planet? Will it be that some of them will move into another dimension because they are vibrating at a different level?

Answer: First of all sister, the tectonic plates move quite regularly, and as we said earlier on, since 1975 the frequency of earthquakes has increased by 400%, which is as a result of that tectonic movement increasing. By the year 2012, there will be a great difference in humanity’s consciousness. The planet, as you know it, will not disappear. As the tectonic plates are shifting, certain parts of the world are sinking, and other parts are rising. In fact for the full cycle of the polar shift to take place, in a way that one would see for example, Australia disappearing, and Atlantis rising again, could take anything between 1200 and 5000 years. So when they speak of the year 2012 being the year of that shift, it is the shift within humanity’s consciousness. It is the way that humans relate to life. You are accurate however, with regard to the dimensions that people will be able to access. There are already human beings who are successfully moving between dimensions, materializing and dematerializing their bodies at will, and utilizing the systems of energy available to them to educate humanity. Some of the “advanced teachers” of your world, who utilize the combination of both science and spiritual technology, are those who are able to do this. These are the ones who understand those frequencies, and what they bring in the form of teachings are there to assist those who recognize the opportunity, and go with it. So from now, leading up to the time of 2012, there will be more and more opportunity for people to evolve spiritually, and experience those levels of ascension in a more conscious manner. There will also be the opportunity for those souls who are not at the point of wanting to do that, to exit the planet by leaving their organic vehicles behind. So far, according to current, let us say, galactic statistics, 1.5 billion of the earth’s population will successfully go through the process of ascension. As you will understand it, of being able to move out of the third dimensional lower frequencies of fear motivation, and of being controlled by poverty consciousness, lust, conditional love and victim consciousness. They will have moved into the higher realms of living through prosperity, unconditional love, victory, divine love etc. This is then known as the golden era.

Question: Is there a critical number of people required to make a meaningful change, and how far are we away from it….(inaudible)

Answer: You have already achieved the so called critical mass required to bring about those changes, which is why we said earlier on that it is cause for great celebration. South Africa is the leader of change for the rest of the planet, and many of the shifts and changes culturally, and spiritually will take place in this country. There is such a diversity of energy here that it is possible for this to take place, this was initiated by a great teacher who came into power ten years ago. This teacher who you so fondly call Madiba, is one of the grand masters of light who manifested in a physical body to initiate this change. This man, Mandela is known all over the world as being one of the leaders of the greatest change that has taken place within world affairs.

Other areas of impact that have already attracted the world’s attention is Zimbabwe. Harare will become one of the cities of light. You can imagine Zimbabwe as a woman heavily pregnant, who is now in her state of labour and preparing to give birth to that new child of light. Zambia is another place. There it is more the mineral kingdom that is undergoing a lot of change, in the sense of bearing the impact of what has taken the form of the rape of Mother Earth. Madagascar is another place where the mineral kingdom is bearing the impact of the rape of Mother Earth. It is clearly evident that Iraq; the Middle East and America are also being affected by the impact of these changes, and the impact these changes will be having upon those areas of the world, and the citizens of those places.

Russia will rise with very valuable information, and in fact some of the Russian scientists are among those we have spoken of, who work fully with spirit and science and are bringing information regarding the changes taking place on all levels of life physically and etherically. Asia will experience, what we might call a detoxification wave, where victim consciousness and lust consciousness will be exposed to the rest of the world, bringing with it immense shock. That detoxification process will be the catalyst in many other so called “cans of worms” being opened. England, with the eventual complete break down of the monarchy will also show an immense amount of change.

Question: Could you say more about……(inaudible)

The application of the consciousness of community, a kind of sisterhood and brotherhood, by those, we will call you, “wounded healers” coming together, to assist those who are still sleeping and whose wounds are so deep that they are unable to move beyond the abyss they find themselves in. In fact brother, it always and only boils down to one thing, and that is to do whatever you can in your power to lead by example, and to ensure that the example is for the good of the whole. When one lives with that intent, one automatically attracts to oneself every opportunity required to make it possible, and to make it a reality.

Question: Master Kuthumi, were the Atlanteans human in form and did they experience a polarity shift? ……(inaudible)

Answer: They were most certainly human in form and yes, and a polar shift did take place. This was induced by the manipulation and abuse of energy during that time. If you study the various levels of evolution within humanity’s intellect, within their emotional and within their spiritual development, you will notice that there has been a rapid expansion in that particular field, from that time leading up to the present day. As more and more energy is being utilized and people are understanding it in a different way, it does make it more dangerous. It is difficult to explain how much more, because the earth has not as yet experienced that particular impact. The earth has come close to complete destruction on several occasions, but it has never reached that point exactly, where there was nothing left. But if the evolution of humanity continues as it is, without anything changing from this day forward, and people stop their personal growth, and even reverse behavior to as little as fifteen years ago, within the next 200 years, planet earth will no longer exist. That is the difference.

People have asked why it is that the Masters now have such a keen interest in planet earth, and many other forms of consciousness beyond what you are accustomed to knowing. It is because Gaia has asked for this help. She has sent out an SOS so to speak, and we are responding. There are many other civilizations that have heard this and come forward to assist. This is another of the reasons why there has been such an explosion of information, and modalities. All of this has been made accessible in order for humanity to make the changes necessary. Her final SOS went out on September 11, 2001. You call it 9/11. That was Mother Earth’s 911 call to the Universe.

Question: I am aware that it is August again. Do you have anything to tell us about the opening of the Lions Gate?

Answer: This is the second wave of the Sun Chakra. Last year was the first wave of this activation, which is known as the Sun Chakra, and is situated between the base chakra and the navel chakra. The activation of that chakra brought with it a new wave of creative energy, and with that energy a new level of information and consciousness, and more opportunity for people to access information that has not been accessed before. We speak of this information being accessed through forms of creative _expression, and of the receiving of imprints through imagination.

The second wave is bringing about the feminine aspect of this. Last year was the masculine aspect of this. This was also initiated through the Venus transit, which took place not so long ago, and the Lions Gate that was held last year by the white lions, this year is held by the golden lions. This too, supports the influx of the Golden Children, who are being born at a rate of knots at this time, and is also one of the reasons why many women are bearing more than one child at the same time. Because these souls are coming to continue what all of you are, in a way, being pushed to initiate and carry forward. The second wave of the Sun Chakra is also allowing humanity to feel safer to go into them self and explore their own vulnerability. This is not having to be done with intent, because it is happening automatically. People’s lives are changing with little effort, and it is through the relating of masculine and feminine that many of these changes are emerging. So it is these two aspects or energies of that Sun Chakra frequency that completes itself in this year. Let us also add at this time sister, that one of the gifts coming from this energy, is that the “blind” will “see”, the “cripple” will “walk”, and the “deaf” and “mute”, will “hear” and “speak”. We do hope that you understand this?

Question: Lord Kuthumi, in this age of busy-ness that we find ourselves being caught up in so often, are there specific angels that we can call on to help us to expedite what we should be doing?

Answer: There are angels for absolutely everything, did you know this? So perhaps you can call upon the angels of unbusy-ness, yes? Or perhaps you just need to call upon your angel of balance, yes? Now, to be a little more serious sister, it is a state or process of becoming conscious of how one reacts or responds to activity in one’s personal life. Some people do not respond well to an immense amount of external activity in their lives, and are better suited to other activity of a more gentle nature. You are one of those who work well being more active, mentally and physically. Part of your process of change now, is taking the mental energy and allowing it to manifest through creative energy, creative _expression, and therefore the manifestation of new systems of living within your personal life. Note that much of this will automatically manifest through your personal process of addressing what you have set your intention to address. So it will show itself to you. It is then up to you to decide what you will do with that information and energy. We suggest that you ask Spirit to assist you in aligning your energy with all the levels of consciousness………….(tape ends)…….This is an individual journey.

Question: Lord Kuthumi, greetings. In January this year I celebrated the wonderful gift I received from Spirit. ……(inaudible). Is there something you can tell me about what I did to receive this gift. It’s important to me because it will serve as part of the experience for this process (of teaching).

Answer: Brother, it was a process of intention, and of you actively committing on a conscious level to making a change in your life, and consciously choosing to participate in a frequency that would benefit the whole, as opposed to any kind of selfish gain. You moved out of the matrix of conditional love and _expression, and you moved into the template of unconditional love and _expression. By living that principle, you attracted to yourself that blessing.

Question: (Inaudible)…..

Answer: Beloved sister, every person, who has come to this room and who will read these words, is experiencing this energy for a purpose. The reason why we say this is because all of you are a vital link in the chain of life, and it is what you choose to do, or not to do, that will determine the energy that you contribute to the changes taking place within your personal life, and to the planetary changes taking place. You are fast approaching a time of great change. This particular change may take you upon a journey, not only a figurative one, but a literal one. This journey will reveal to you a deeper understanding of everything that you have experienced in your lifetime to date. It will also help you understand the patterns you have manifested, patterns that cause limitation and even at times your own tendency to sabotage your own efforts. This will revolve around certain issues of trust in your life. There is a deep solar plexus healing taking place. The solar plexus is the seat of the emotions. It is a kind of emotional maturing that you will go through, and that process will in a way, catapult you into a new lifetime. That new lifetime, or experience, is how you will be able to best serve, or in other words, live your divine plan.

Question: (Inaudible)….

Beloved sister, this is not your choice to make. What you need to do is to live your truth. By living this truth, you will show the way, which means that when they are ready to join you, or fit in, or follow, the way will be clear for them to do it. As hard as it is for you beloved one, it is important for you to remember that you cannot force the change. You can only be it. Acknowledge that by you accepting their current place within their own personal development, they will be able to accept you in your current place and experience. In a way this is known as unconditional love. It is human to want to bring those whom you love along. But to unconditionally accept those whom one loves the most can be difficult. So it is to accept what you cannot change now, and to trust that it will change in its divine time. Your husband and your children have chosen a path. You are showing a way, and you need to allow them to also live the way that they have chosen.

Question: Lord Kuthumi, do you have a message for my friend, xxxx?

Answer: There are certain people on the planet who are known as “earth processors”. What we mean by this is people who not only go through their personal process of healing, but who also take on the process of the collective consciousness. This often manifests in severe depression, and people feeling they are completely disconnected from life, from Spirit, and even those whom they love. Many of them feel that life is one big cosmic joke, and sadly some have taken their own lives. It is important that he understand that he is one such soul. It will be of benefit for him to work with someone who understands this concept and who can gently guide him out of that state. Try to encourage him to do something creative, even if it is writing about how awful he feels.

So, beloved ones, we do hope that you better understand how you are all connected, and how all the changes taking place on a planetary level as well as in your solar system, are influencing your present experience. We hope you also understand that your present _expression of what you are experiencing, is affecting the impact of those natural changes. Remember that responsibility, expanded awareness, education and knowledge, do mean added power. The power to make an informed choice, and the power to make positive changes. This empowers you as an individual, and the more the microcosm empowers itself, the more powerful the macrocosm becomes. Therefore, the more you take back your power, and search for the truth that you are inspired to seek, the more you will be able to empower others. Each of you are able to do this in unique ways.

In your field of current life experience you will be given the opportunity to do this. Do not limit how this can happen through any narrow-minded expectation of how it can manifest. Simply open yourself and open your being. That energy emitted, and the intention set, creates a powerful energy. This strengthens the magnetic field of your planet. The more balanced humanity becomes in body, mind and spirit, the stronger your electromagnetic energy becomes. Therefore the output of magnetic energy is purer, which therefore enhances the magnetic energy of your planet. With sufficient people, collectively and consciously working towards this and taking individual responsibility, you will have a collective force taking responsibility, which can and we believe will, reverse much of the impact that has been written about and predicted, which has given rise to so much fear in the human race.

An example of this reversal is that Cape Town was predicted to be completely submerged by a tidal wave. Table Mountain would have been an island. However, due to the collective consciousness, effort and energy, the celestial body that would have impacted upon the earth that would have resulted in that tidal wave, did not manifest. That is the power of the human force. This is why we say that the more responsible you become and the more knowledgeable you become, the more powerful you become to make positive change. Look at your present field of current activity, and identify how you can make a difference. What can you do and how can you apply it? Look at what your current strengths are, your knowledge and wisdom, and how you can utilize it to make a difference, in your life, your family’s lives and in the lives of your community. The problem that has manifested in the dominion of the material world is that people spend so much time chasing money that they have forgotten to look at the community’s needs, and initiate change there. When the community is rich in knowledge, when they are rich in spirit and are equipped with the tools that will sustain their lives, everyone benefits. Wealth in all its forms, and abundance upon all levels is equally distributed, and that is one of the paradigm shifts that need to take place.

The polarity, which has consisted of the separation of male and female, is coming together. It is the union of the creative self, and the manifestor, the God and Goddess, that will allow this to be. The more you embrace spirit, your Goddess self, and the more you embrace science, your God self, the more empowered you will become and the earth shifts taking place will come into balance.

South Africa has energy available to it that can be harnessed. That energy harnessed and projected with the right intent, can bring healing to the rest of your world. Many of the new leaders of light are emerging from South Africa, and will spread through Africa. Mother Africa will give birth to some of the greatest bringers of change that the earth has ever come to know. All of you are a part of that process. In your unique and individual way you allow that to happen. This is why so much is changing so quickly for South Africans. This is why so many who have left the country are feeling the pull to come back, because they know that this is where change will come from. The activity taking place 3,000 km’s below your earth is also showing the change that is taking place deep within the core and the heart of Africa, and all Africans. So don’t be afraid to show your true colours. South Africa is known as the rainbow nation for a reason. Your true colours pave the way for the rest of the world. The shift in consciousness that will take place in South Africa, and will also show that the rapid depletion within the energy over this area will begin to strengthen a lot quicker than anywhere else around the world.

And so it is beloved ones that we embrace you in your full power and in the full light of All That Is. May each one of you feel the inspiration to research the avenues of information and energy that will bring you deeper understanding as to how you can and will bring about change. May you know in your heart, mind, body and soul that you are the planet and that you are the solar system, and that you are a reflection of everything happening around you, and that what is happening within you is manifesting outside of you.

May each one of you feel the faith inside of your heart to persevere and be patient and trust in your own ability. May each one of you trust that life will support you, and that life will bring you all that you need. May the light of the God/Goddess self, of your fully mastered self and the God/Goddess light of All That Is, be the beacon that guides you on the path to find your truth. May the love of your God/Goddess self and Source Of All Life, bind you to that truth. May all that you require manifest for you in harmony, under grace, and in perfect and miraculous ways. Know that you are the polar shift and you determine to a large extent how it will affect your planet.

I am Kuthumi, Lord of Light and Wisdom, and I greet and bless you in Love. Adonai.

Michelle Eloff
Metaphysician, Crystologist, Lecturer, Clairvoyant,
Teacher, Trance Voice Channel, Author, Counsellor,
Soul Coach, Conflict Management Mediator, Soul Psychology, Psychocybernetics.

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StarchildGlobal Earthlog Oct. 28th : The Joy and Compassion Choices

Posted on October 30, 2007. Filed under: Ascension, Ascension / Descension, Celia Fenn, Co-Creation, Collective Unconscious, Hundredth Monkey, Paradigm Shift, Peace |

I am not Celia Fenn. I am just someone who finds her writing and her channellings that she shares extremely helpful. I hope you will find them so as well!

Please click on the link to read the entire Earthlog.

Diamond Heart

Earthlog October 2007 October 28th : The Joy and Compassion Choices

Then, my friend Will from Michigan in the USA wrote to tell me his experiences of hearing the Dalai Lama speak about Compassion and how it affects our daily lives. I was delighted when he shared his story, as Archangel Michael oftens tells me that the Dalai Lama should be a kind of “role model” for those who would be spiritual leaders and teachers. What he means, as I see it, is that the Dalai Lama is both a Spiritual Leader and a person who is active in the real world. he leads in a spiritual way, but he also makes people aware of what is happening in Tibet and what needs to be done to assist the Tibetan people. He lives in both worlds, the Spiritual and the Physical. He is a “grounded” spiritual leader, and his teachings affect the daily lives of many people in positive ways, as does his presence when he speaks.


Dear Lightworkers, now, at this time, expressing Love and Compassion in the Real World is so important. Being out there as a Light and Shining your Light is so important. Being able to bring Joy to Others is so important.

When people ask me why they feel so bad, I often say, because you have chosen to feel that way. It is not a conscious choice, maybe, but a past life decision that you made when you decided to accept the religions and prophecies that were focussed on the “end” of the Planet through War and Catastrophe. For many lifetimes, perhaps, you have seen life as a headlong rush towards some huge and transformative disaster where lots of people get killed. It is this belief in the Collective that political leaders who seek nuclear wars and world war III are drawing on when they attempt to create these scenarios. By accepting that there will be a great disaster, we are helping them to create such things.

Let it be now, at this time, that we as Lightworkers, give up the disaster and catastrophe perceptions that make us depressed on a deep level, and focus on the Joy of life.

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Personal Transformations and Activations with Archangel Michael and the Arcturians

Posted on October 28, 2007. Filed under: Archangel Michael, Ascended Masters, Ascension, Ascension / Descension, Attachments, Celia Fenn, Chakra, Channeling, Cleansing Techniques, Co-Creation, Energy Cleansing, Entity Removal, Guided Meditation, Kuthumi, Mary Magdalene, Michelle Eloff, Paradigm Shift, Peace, Spirit Releasement |

I am not Celia Fenn. I am just someone who finds her writing and her channellings that she shares extremely helpful. I hope you will find them so as well!

Diamond Heart

Personal Transformations and Activations with Archangel Michael and the Arcturians
Co-facilitated with Janosh

This was a very special workshop for me, since my meeting with Janosh was so obviously guided by Spirit. I had originally intended to do 3 workshops with other presenters, and then do this one with just myself and Archangel Michael. But, after meeting Janosh in Amsterdam, I was more than happy to share my “sacred space” with him. The image above comes from Janosh’s “Holy Grail” series, and incorporates the Magdalene energy, which is so much a part of the Grail legend and experience. For me, working with the Divine Feminine energy means that I work to carry this energy myself, and so facilitating with Janosh was a wonderful way of celebrating the coming together of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine.

This is probably my favorite image from the Netherlands tour. It expresses, for me, the essence of the Twin Flame energy, in Spiritual terms. It was taken in Janosh’s gallery in Amsterdam. I see the essence of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine coming together in the service of Spirit and the Higher Good. And this is essentially what the Twin Flame energy is all about. The image behind us, is one of Janosh’s works called “Time Shift”:

While we were there, we could definitely feel the energy of the Arcturians flowing from the vortex of the image and asking to be sent out into the planet as a way of reminding people of the huge shift and transition that is taking place between now and 2012 and beyond. There are many great cycles of time and experience that are at a point of change and transformation. The Cosmos is changing, the Galaxy is changing, and so is our Solar system and the Earth. We welcome in the New Solar codes that are being transmitted to us from the Galactic Center, and we thank the Arcturians for bringing us these powerful codes through the visual art of Janosh. Here is another image that I took in his gallery, expressing the transformations of the Earth within the Cosmos:

In our combined workshop, Janosh shared a Multi-media presentation that helped people to get in touch with their deep spiritual essence – what I call the “Cosmic Human”. It was a very powerful combination of visuals and music and meditation. This was follwed by Archangel Michaels’ channeled activations session called “The Perfection of Who You Are”.

Since Janosh and the Arcturians had worked to activate the “Cosmic Human” or the infinite part of our being, Archangel Michael worked to activate and transform the “lower” bodies, the Mental, Emotional and Physical, so that the transformations could be felt and experienced on every level.

The Perfection of Who You Are
An Activation/Meditation through Archangel Michael

To begin this meditation and activation, you will need to first connect with your “I AM” or Higher presence. This is what we call the “Cosmic Human” or “Human Angel”. That part of you that is infinite and eternal. To do this you can focus on the images above by Janosh, and allow yourself to feel that angelic and infinite presence within yourself.

For, as Michael teaches, Ascension essentially has two components, the first part is this connection with the Higher and Angelic self, that reaching up and finding that Heaven is within you.

The second part is allowing that “Heaven” to descend into the physical form, and this is the process of bringing Heaven to Earth. It is the process whereby Peace and Love will be brought to the Earth plane from the Spirit realm.

So, this activation enables you to prepare your physical being to accept the “Infinity codes” that are being transmitted to the Earth in 2007.

So, to begin the activation, breathe deeply and focus into your Heart Chakra.

Now, as you feel the energy within your Heart Chakra, feel how your higher chakras are open to the flow of energy from Spirit. The Crown is open, and then the Brow, and the Throat and the Heart. There is a clear flow of Spirit from the Higher Realsm and into your Heart Chakra. And so, as you feel this flow of energy, breathe deeply and say to yourself, I AM…..I AM a Cosmic Human…I AM…a Human Angel bringing Heaven to Earth.

And so, as you feel the Truth and Perfection of Who You Are flowing into your being, allow your Heart to open fully and to transmit the energies of Unconditional Love, Compasssion and Gratitude. Unconditional Love accepts All and Loves All. Unconditional Love is based in total Self-Accceptance. For All is beautiful and created form the great Love of the Source, and All is an expresssion of the Love of the Source. For the loving energy of Source creates according to the desires and wishes that you express. So, as you align with your perfection, you align with the Template of Perfection that was placed in your DNA by the Elohim angels who designed the human angelic form with all its potentials for you to explore. So, allow yourself to feel the Unconditional Love that flows through you.

Compassion is the energy that allows you to feel the path of others as if it were your own, for indeed it is. For, you are all One in your state of Love and Perfection. But, as you live on the Earth plane, you experience the blessing of individual consciousness, so you are able to exercise Compassion with Love, and bless the path and being of all who come into your life. For there is a reason for everything that you experience. For you are All One.

Gratitude is the mirror image of the Divine. For when you can look at all that you have created in your life, and say that it is good, then you are truly working with the Perfection of Who You Are. And when you express this gratitude, then your words and feelings flow to Heaven as a blessing that flows back to you, with more blessings and love.

And so, dearest Human Angels, now move your consciousness into your Physical Being, starting with your Mental Body and the Solar Plexus Chakra. Here, you can say to yourself, I am ready to release all old energy mental patterns that hold me back. I am ready to release all ideas and beliefs about limitation and lack, about pain and suffering, about low-self worth and judgment of self and others. In place of this, I am ready to embrace the new energy of Love and Abundance and Joy. For, as I clear away old patterns I create space for the flow of Unconditional Love, Compassion and Gratitude, to be expressed through my physical body, in ideas that create Joy and Abundance and Love. This expresses the Perfection of Who I Am.

Now, dearest Human Angels, move your energy to the next level, to the Emotional Body and the Sacral Chakra.Now say to yourself, I am ready to release all old energy emotional patterns that produce fear, anger, anxiety and stress. In their place, I am ready to embrace the the new energy of Love, Peace, Calm and Joy. I am ready to allow my Emotional Body to be used as an instrument to express the higher energies of Unconditonal Love, Compassion and Gratitude. All my emotions will be a reflection of these energies. This will express the Beauty and the Perfection of Who I Am.

And, finally, dearest Human Angels, allow your focus to move to your Physical Body and the Base Chakra. Say to yourself, I am ready to release all old ideas and energies and feelings and emotions about my physical body. I am ready to align with the Template of Perfect Health and Well Being that is within my DNA or physical akashic records. And , as I activate this template, I allow myself to experience perfect health and well-being. As I release all old energy ideas of guilt and punishment and unworthiness, I embrace the idea of my perfection and the knowledge that I can experience this perfection on the physical level as well. And so, I ask that as this template is activated, that I am empowered to release all the old patterns of disease and degeneration that are encoded in the DNA as well, that they may be released and replaced by the perfect codes of the Elohim template for Perfect Health and Well-Being. For this will express, on the Physical level, the Perfection of Who I Am.

And so, dearest Human Angels, as you finish these activations, breathe deeply and feel within yourself, the True Perfection of Who You Are!

And So It Is!

© 2007-8 Text by Celia Fenn, Starchild Global and Images by Janosh, Janosh Art
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.

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Starchild Fires, Full Moon and Point Zero….the point of the Great Shift

Posted on October 24, 2007. Filed under: Ascension, Ascension / Descension, Celia Fenn, Co-Creation, Paradigm Shift, Peace |

I am not Celia Fenn. I am just someone who finds her writing and her channellings that she shares extremely helpful. I hope you will find them so as well!

Please click on the link to read the entire Earthlog.

Diamond Heart

Earthlog October 24, 2007

Also, as we approach Full Moon on the 26th, I am sure most of you can feel the energy and the excitiement rising. At this time, Pluto, the planet of change and transformation is approaching the Galactic Center or Great Central Sun. The last time it was in this position was in December 2006, and it was the impetus for the Great Shift in Consciousness that we have been experieincing this year. And now, at this time, as we move through the Diamond Doorway into the Radiant Light, we are ready to embrace the full meaning of the “Great Shift”.

We have, as a Collective, agreed to make the shift into the Fifth Dimension and expanded consciousness. We have agreed to embrace our Oneness and our Inter-connectedness. We Are All One. What happens to One, happens to All. We have agreed to open our Hearts and to embrace each other with Unconditional Love and Compassion. We have agreed to create Peace, here on our Beloved Planet.

This is what we have come here to do, to create a New Earth and a new society, and we begin with ourselves. We begin by being the change that we want to see on the Planet. We begin by opening our Hearts to ourselves, to our families and friends, and to those in our communities. And, as we shine the Light of our Radiant Hearts, we create a network of Light that shines around the Planet.

Now, at this time, this moment we can call “Zero Point”, when the Full Radiance of the Great central Sun in Sagittarius encounters the transforming power of Pluto – now we are ready to see the shifts and to work for a New Planet. And yes, there is work to do. No one will do it for us. As the Hopi say ” “We are the ones we have been waiting for.” So, at this very special time of the Full Moon, a Fire Moon in Aries, may we make that step forward to respect and love our planet, to respect and love each other, to respect and love the elemental energies, and to strive to live in harmony with them through the choices that we, as individuals, make in our daily lives.

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Accelerated Past Life Clearing with Kuthumi via Michelle Eloff

Posted on October 23, 2007. Filed under: Abundance, Angels, Archangel Michael, Ascended Masters, Attachments, Chakra, Channeling, Energy Cleansing, Energy Healing, Guided Meditation, Kuthumi, Michelle Eloff, Paradigm Shift, Past Lives, Reincarnation, Synchronicity, Uncategorized |

I am not Michelle Eloff. I am just someone who finds her writing and the channellings that she shares extremely helpful. I hope you will find them so as well!

Diamond Heart

with Ascended Master Kuthumi
Channelled through Michelle Eloff©
27 July, 2005 Johannesburg, RSA

This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions that no information is altered or deleted and the source of the information be acknowledged. TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE LIGHTWEAVER PLEASE VISIT
Please keep in mind that just reading this information will activate a process and shift for you. It is not the same as being in the presence of the channeling Master, but you will still benefit from reading it and aligning your consciousness with the associated Master. All Questions & Answers from the session have been left in the transcript as we have found the answers too have been of great benefit to our readers.

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet you at this time and to bring unto each of you the blessings of harmony, the blessings of grace and miracles and love. Greetings beloved ones. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved ones, as we gather in the presence of the Christ Light we manifest layers of Light for the purpose of facilitating your personal cycle of Accelerated Past Life Clearing. These layers of light are meant to support you by presenting to you clarity and understanding, intuition and insight as you allow yourself to surrender to the process of shedding the skins of your past, and in so doing allowing yourself to integrate the higher levels of love, knowledge and wisdom that you are clearly ready to integrate.

For you as a group, your Guides have made it known to all of us that you are ready to release cellularly the imprints and negative conditioning implants around poverty and conditional love consciousness. This means all conditioning imposed upon you by others in your external reality will begin to leave your energy field, it will be dismantled in the grids that make up the network of your light body so that you can truly step into the light of your authentic self, and the authentic identity you are working with so diligently to reintegrate will be supported by this process.

Accelerating a process of release need not be one of deep intense and traumatic release; we have set in place mechanisms of support with Archangel Miguel the Archangels Raphael, Ariel, Uriel, Zadkiel and Jophiel to assist all of you. The presence of the Archangelic leagues of light are felt intensely at this time, the Archangels are the closest they have ever been to your Planet in this current cycle. The reason for this is because of the amount of Light being integrated. The Archangels hold very high vibrations of energy. You have supported the upliftment of humanities consciousness and as more and more of humanities consciousness is rising to become one with Fifth Dimension so it is becoming possible for people to interact in a more conscious manner with the Angelic and Archangelic Realms.

Most of you have worked on integrating Seventh Dimensional Consciousness into the network and grid of your energy field, and the matrix of Crystalline energy that held you within the old conditioning have shattered to the levels necessary to release you permanently from old paradigm attachments to the fears the lower ego holds onto, the conditionings that the fearful inner child and fearful adolescent hold onto. There will be levels of anger that you need to face, for anger is what lies beneath fear, and fear is what feeds anger. By understanding your fear and your anger you liberate yourself and this is why the truth will always set you free.

Beloved ones, allowing yourself to experience the healing is important, I say allow yourself for a reason. Humanity is accustomed to controlling. Everything on your planet is controlled. Look at the systems in place in your world. What you spend your money on is controlled by the media, they pump you with information, which motivates your spending and determines your spending habits. The media in fact controls a great part of humanity’s behaviour. The hierarchies that influence the media extend greatly. There are major countries in your world that control many of the mechanisms. Look at how you are forced into situations that you have no power over, you are forced to pay taxes into corrupt systems, you give your money to corrupt systems which then charge you interest for handling your money and give you very little interest in return. What you eat is controlled by federations that are supposedly to have your best interest at heart, the only thing they have at heart beloved ones is their bank balance and I say this not to frighten you, I say this so that you and the rest of humanity can realise how your world is controlled. It is a system of governments that promotes control not management. Because of this you are conditioned to control, you try and do this all the time therefore it is rather alien to you to simply let go and just allow synchronicity to manifest. With today’s clearing process we will activate twelve levels of release through your genetic system and on a cellular level to support you in surrendering to the systems of the Universe, which have been put in place by your Fully Mastered Christed Self of the Light.

Another purpose in your being here today is that each of you are linked to a system of energy that will facilitate a Global Consciousness shift. This awakening is vital because it is linked to energy currently taking place which I spoke of 2 years ago already. I have mentioned it on a number of other occasions and I’m sure some of you may recall me saying specifically the time has come where the people of your world will reclaim their power. It is about giving the power back to the people and where there has been a imbalanced distribution of wealth it will come into balance, and you are witnessing that right now. The industries being affected by this will also have to reveal what they have been doing with their funds, there will also be a release of information regarding corruption within the hierarchy of the systems governing the industries currently being affected by the people insisting their power be reclaimed. This is representing the uprising within each individual inhabiting your planet. Many of them are unconscious of the shift, but those who are conscious understand the time is upon you to embrace your divine right to be on Earth, to embrace your divine right to have your needs met, your divine right to feel, to love, to be loved, to hear and to be heard, your divine right to be acknowledged and to be respected.

South Africa will undergo an Accelerated Past Life Clearing as well. As this Country that you are a part of opens its energy field to these time gates you will be supported in your personal needs. The twelve layers of energy will also be there to support South Africa. It will have a ripple affect that will move through the upper continent of Africa and bring relief to many of the suffering countries. It may be very subtle to begin with but as this wave of empowerment ripples through the continent as a result of the Goddess energy being reclaimed, that which has been out of balance will return to its natural state of unification and balance. It will ripple out to all the surrounding continents and you will see the shift globally and all that has been controlled will have to be surrendered to be managed. Is this clear to all of you so far? YES. Very well.

So let us begin now beloved ones, please close your eyes and make yourself comfortable on your chair begin by taking a deep breath in through your nose exhaling through your mouth. Take another deep breath in and as you exhale release all anxiety and tension from your day and allow yourself to settle comfortably in your chair. Another deep breath in and as you relax ask your body to surrender to the presence of Light, tell your body it is safe for you to let go of limiting attachments on conscious levels, subconscious and unconscious levels.

In your mind call upon all your personal Guides even if you are not sure what their name is, just call upon your Guides. Call upon all the Lords of time and welcome Prince Damien into this space. Call upon your Fully Mastered Christed self of the Light. Now set the intension that you be supported in travelling through all the Parallel Realities, the Alternate Realities and Multidimensional Realities that you are currently attached to. Ask that you be supported in releasing these attachments gracefully and harmoniously. Ask that your healing and cellular release manifest in accordance with the highest will of your soul. The twelve Ascended Masters of the Light are present with you as well; these beings are I Kuthumi, Lord El Morya, Master Dwal Kuhl, Master Serapis Bey, Master Hilarion, Master Jesus and Mary Magdalene, Saint Germain and Lady Nada, Mother Mary and one that you may not all be familiar with being by the name of Paul Venetian. The presence of these Ascended Masters are here for the purpose of guiding the programme you have chosen to manifest and initiate. They will guide the release because it is also impacting on the global body that you are a microcosm of.

Take another deep breath in through your nose now and as you exhale through your mouth imagine yourself out in the vast open space of your Solar System. Visualise stars and the planets around you. Look around to find planet Earth and remind yourself that you are still connected to Earth. By floating out in space in the Solar System, you are to remind yourself that even space is part of the body, for space is the energy between every atom of energy inside of you and inside of the body that makes up your Galaxy, and the Universe, and everything experienced on a planet within the Solar System, within the Galaxy, within the Universe which is experienced by every living being within it regardless of its size or its form. Just think for a moment how connected you are to life, and how the planets in your Solar System reflect the chakric system of your Galaxy. As more planets are discovered, it simply confirms that you are also a greater being expanding with many more chakras coming to life. Connect with the fact that you are living in a spiral Galaxy and that energy is always spiralling within you and around you, it either spirals downward in a negative vortex or upwards in a positive vortex.

Now that you have familiarised yourself with the environment of space and reminded yourself of the power you are one with on your planet and beyond your planet, you can begin now to connect with the fact that you are existing in more than one place, more than one time and more than one body. The way energy works in the quantum field determines this, whatever one imagines becomes a reality, if that reality is not supportive of what you are doing, what you are living and experiencing, it then becomes an alternate reality and a part of you will live it out. Your past lives are infact parallel lives, ones that you are experiencing now, this is why you are affected by so called past lives. Time is linear only in your world, and you will all begin to move more and more out of linear time. As your consciousness expands more you will see more clearly how infact everything is happening all at once. People have memories and visions of the future, the reason for this is because there is a parallel reality considered the future. Because you project energy into the future you create the experience. The Quantum Field makes sure the experience comes into reality. When you focus on negativity, magnetically and quantumly you manifest it, if you focus on positivity, magnetically and quantumly you manifest it. All we are doing with you now is connecting your conscious current consciousness with parallel and alternate realities, where different levels of your consciousness are living out an experience. Because we have now raised your level of energy into the quantum field you have the power to change the effects of those experiences, which is why you will release it cellularly and no longer have to carry it with you. Your conditioning will undergo dramatic shifts and you will become lighter and experience deeper senses of inner clarity and revelation.

With the support of the Master’s of the light, and with your permission and with your will, we take you through all the dimensions of time where aspects of you are currently playing out an experience that no longer supports your personal transformation, empowerment and transformation as a spiritual and divine being of the light. As more of this quantum energy is brought into your energy field beloved ones tell yourself now, you are ready to remember any aspect of time, any experience within that aspect of time, and on whichever level of consciousness it exists that is currently influencing your life in a limiting or negative way. It doesn’t matter if you do not have any visions or conscious memory, what is important is that you allow the energy to be released. It is important that on a conscious level you are allowing yourselves to open and let go.

Take a deep breath in, allow your body to go soft and just relax into this energy. Be aware of your thoughts and your feelings, if you have any discomfort in your body simply just observe it, observe any names or faces, times or places that come into your memory or your mind, just observe don’t hold onto anything. Continue to breathe in deeply and exhale deeply allowing the oxygen to help your body release. Now take your concentration to the nape of your neck and imagine an energy chakra opening up and releasing energy, visualise this release, feel it if you can or just imagine how it would feel for energy to be released through this portal at the back of your neck. These are also linked to your 7 cervical vertebrae. These vertebrae hold all the imprints and memory of the first twelve years of your life in this lifetime, and what you have come to know as past lifetimes. Your personal Guides and the Ascended Masters are now using crystals and drawing personal symbols on each of the seven vertebrae to accelerate the release of present and past timelines, negative conditioning and programming. It doesn’t matter if you cannot retain the picture of all the symbols, just take note if there is one that stands out and hold it in your third eye’s vision. Now move your neck sideways to the right, pushing your ear down toward your shoulder, gently lift it up, move it toward the left, stretching your neck and moving your ear to your left shoulder. Gently lift your head, drop your chin to your chest and as you do this visualise the release of energy increasing in velocity, hold it there and continue to breathe.

Archangels Michael, Zadkiel and Jophiel now place Quartz crystals in your 7 cervical vertebrae. These crystals will help you receive higher vibrational consciousness for the purpose of reconditioning the programmes, the attitudes and belief systems concerning your life at this current time. With these crystals in place you will be able to transmit high vibrational energy into the ethos and to those whom you come into contact with.

Keep your neck down, breathe in deeply. Now become conscious of your solar plexus chakra. Visualise your solar plexus beginning to respond to this energy and see it open like a window and a powerful velocity of energy being released form it. Archangel Michael gathers this energy as you release it. He manifests a bonbfire of light in the centre of your group and dumps the energy in the centre of the fire. Now very gently begin to lift your chin off your chest, slowly raise your head, slowly, if you move it too fast you will feel dizzy, gently bend it back, imagine yourself looking up into the sun. Archangels Uriel and Ariel now place twelve Aquamarine crystals in front of your throat chakra. Your Healing Angel projects high vibrational frequencies of sound to dismantle any energy attachments in your throat chakra that prevent you from fully voicing your personal truth. Breathe in deeply, exhale, and once again very gently move your head up, very slowly and very gently turn your face to look over your right shoulder, do it slowly. Look back as far as you can, hold it there. Archangel Michael now places in your left ear an Amethyst crystal. Gently begin to move your head back to face forward and slowly turn your head to look over your left shoulder as far back as you can. Archangel Michael now places an Amethyst crystal in your right ear. Turn your head gently face forward keeping your eyes closed, take a deep breath in and exhale through your mouth. Now as your physical and your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies and all your parallel, alternate and multi dimensional bodies respond to the energy given to you through the crystals, you begin to drop more energy through the systems of your chakras and the cells in your body are able to release a lot faster.

Now imagine rain falling from the heavens penetrating your body and imagine this rain washing through every cell in your body. As the water flows through the cells, your emotional body can now release all the past life imprints and implants of negative or destructive conditioning that limit your current experience. Again just observe and be aware of what you are feeling and thinking, observe any memories that come to mind, the names or faces, people or places and just let it pass through your mind. Imagine your emotional body being a replica of you made up of water, imagine all of the past timeline imprints simply flowing right through it and moving into the bonfire Archangel Michael has created and just drop it.

Now gently draw your shoulders back, pull them back as far as you can. Tense all the muscles in your back, take a deep breath in and as you exhale allow your shoulders to drop and relax, now rotate your shoulders forward by hunching your back, lift your shoulders up to your ears do this slowly and take deep breathes in while you do this, gently begin to roll your shoulders backward pushing your chest out drawing your shoulder blades together tensing all the muscles, give a deep breath out and relax your shoulders. Repeat this one more time, rotate your shoulders forward by hunching your back gently lift them to your ears roll them backward pushing your chest forward, tense your muscles in your back as you draw your shoulder blades together, take a deep breath in, exhale deeply and drop and relax your shoulders. This allows the energy to flow through your heart chakra; it strengthens your thyroid and your thalamus creating a bridge of free flowing energy between your throat and heart chakras. These two chakras are the main areas for past life release. Some of you may find the muscles in your neck, your shoulders and your back feeling stiff and tight, this is due to your bodies cellular release. It impacts on the muscles because the muscles represent the support systems in your life, whenever you release on a cellular level you manifest a new level of support in your life. This new level of support is there to assist you to move forward. Your time of constantly recreating your limiting history is complete and now you step into the cosmic wheel of co-creation with Mother-Father God and you reclaim your divine right to be your complete authentic self.

Lady Nada now comes to stand in the centre of your group. She projects a Magenta Ray of energy to each one of you, which touches your heart chakra. The magenta ray of unconditional love creates a blanket of comforting and nurturing energy within and around your heart chakra, reaffirming to you, your inner child, and adolescent selves that it is completely safe for you to let go of the conditionings that have manifested as limitation, pain or suffering. This magenta ray will continue to affirm that you are truly ready to embrace unconditional love and trust the new system you are creating which represents and reflects all aspects of abundant living. Lady Nada will facilitate the remainder of your release process, (End of Side A) ….and continuously affirm to you on a sub-conscious level that you are ready to integrate the life you deserve. She will assist you to recondition your belief systems regarding deservability, therefore changing the template of poverty consciousness to one of prosperity consciousness inside of you. Breathe the magenta energy into your body and allow it to begin moving through your veins with your blood until you can imagine your blood a magenta colour. Take a deep breath in, as you do this affirm to yourself that you are consciously willing to release all past and current timeline influences that no longer serve your divine plan. Take a deep breath in and exhale. Affirm to yourself that it is your divine right to experience the abundance of the universe in your every day life in all its facets. Take a deep breath in and exhale. Now very gently begin to arch your back in the small of your back, pushing your belly forward. Some of you may feel discomfort in your lower back, this is because the energy is moving through your entire spine, for it is that your spine and the rest of the bones of your body hold your past life memories. It is imprinted in the bone marrow and in the structure of the bones. Continue to push your belly forward and breathe, very gently begin to push your behind into the chair and as you draw your belly in begin to straighten your spine. Now imagine the energy flowing freely down your spine exiting through your coccyx and penetrating the earth beneath your feet.

On your next in breath visualise a powerful energy coming to you from the Cosmos moving into your spine and all the way down, and out through the tip of your coccyx and into the earth beneath your feet. Continue to breathe deeply in and out, as this flow of energy increases, affirm that the flow is gentle and comfortable. Beloved ones your spinal fluid is now going to be flushed, some of you may experience tingling sensations along your back, some of you may even be experiencing a tightness in your neck or other areas along your spine, just breathe into it and trust that you are safe. Master Jesus now steps forward and activates a Universal flow of divine love which will flush through your cerabral spinal fluid. This will run in a downward motion. See it being flushed out through the tip of your coccyx and falling into the earth beneath your feet. Breathe while this happens, relax the muscles in your back and along your spine and place both of your feet squarely on the earth and breathe. The spinal flush removes the imprints of the past timelines that have scrambled your personal blue print for this current timeline. Breathe deeply in and out, as your breath will support the accelerated flow of energy in and out of your body. The more you breathe the faster you release. When you hold your breath you stop the process from happening and you freeze yourself in time and space.

Beloved ones, now the accelerated release increases and you are currently on your fifty-Eighth timeline release, and as a group you are clearing 78 timelines of past influence and conditioning. Continue to breathe I will tell you when it is complete. Just imagine the energy flowing straight through you and out into the earth. You are now at timeline release number 63, continue to breathe, the energy moves faster, timeline 68, 71, 75, deep breath in and as you exhale timeline 78 is released. The energy will now begin to ease along your spine, and your spinal flush is now coming to a close. Master Jesus now asks for you to focus your concentration on Mother Earth and to give thanks to her for absorbing the energy you have released. She has willingly taken this energy on to transmute and she will release it into the ethos where you will integrate the transcended light of your new levels of consciousness. As you integrate higher wisdom and knowledge she asks that in return for her support you share the wisdom and power of the love and knowledge and the co-creative spirit of Mother-Father God with the rest of humanity. She asks you to remember your truth and to constantly affirm your authentic desire to move up the spiral of ascension and into higher consciousness, and in so doing raising the consciousness of humanity for the purpose of creating awareness which will support her. As humanity’s awareness expands, so the acknowledgement of her life force becomes a concrete reality, and then Heaven on Earth will manifest and man, animal, plant, mineral and earth will continue to ascend the stairway to higher levels of Heaven.

Breathe beloved ones, the 78 timelines you have released are linked to belief systems, attitudes and thought processes that stifle your personal growth and belief in your ability to manifest an abundant life. The abundance I refer to is the abundance in all its facets, on all levels, and in any manner it can take manifestation. You will determine what kind of abundance it will be, and we trust it will be an abundance of the light levelled nature. Be conscious of the fact that you can manifest an abundance of negativity, so always be clear regarding your intentions. You have integrated a template of prosperity which shall be imprinted upon the Earth with every step you take. Your DNA is vibrating on a different level now, and you are no longer bound by the density of those past 78 influences. You have shed 78 skins of the past, therefore it is necessary that you give all your bodies time to integrate the new energy. Over the next 48 hours you have the opportunity to consciously set intensions with spirit regarding the quality of new energy you wish to integrate which shall become your new beliefs, attitudes, and thought processes. We trust you will choose with wisdom!

Archangel Michael will now open a vortex in the centre of this group, which will work specifically in taking the 78 timelines from each of you. These shall be drawn into the Earth beneath your feet where it shall be transmuted by the love and light of Goddess Gaia, therefore take your concentration now to the centre of this room. As the vortex opens, it draws the bonbfire into its centre and the 78 timelines from each of you spills forth out of your heart chakra and into the vortex. Simply breathe as it releases. Archangel’s Zadkiel and Michael now toss 78 Amethyst crystals into the centre of this vortex, these shall assist Goddess Gaia in the transmutation of these timelines and in so doing releasing you of any karmic ties to her linked through those 78 cycles. This liberates you to merge more with your cosmic life and the cosmic plan of your Earth, your Solar System and your Universe. Now imagine the vortex beginning to close. Archangel Michael places an etheric Amethyst crystal in the centre of this room sealing the vortex and ensuring the energy will be transmuted into Light. This light feeds you, it feeds Mother Earth’s body and the light will continue to expand and feed the consciousness of humanity. Take another deep breath in and begin to draw your attention to your physical body in the room you currently occupy. Continue to breathe in deeply and exhale fully, and as you do this we begin to draw your energy through the past timelines of parallel and alternate realities, and the portals of time are closed behind you as you draw your focus back to your current incarnation, your current timeline experience and present level of consciousness. Now imagine roots of energy sprouting forth from your feet into the Earth beneath you and grounding you. Visualise energy moving from the top of your head all the way down your body, down your legs and into your feet, through your feet and into the Earth beneath it grounding you yet again. Now imagine a Platinum cord extending from the centre of the Universe penetrating your Crown chakra and moving all the way down your spine and out through your coccyx and into Mother Earth. This is a grounding cord that grounds you with spirit and earth. Take another deep breath in exhaling through your mouth, gently open your eyes, stretch your legs and your arms, feel yourself back in your body take a look around you and acknowledge where you are, I trust you are all back? Yes?

LK. How was that for a ride?
Beloved ones are there any questions I can assist you with at this point?
Initiate: The 78 timelines, is that the same as 78 past lives?
Lord Kuthumi: Yes it is
I: Thank you
LK: You are welcome. Thank yourself
I: There is something I feel in my chest area my heart area, is that a blockage?
LK: No, it will be as a result of the release, remember you released the 78 timelines to the vortex through your heart chakra so you will feel it there. Also remember I said you process past timeline energy predominantly through the throat and heart chakra.
I: was preparing for this before it actually began, the release?
LK: It is common for this to happen, yes.
I: Thank you.
LK: You are welcome.
LK. One of the belief systems that limit humanity is their belief in pain and suffering, it is no longer the case. It is no longer a necessity for growth. You have manifested sufficient levels of light, which entitle you to acknowledge what causes you discomfort, frustration or limitation. In your acknowledgement of what is bothering you, you are able to communicate with spirit your finding and set the intension that spirit facilitate the solution. Then it is up to you to respond to all the synchronicities that come your way that lead you to the answer. With this attitude you will accelerate your process of healing and pulling yourself together. You need not any longer experience fragmentation, with this process, you have linked up with all the levels of consciousness being experienced and those aspects of you that have been playing out a lower consciousness level of experience will undergo accelerated growth and catch up with you, just like you will experience accelerated growth and catch up with your Fully Mastered Christed self of the Light. Is this clear?
I: Lord Kuthumi ……..question inaudible
LK: Yes sister it will, you must try to acknowledge that you are a catalyser in the structure of your family. You are there to show them truth by living your truth. In every family there is such a member if the majority of the family is living in what we call “Closed Consciousness”, or who are still asleep. Do you understand? You chose them for a purpose, just as they chose you. Remember they chose you because of the intensity of your light and your ability to remind them of who they are, and to awaken the ones who are ready to be awoken. So do not deprive yourself of your true identity. You are free to be free. Is this clear?
I: Yes, Thank you
LK: You are welcome.
I: ………..In my mouth.
LK: Yes sister, we would like to suggest a therapy for you which may be of great assistance to you it is called body alignment, it involves vortex therapy, do you know this modality? This will help to bring your energy and your systems into alignment. The jaw represents ones will, with the jaw pulling to the left it is indicating your Goddess or Feminine principle needs to strengthen her will and to utilise it. Now that you have cleared so many timelines it should begin to balance itself. The modality we have suggested will help you along this particular road. Is this clear?
I: Yes thank you ………………
LK: It will straighten itself out, however if medical intervention is required your Guides will make it very clear to you, you will know. Is this clear?
I: Than you.
LK: You are welcome.
I: Lord Kuthumi …………………………. 2 questions.
LK: First of all the reason for choosing your parents was because of their genes. The structure of their genetic imprints were exactly what you needed in order to successfully complete the tasks you set in place for yourself in this particular incarnation. When a conception takes place there are five generations of genetic imprint encoded from the mothers side of the family and seven generations of genetic imprint encoded from the fathers side of the family. When you look at the family history going back seven generations on both sides but more specifically from the fathers side, you will gain greater clarity as to why you chose them and the issues you would have to deal with in this lifetime. They have given you the tools you have needed to successfully complete your incarnation.

The reason for your body changing is because you are changing, whenever a person undergoes any kind of transformation the body must change because everything within it undergoes a change. Sometimes when there has been cases of trauma in the form of abuse of any kind – sexual, verbal, physical, emotional or mental, or any other shock that may have taken place, is locked inside of the body. The adrenaline freezes it (shock) in the body. This can stay frozen for up to seven years, then suddenly the adrenaline begins to “melt”, if I can call it this, and that imprint of shock, anger, fear, and/or guilt begins to seep into the body. Now one might not clearly understand what is happening, and because one feels the shock and trauma again, adrenaline is released and can freeze it all over again. This then continues for many cycles, and 21 years later for example, you can still have it frozen in your body.

When you embark upon a journey of awakening, and when your soul motivates you to go deeper, the issues begin to come to the surface and the body releases. This results in women and men at times gaining weight as they process and release energy. When the body feels safe again they can release the weight, then if there is fear and trauma perhaps then the body expands again. The fat cells are protection and every person on the planet, and I mean every person on the planet who is above their body’s natural weight, is protecting themselves from somebody or something. A fat person is not a weak person, a fat person is a wounded person and a fat person is not something to be rejected. Your fat should not be rejected because every fat cell is there to protect you. It is trying to prevent the pain from hurting you anymore. Now because I am a man I must be very careful, I did not mean you are fat! (laughter from the ladies) You must understand where I am coming from, that was close, yes? I was generalising about people who are not at their ideal weight and I also said natural weight. I say this for a purpose, natural weight, not the weight determined by society, big difference sisters, yes? Every physical body has its divine blue print shape and as individuals release their fear and their pain and address their wounds, the body will automatically let go and take on its natural blue print shape. In general the female body is a very beautiful round and curvaceous one because you reflect Mother Earth’s body, is she not curved, round, and full? I rest my case. Does that answer your question?
I: Thank you
LK: You are welcome. (Editors note Our Divine Tune-Ups can help with these issues and letting go of smoking as well.)

I: Lord Kuthumi I would like to understand things happening in my life regarding my wrist, if it is related to past life, what that was all about.
LK: Certainly, it is still very present in your energy field and you lost that hand, did you have any sensation of it being similar to that?
I: It felt … was snakebite.
LK: Very well. The hand was lost. What you are doing now is reclaiming the energy of the lost hand so to speak, so that you can manifest another level of giving and receiving in your life. You see one can not just give and not receive for it blocks the flow of energy. You have given tremendously in this life of your love, your wisdom, your knowledge and your light. The memory of this particular lifetime you refer to is simply reminding you of the power to give and receive. Letting the energy flow and dropping the poison so to speak, in any kinds of conditionings, attitudes or belief systems of society regarding giving and receiving is what you are processing. You regularly release process for your environment not just yourself, are you aware of this?
I: Yes.
LK: Very well, does that answer your question?
I: Yes, thank you.
LK: You are welcome.
I: I have been involved with studies of Geology for a year and a half now is this using my … because at the moment I feel disconnected to it.
LK: I don’t know will you? Have you heard of this thing called the power of free will? And it has nothing to do with “Free Willy” (laugter)
I: What I would like to know is doesn’t Geology assist with past lives and releasing?
LK: Yes it does.
I: Lord Kuthumi if I could ask you to x-ray my spinal cord, is it all clear?
LK: All of you are experiencing a free-flow of the new energy in some places along the muscles connected to the spinal column, some of the energy is moving a little slower, but we do not see any specific blockage.
I: It is because I don’t actually feel that way.
LK: For now yes.
I: Thank you
LK: You are welcome.
I: Lord Kuthumi….. clearing? …..
I: Lord Kuthumi, to move this ….. with the Lion Heart centre this is truly uncomfortable.
LK: Just breathe into it sister, keep your shoulders drawn back and breathe into it, imagine Lady Nada’s Magenta energy in it and ask Archangel Michael and Lady Nada to ease the flow of energy in your heart chakra. Is this clear?
I: Released 78 timelines in such a short space of time?!
LK: It is called Accelerated Past Life Clearing! (laughter)
LK: Sisters your energy systems will integrate it and begin to express it in the areas of your life that are ripe and ready to receive it, I also suggest that you begin the process of focusing on what your desires, your visions, your dreams, hopes and wishes are. Begin to explore your inner-heart desires. Think about what you would like to do that would make positive change and contributions to your community, to the Planet and your life. Become involved in some creative activities, think about what you would like to experience differently in your life. Would you like a different home for example, do you want to redecorate ? (End of tape)

Simply setting the intension to grow into this new energy and express it in a creative and divine way will bring opportunities to you and will magnetically propel you in the direction of opportunity. Synchronicity then manifests itself and everything comes together. Is this clear?
I: Thank you
LK: You are welcome. Beloved ones I shall take one last question.
I: ……question inaudible……………….
LK: Certainly, this evening create a quiet space with your Guides. Call upon your Higher Self, then ask that whatever unfolds in your meeting tomorrow unfold in accordance with the highest will of all of your souls. Ask that the process unfold harmoniously, gracefully and miraculously. Ask your Guides and their Guides to guide the meeting through your higher selves and that everything that comes to light within your meeting come through the guidance of each persons higher self. Tomorrow morning align again and then give thanks that everything will flow harmoniously and gracefully. When you have them in front of you physically, very quickly just imagine their higher selves and guides present with yours and let Spirit take care of the rest. Is this clear?
I: Yes, thank you.
LK: You are welcome.

And so it is then beloved ones that we shall continue to embrace you in the energy created at this time and facilitate the integration of love you have welcomed into your space. Trust in the many invisible arms that hold you, carry and comfort you through this time, and may you remember that we are with you always in all ways, and that we are only one little thought away. May the light of Mother-Father God shine brightly upon the path you walk, and may every step you take be a steady and confident one, and may all always be well in your World.

I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of love and wisdom, I greet and bless you in love.

Michelle Eloff
Founder/Director – The Lightweaver & The Lightweaver Children’s Fund
Trance Voice Channel Specializing in Ascension Initiations, Ascended Master Teachings & Old & New Sacred Site Tours locally & Internationally
For more info visit

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Sirian & Pleadian Group Anchoring of New Morphogenetic Field Experiment

Posted on October 14, 2007. Filed under: Chakra, Channeling, Co-Creation, Energy Healing, Energy Transmission, Hundredth Monkey, Kuthumi, Michelle Eloff, New Age, Paradigm Shift |

I am not Michelle Eloff. I am just someone who finds her writing and the channellings that she shares extremely helpful. I hope you will find them so as well!

Diamond Heart

a message from Kuthumi channeled by Michelle Eloff
Friday, 18 August, 2006 at South Africa

Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with the Channeling being and a similar process facilitated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the presence of the channeling Master, however the effects are just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the channeling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose. All Questions & Answers from the session have been left in the transcript as we have found the answers too have been of great benefit to our readers.

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of transformation, lightness, purity and peace. Greetings Beloved Ones. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved brothers and sisters of the Light, as we gather with you upon this day in the presence of the Christed consciousness we acknowledge each of you as souls working toward the liberation of humanity’s consciousness and we honour your individual journey of self-discovery, expanded self-awareness and the integration of the consciousness of the God mind. Our gathering with all of you at this time is one of great celebration, an honour to share with those of you who have chosen to empower yourselves and experience the Divinity of your true self in its fullest power. The Sirians, the Pleadians, we the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood, gather with you to begin a very, very important experiment and that is, creating a new morphogenetic field, one that holds information that shall create a shift in the consciousness of humanity, for the presence of this field will facilitate the process of individuals tapping into a frequency of information holding light. Your world for many, many cycles was influenced by the morphogenetic field of negative consciousness, which many refer to as the matrix. This field of information has maintained the paradigm of fear that you have all worked so diligently in raising your consciousness out of. The density of the old world is what you have overcome. There are aspects of your emotional self and aspects of the personality still trying to find stable ground, a safe space from which to operate and experience the new levels of consciousness. The blessings spirit brings to each of you today is the opportunity to accelerate the process of integrating the new quantum energies and move beyond the old paradigms held within the consciousness of your brothers and sisters still grappling with the old world. Those who still fall into the category of the deep sleep. You, beloved awakeners of Light, have come into a timeline where you experience the joy of giving of your Divine Self to the Light, seeking an avenue of expression within the hearts of your fellow brothers and sisters. Upon this day we re-anchor the true blueprint of Camelot, re-creating the Divine Holy Trinity of the Divine Mother, the Divine Father and your core inner stabiliser, the Divine Child. As you surrender to the presence of Light within you, you discover the power of the three Divine aspects of Self, creating the life you choose, therefore creating heaven on earth. The world has undergone many levels of change. Each of you have contributed to this change through your personal transformation, and relinquishing the ego’s control to the soul has raised your frequency.

Today we open the heavens, facilitating the process of bringing in very high frequencies of Light, increasing the quotients of Light you personally hold as an individual, thus contributing to an accelerated initiation, taking you through 9th dimensional consciousness, and preparing the energy for the integration of 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th dimensional consciousness. You as a group are anchoring levels of consciousness from 9th dimension through to 15th dimension. You, however, will learn how to utilise this energy and transmit the information based on your personal development and the process your personal guides will have created for you by forming a template which shall create a code embodying a frequency that shall emit a sound attracting those whose frequency resonates with what you emit. And these are the ones that you shall assist in awakening to the Divinity of the Christ within as you have awoken it within yourself. So beloved ones, in the presence of the Great White Brotherhood, within the presence of the Angels and the Archangels, let us begin the activation of energy, the integration of Light and the emergence of love within the core of all that is Divine.

With your eyes closed take a deep breath in through your mouth, exhaling fully through your nose. Now take a deep breath in through your nose, exhaling fully through your mouth. PAUSE Another deep breath in through your nose, hold for the count of 4 and exhale to the count of 6. PAUSE Hold to the count of 4, breath in to the count of 6. Hold to the count of 4, and exhale to the count of 8. Hold to the count of 6, breathe in to the count of 4, hold to the count of 6 and exhale to the count of 10. PAUSE Find your own natural rhythm of deep breathing, in and out. Relax your body. Open your senses to the presence of the Divinity of all that embodies Light and love in your presence. PAUSE Open your chakras to receive the blessings of the presence of the Divine. PAUSE Take a moment to call upon your personal guides, guardians, Angels and Masters. PAUSE Call upon those of the animal, the crystal, the plant and nature kingdom that you are connected to. PAUSE Welcome the presence of the Great White Brotherhood PAUSE And greet your family of Light from Sirius PAUSE And your teachers of the Light from the Pleiades PAUSE Continue to breathe as your energy is transported to the crystal temple upon Sirius, embodying all the frequencies of the sacred geometric forms that create life. PAUSE All the beings of the Light form a circle around you, and you are guided to sit within the centre of this crystal temple.
As your base chakra touches the centre of this temple, Light begins to stir beneath you, emitting sounds, recalibrating your energy field, manifesting Divine harmony within every cell of your body, resonating with the frequencies of the crystal temple and all the beings of the Light in your presence.

Lord Maitreya manifests before you, presenting you with an exquisite crystal of quartz. This crystal is laid before you, its Light emanating frequencies of love. The love frequency opens the 7 chakras of your physical body and initiates a process releasing any residual energy of the old paradigm you have left behind through your personal journey of healing, enlightenment, awareness and rememberance. The love frequency emitting from this crystal transmutes all the residual energy into an energy of your choice. PAUSE
Simply be within these energies as your body is taken through an accelerated release. This is also preparing you for the creation of the morphogenetic field of Light.

Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Uriel and Ariel stand behind you, each of them bringing you an energy. Archangels Ariel and Michael present you with two blue rays. These blue energies represent something specific for you. Simply absorb it into your energy field. Surrender and accept. PAUSE

Archangels Gabriel and Uriel place their hands upon your back. They begin to hum a tone, opening the frequencies within the cells in your back holding core memory. The impulses coming from the sound they emanate activate the colour rays red, violet and gold. PAUSE Feel the presence of these rays clearing the core area of your back related to the past, creating a sheath of protection around you, and a nurturing vibration, a loving vibration, and the power that aligns your consciousness with the Divinity of Mother-Father God. PAUSE

Lord Ra manifests in the crystal temple. He makes his way to you and places his hand upon your crown chakra. Immediately a golden rod of energy moves into your body, down your spine to your base chakra and the golden vibration of golden consciousness fills your body and every cell of your body, penetrating the density that exists through the subconscious or unconscious, releasing you from any attachments created subconsciously or unconsciously to addictive thought patterns, belief systems, attitudes and behavioural patterns that inhibit your ability to sustain the golden consciousness you have birthed within your being. This golden vibration dissolves any attachments projected towards you consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously from those in your external world seeking power, seeking love, nurturance, sustenance, protection and life force. Archangel Michael facilitates the process of each of these individuals finding the source of their life force. This draws all your energy back to you. The golden vibration of Lord Ra heals any leaks in your energy field and aligns the four lower bodies with the higher aspects of mind, heart, spirit and being. PAUSE

Now that your energy has been cleared, we can begin the creation of the morphogenetic field. Beloved ones, a morphogenetic field is a field of information. The information programmed into the morphogenetic field never ever loses its intensity. It is this information that feeds the consciousness of humanity. Because the original programme never loses intensity, it becomes a very destructive tool if programmed with negative information. All of you present here today are vital tools in the creation of this field. You are gathering from different places on the planet because it is part of your purpose to anchor the energy you tune in to today in the different places you come from. What we create with all of you today instils a code which activates the same degree of Light within those whom you liaise with daily. Whether you are a healer, a therapist, a messenger, a teacher, a friend, a parent, or a corporate executive you will touch the lives of those whom you interact with.

The activation of todays energy awakens the 12 new Christ grids of the Lions Gate within your body and we are also activating a portal to the central Lions Gate over your thymus gland. Beloved ones, the purpose for doing this is to accelerate the awakening of the thymus chakra on your planet, for it is through this portal you travel to the inner core soul consciousness. It is from this point humanity will draw consciousness and spiritual illumination will be an accelerated process for each person experiencing life on earth. The year 2007 is the birthing of the 9th dimension for those seeking the Light of Christ within. All the Lightworkers of the planet who are working in alignment with the Divine code of the company of heaven have already aligned their consciousness with 9th dimension and beyond. You as a group holding the frequencies of 9th to 15th dimension, will anchor the templates wherever you go. Every foot step you take is an anchoring of the energies you are tapping into right now. (Note from Michelle:- On the 20th of August Kuthumi & The Great White Brotherhood activated a 44th dimensional portal through the thymus gland specifically at a point physically within Salisbury Catherdral, England. I was told by Kuthumi that eventually 440 000 Lightworkers will have their 44th dimensional thymus gland consciousness activated through being in the presence of this vortex. I was put in trance in the Carthedral and Kuthumi did the activation personally. It was the first time I channeled with my eyes open!)

Beloved ones, take the crystal Lord Maitreya has put before you. Hold this crystal to your heart chakra and align yourself with the pure intention of all of that which is Light, all of that which is love, abundance, peace, freedom, joy, truth and Divinity. It is from this intention we create. Visualise your consciousness merging with the consciousness of all the mighty beings of the Light in your presence. PAUSE Archangels Gabriel and Uriel still holding the vibrations of colour over your back, increase the transmission of these rays. This raises the fire element in your body, burning through the veils of the illusions your energy has become attached to through the old morphogenetic field, and the rays they strengthen within you, begins the counteraction process, eliminating all connections to the old field. PAUSE Let us all now begin to sound the Aum mantra which will dismantle the vibrations of the old morphogenetic field and with the utilisation of crystal consciousness we shall begin the creation of the new.

All sounded the Aum mantra seven times.

Beloved ones, connect with the resonance of Light within your body, focusing on the intention of purity and utilise your power of creation to align with the new field of morphogenetic information. Utilising your power of creation, we will give you some time now to project into this field the intentions of Christ consciousness, golden consciousness awareness, and all of that which you feel inspired to place within this field. Please proceed. LONG PAUSE Those of you reading this channeling, take some time to contribute positive information to this morphogenetic feel in which ever way you wish.

The Sirian Masters of the Light make their way toward you. They begin to walk a spiral formation around you and the Archangels. As the spiral is created around you, your consciousness is drawn into a higher level of awareness, inner knowing, a connectedness to the Divine. PAUSE The Pleadian Masters of the Light begin to walk the spiral around you too. They walk around the Sirian Masters, who walk around the Archangels standing with you. The combination of the two spirals form a powerful frequency of energy. This vortex becomes a coning of protection, holding you within the consciousness you have programmed into the morphogenetic field. The information has been programmed into your cellular structure and the crystalline frequencies held within your skeletal system are now resonating to the frequencies you have created through your intention aligned with purity.

Beloved ones, each of you are a key aspect of this field. The spirals created by the Sirians and the Pleadians are also preparing the energy of higher frequency and uniting your consciousness with the quantum field of creation and manifestation. This creates a direct ray to the heart of 8th dimension and through to the heart of the 14th dimension. The ray leading to the heart of the 8th and 14th dimensions accelerates your initiation into the worlds of manifestation, through the complete acknowledgement of your gifts and your abilities as creators. You are being offered the opportunity to bypass many of the obstacles individuals have faced, and are facing as a result of the focus you have held in overcoming the ego’s attachment to fear. Overcoming the addictions to the old world has been a great challenge for Lightworkers, but the blessing, in other words the reward, for your dedication is an accelerated shift into the higher worlds of the quantum field and the creation and manifestation abilities. Beloved ones, the small print so to speak, is that you are fully responsible for the quality of energy you will manifest through the direct ray to the 8th and 14th dimension, therefore, if you choose to focus your consciousness on poverty consciousness, on problems and what you lack, you will manifest more of it abundantly. Tuning into the energy of abundance means taking responsibility for either creating an abundance of negativity or an abundance of positivity. That is entirely your responsibility, and you have the ability to respond to the consciousness before you, the blessings that spirit bestows upon you to embrace your Divine right to create heaven on earth or continue within the creation of hell on earth. I repeat, you have the power to choose whether you will manifest an abundance of negativity and limitation, or positivity and liberation. Your choice to be a part of this energy system today is also anchoring the energy within the crown chakra.

We the Masters of the Light have been working with a group in South Africa and now this group in England. We create the chakric system from the base, Johannesburg, South Africa and have created the crown point in England. This place Glastonbury is where we have manifested the eye of the crown. All of you here today will carry the eye of the crown within you and open the eye to the royalty within you, in other words the riches of the Divine that exist within you are there to be shared with all.

Beloved ones, the Great White Brotherhood have asked that I address each of you individually introducing you to the strand of energy you hold, linked to the morphogenetic field and the aligning of humanity’s consciousness to the quantum field, as well as the preparation of the DNA alteration programme activated for the mass consciousness. Please introduce yourself by name and I shall deliver the message to you.

May we begin with the person to my left.

Greetings Lord Kuthumi. My name is A****.
Greetings brother. As we stand with you in the presence with the Divine upon this day, Lord Maitreya stands before you and offers you a Red Crystal, signifying the energy of Anchoring. Your role of service to this field is the anchoring of life force on earth as it is in heaven. Is this clear?
Yes, thank you.

May we add at this point beloved ones, that if one does not anchor ones energy on earth as it is in heaven, it makes it extremely difficult to live within the earth plane. One must ground ones energy through all the chakras so as to manifest ones needs as met. Living in a state of ungroundedness means you cannot manifest physically what you need, resulting in a feeling of disconnectedness, separation, a feeling of being separate from self. Get back into your body and celebrate the joy of experiencing physical life. Thank you brother.

Please continue

Beloved Lord Kuthumi, my name is E*****
Greetings sister. Lord Maitreya stands before you and he offers you a beautiful Rubellite Crystal, also known as Pink Tourmaline. This crystal activates the heart chakra and presents to you the strand of energy embodying Unconditional Love. Understanding unconditional love is vital for it is in this journey you are being supported in understanding the power of unconditional love. Beginning with self-respect, creating boundaries that are consistent, honouring the personal journey, honouring the journey others have chosen even if their truth does not resonate with yours. Love them for who they are and let them be. It is vital individuals understand unconditional love has absolutely nothing to do with sacrificing ones truth and everything to do with honouring ones truth. Creating a space within which ones truth is honoured and commanding the respect of that space. If any individuals behaviour, thoughts and words offend ones sacred space, that is when one stands within ones truth, stating the truth and asking that it be respected. No-one is expected to put up with anything that does not resonate with their truth. Is this clear?

Yes, Beloved Lord Kuthumi.

Peace and blessings be with you sister.

Please continue.

Love and gratitude to you Kuthumi, I am S******.
Greetings sister. Lord Maitreya stands before you giving you a magnificent Selenite Wand representing Innocence, hence the inner sense ability to stand within the Divine space of all that is Light. You represent the Light of Innocence, thus the Light existing within ones inner sense ability. Trust what you feel and what you receive from the Light of all that is Divine. Is this clear?

Yes thank you.

Peace and Blessings be with you.

Please continue.

Ta failte romhat, (Greetings, in Irish) Lord Kuthumi, I am M******
Greetings Sister. Lord Maitreya stands before you, presenting you with a beautiful Aquamarine Crystal. The Aquamarine embodies the higher consciousness of the emotional body and the spirit body, and you hold the strand of Peace through emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence combined. The door is open to you to move forward and preach that which you have learnt. Preach is teaching in peace, so a preacher is a teacher who goes forth in the state of peace. Do you understand?

Yes I understand.
Peace and blessings be with you.
Go raibh mile mile maith agat, Lord Kuthumi (many, many thanks)

Please continue.

Greetings Lord Kuthumi, I am E*******
Greetings sister. Lord Maitreya stands before you presenting you with a magnificent Amethyst Crystal. This connects to your third eye chakra. You hold the strand of Integration of Truth. As the third eye opens to receive the integration of your truth, you become the leader of Light within the Divinity of the space you occupy. There is only one way to lead and that is through example. Never be afraid to reveal your truth. The message Lord Maitreya wishes to give to you, and to all others within this group, is to not be afraid. You were born to be different. Do not sacrifice your truth by trying to fit in to a space that does not have room for you. Is this clear?

Yes thank you Lord Kuthumi.

Peace and blessings be with you.

Please continue.

Greetings Lord Kuthumi, I am D******l.
Greetings Brother Daniel. Lord Maitreya stands before you. He presents to you a Crystal Ball and with this comes the Light of the Archangel Metatron. It is through the strand Illumination that the hearts and minds of the sleeping ones shall be activated. The sound of Light is what opens the crown chakra, the pituitary and pineal glands to the consciousness of the Divine. As the Light comes into your body through these chakras, through these glands, so you too shall experience the Divinity of the sound of Light. Is this clear?

It is Lord Kuthumi, thank you.

You are welcome. Peace and blessings be with you

Please continue.

Hello Lord Kuthumi, my name is R******
Greetings Brother. Lord Maitreya stands before you. He presents to you a magnificent Ruby Crystal. Anchoring Trust is part of your journey. Trusting the Self, trusting the Divine, trusting the inner feminine and the inner masculine, and expressing the Light of the child, the purity and innocence of the child is part of your role of service. Grounding yourself on earth as you are in heaven is vital, and your energy and that of brother A***** are mirrored. You will hold the crown chakra aspect of it and brother A***** will hold the base chakra aspect of it. In other words, you will hold two ends of the rod of Light respectively. Do you understand?

Yes Master Kuthumi.

Peace and blessings be with you.

Please continue.

Hello, my name is A*****.
Greetings sister. Lord Maitreya stands before you presenting you with a magnificent Citrine Crystal. This he holds in front of your solar plexus chakra. It increases the vibrations of energy so as to show you the Divine Will Power within you. The power to will your way. To understand that where there is a will there is always a Divine way. Empowering the Divine through the will of the soul is what sets the human mind free. Do you understand?

I do thank you.

Peace and blessings be with you.

Please continue.

Greetings and gratitude Lord Kuthumi, my name is V******.

Greetings sister. Lord Maitreya stands before you, giving you a Celestite Egg. Within this egg is the seed of life, filled with great potential. What you have the opportunity to bring and to present is Independence, manifesting the trust of the Inner Divine, manifest in the external world. This is the turning point for you where you re-claim your power and move forward knowing that you are always Divinely protected and guided. Seek not the power of the life force in the world outside of you. Turn your eyes within and see that God is present within you. That the world you live within has been created that which you have intended. This is the opportunity for you to utilise the quantum energy, to change what you see as being a heaviness into a lightness. It is the power of initiation that you are experiencing. Do you understand?

Yes thank you.

Peace and blessings be with you.

Please continue.

Greetings Lord Kuthumi, my name is C******
Greetings beloved sister. Lord Maitreya stands before you with a great big Labradorite Crystal filled with beautiful colours as the light catches it, blues, greens and violet creates a whirlwind of magnificent energy around you, and it is through the Vision of Sound that you are to journey to awaken the hearts, the minds, and to stir to life the soul within the sleeping ones. Labradorite is the strengthener of the inner field of telepathic communication and it is through the language of sound that many will awaken to the Divine truth. Is this clear?

Yes thank you.

You are welcome. Peace and blessings be with you.

Please continue.

Welcome Lord Kuthumi, I am R*******.
Greetings sister. Lord Maitreya stands before you and presents you with a magnificent Emerald Gem. Within the heart of this Emerald is a dimension to the mystery school of Lord Hilarion and a World of Manifestation. Part of your journey and work of service is to awaken the world of manifestation within those who seek to free themselves from the constraints of poverty consciousness. We speak not only of the absence of material comforts, we speak of the absence of love, those who believe they are not worthy of friendship, support, recognition, acknowledgement. Poverty consciousness embodies a world of attitudes. Your journey entails shifting to the attitude of gratitude and maintaining it. Is this clear?

Thank you very much.
You are welcome. Peace and blessings be with you.

Please continue.

Greetings, my name is M******.
Greetings sister. Lord Maitreya presents you with a Lapis Lazuli Wand embodying the frequencies of gold and blue. You are taken back in time, standing before Tutankamen receiving frequencies of sound activating the throat and sacral chakras. It is through the Voice of Truth the Goddess emerges. Her receptivity, her nurturing and creativity abilities are what births the true consciousness of the Divine Goddess. All of that which you have mastered through the times of Egypt are birthed through your sacral and your throat chakra. It is these gifts you share with the Goddesses of the world. Is this clear?

Yes thank you.

You are welcome. Peace and blessings be with you.

Please continue.

Welcome in love and gratitude Lord Kuthumi.
Greetings beloved sister. Lord Maitreya stands before you. He presents you with a Quartz Crystal Wand, however, this Quartz Crystal is placed within the centre of this room. Within it is a crystal daisy, anchoring the daisy consciousness within the heart of Glastonbury. Beloved sister, you are the Activator of the Gateway to Courage, Illumination and Angelic Consciousness. This is one of the reasons why the Angels and Lord Merlin have brought you to this place. The Great White Brotherood have asked for the 12 new portals of the Lions Gate, embodying the Christ Consciousness, be activated through the purity of Angelic consciousness, and this place where we are today holds one of the portals of the 12 new Lions Gates. Lord Maitreya asks if you are willing to open this dimension to others to receive the blessings of courage, of illumination and the healing of the Angelic breath. The blessing of Angelic consciousness and the experiencing of the transmutative energies of the Lions roar. Is this clear to you?

Yes it is and yes I do, in love and gratitude.

So it is then. So it shall be. It is done. Peace and blessings be with you sister.

Please continue.

Blessings Lord Kuthumi, my name is R****.
Greetings brother. Lord Maitreya stands before you giving you an Indicolite Crystal, this is Blue Tourmaline. This very rare gem is placed within the area of your thymus and throat chakra, stirring within you the realisation of the rare qualities of Light, of love and truth resident within you. Part of your journey is to Assist others in recognising their rare qualities, an aspect that makes one unique, activating the sound of Divinity creating the collective melody of the universe. Open your heart to your uniqueness, see yourself through the eyes of God and acknowledge why it is you are loved so deeply by spirit. Is this clear?

Thank you, yes.

You are welcome, and peace and blessings be with you.

Beloved ones, the energies we have shared with you have created a magnificent blanket of Light. We enfold all of you with this blanket, and these are the energies that maintain the morphogenetic field currently in creation. For the next 24 hours your guides will continue to work with you. Your consciousness will continue to feed the field with information, therefore, be impeccable in your word, impeccable in your thoughts and your actions. This energy is being extended around the world. Your power is phenomenal – embrace it.

Beloved ones, please place your palm chakra of your right hand over your heart chakra. Feel the hand of Archangel Uriel upon the hand of yours over your heart. PAUSE Place the palm of your left hand above your right hand and that of Archangel Uriel. Feel the hand of Archangel Gabriel upon your left hand. Breathe in deeply, exhaling fully, and let us begin to intend for the consciousness held with every strand of DNA, stirring in alignment with Divinity consciousness. As we take this activation to its next level, moving all of you into the consciousness of 15th dimension, we activate the DNA alteration programme for humanity. Your DNA is your Divine Nature Active. In your heart intend for your Divine nature to awaken fully, manifesting full activation, full anchoring and complete actualisation. This is in preparation for the mighty ascension wave that shall come to your planet in the month of December 2008. Upon the 21st December 2008 we ask for all leaders of the Light to gather together to hold the intention that all souls in physical incarnation connect with their Divine nature and activate it. It is upon that day, the 21st December 2008, that 1.4 million Lightworkers will receive their Ascended Master status and be responsible for moving through the higher dimensions, experiencing multi-dimensional consciousness consciously, be assigned to specific programmes of Light, to carry the sleeping brothers and sisters into full Divine Nature Activation. You have the opportunity now to decide if you wish to be a part of this programme. If it is your wish and your will to work with the Great White Brotherhood, the company of heaven, the Angels, the Archangels, and all of those beings who embody Light, then please give your answer to Maitreya now.


So it is, it is done. Beloved ones, turn your palm chakras to the heavens now. Feel the wings of Gabriel and Uriel. Feel the wings of Michael and Ariel. Their wings now begin to vibrate. The energy they emanate create an Angelic magnetic presence around you. As your palm chakras open to receive this Angelic presence, a field of Arch-Angelic protection is placed around you. This field will be maintained for the next 180 days. It is through this time that Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Ariel will prepare your body for that which you shall come into and that which you shall transmit.

Beloved ones, be open to receiving so you can give. Know the universe is abundant, unconditional, and responds to your every request. Therefore, be impeccable with your word, your thought and your deed.

Take the opportunity now to present to the great Masters of the Light, the Angels, the Archangels, and all the Divine Beings of your energy with a request or questions and trust that all answers will come. Guidance will manifest and what must be, will be done. Please proceed now.

Question: When there’s ringing in the ears, is this a sign or is this …, how can this be helped, for myself and for other people?

Lord Kuthumi: Beloved sister, this sound is the development of the clairaudient abilities that many are now tuning into. The veils between the worlds are thinning and many are hearing the sound of the worlds beyond the 3rd dimensional world of material creation. It will take some time for individuals to become accustomed to the sound. Breathe into it. If it becomes too unbearable simply ask the Angels of the healing world to help attune the body to the frequency. It is nothing to be concerned about medically, it is simply tuning in to the higher frequencies of the higher dimensions. Is this clear?

Yes thank you.

You are welcome.

Q: Lord Kuthumi, I have a question. Since attending a workshop in April I feel a part of my soul has left. My son noticed the difference in me immediately on returning home, he said “you’re different.” And since that time I feel very different, I feel a part of me is dying. I don’t know if something was triggered in that workshop or if part of me was taken. I’d like your advice please.

LK: Beloved sister, the time has come for you to reclaim the power of your Light. It is important that you stand before Lord Merlin in a sacred place, with your presence before his, you are to command your power back into your body. We will assist you in retrieving the aspect of your soul. You are, however, to journey to a sacred place where you will not be disturbed, where your energy feels safe and protected. Lord Merlin will assist you in reclaiming those aspects of self that have become fragmented as a result of certain traumas you have been exposed to over a last while. This is the opportunity for you to understand the power of energy, for you to focus on the power of intention. Lord Merlin will guide you and will ensure that all is well. Is this clear?

Yes thank you.

You are welcome. Peace and blessings be with you.

Q: Lord Kuthumi, I’ve got a question. A couple of days ago, I came to a really enlightening situation whereby I went back to my childhood. And after looking at all the things that I’ve been through, emotional trauma, physical abuse and so forth, I came to realise that this is all a process that we have to go through to come to some understanding, and then that we have chosen this life. And I began writing a book on purposeful living to share my experience with others, and I’m just wondering if I’m going to have any help from cosmic forces with that. Plus my intention of starting my own business.

LK: It will be done in accordance with the Divine plan of your soul. This you must trust. The intention behind your purpose is what drives the force of energy, resulting in the creation and then the manifestation of a tangible force of a constructive or destructive nature. The power is within you to anchor this project on earth as it is in heaven. Do you understand?

Yes thank you.

Trust, it will be done. Peace and blessings be with you.

Q: Lord Kuthumi, several years ago, the website came into being as a mouthpiece for the Great White Brotherhood. Quite recently there’s been a lull. I trust that this will be used to its full effect for the benefit of humankind. Can you please comment? Thank you.

LK: Certainly. Beloved brother, the lull has been as a result of a time of integration you have had to undergo. All has been in preparation leading up to this day where you have opened yourself to receive higher quotients of the energy of the Great White Brotherhood so as to raise the vibration of every thing expressing a part of you to the next level. Your website will embody the frequencies of 9th to 15th Dimension. All needs to be in Divine order for these energies to emanate in Divine accordance with all that exists within the Light. Therefore, trust that as a result of what you have chosen to experience today, the energies will shift, are, in fact, already shifting. Be patient, it will not be much longer and you will have an abundance of flow to the website, for it is a vital medium of transmission of the words of Light and the energy of Light of the Great White Brotherhood. Is this clear?

Yes, thank you.

You are welcome. Peace and blessings be with you.

Q: Lord Kuthumi, there’s been a war in the Lebanon recently, and I’ve noticed aspects of the same thing in life in England. There are a lot of arrows flying around and I’ve heard of a lot of other arrows and different things, and I was wondering, the aspect of cleansing that this is doing, I haven’t quite got to grips with the bottom of where it’s come from. Can I have some assistance in understanding this?

LK: Beloved one, everything you see and everyone else sees happening in the external world, is a direct result of what is going on in the internal world of every person on earth. The battle between the ego and the soul, so to speak, is being played out. You know that war is an acronym standing for We Are Right, yes?

Ha, ha, no.

Well now you know. And everybody says ‘we are right,’ ‘no, we are right, I promise you we are right and we’ll show you we are right.’ And what happens? War breaks out. The war between love motivation and fear motivation is at its peak right now. Everyone is being faced with this opportunity on some level or another. The choice between being motivated by fear or the choice to be motivated by love. Relinquishing the ego’s control to the soul is the greatest challenge for humanity, for humanity is so accustomed to living in a state of survival, fighting, battling, struggling, fighting the demons of the past, struggling with the inner demons of the present and the past, battling to make ends meet, fighting with the mind, struggling to understand the Self. These are words all of you use daily, hence my earlier comment – be impeccable in your word, your thought and your deed, for what you affirm is what goes into the ethers creating the morphogenetic fields, bearing in mind the information never loses it’s intensity.

So what is the world creating? The arrows, as you call them, is the ego’s inability to take responsibility for its part in the so-called war. No-one willing to look at the Self, to go within, to acknowledge the individual contribution to that which is in a state of imbalance. Taking responsibility is yet another very difficult aspect of humanities initiation into true self-awareness and Divinity consciousness. Projecting blame is a clear indication of the fear of taking responsibility. Which is why we encourage all Lightworkers to look to the Self, for in looking to the Self, healing the Self, dealing with what is out of balance within, one is able to change what is out of balance without. Saving the world begins with You, and you, and you, and you. And every one person making the effort to change what is on the inside, changes the world. Many people want to save the world, heal the world, change the world, stop the wars, stop the abuse. End the battle within, stop abusing yourselves with harsh words, unrealistic expectations, running yourselves down, not believing you are worthy of the prosperity, victory, unconditional and Divine love consciousness of the universe. Every change begins with the Self. That is why I say there is only one way to lead in your world, and in any world, and that is by example. Does that answer your question brother?

Yes, thank you, it’s given a bigger… much, you know, look within. I did wonder whether there were any specific planetary influences that were working their way out, and I realise that Pluto’s traversing Sagittarius and I haven’t looked at the astrology. I was wondering if there was any karma that is maybe taking in Orion, that’s been released at this time?

Yes there is most certainly. Bearing in mind the frequencies of energy present on the earth at this time accelerating and amplifying the energies astrologically, numerologically and on many other planes. Do you understand?


Very well.

Q: Lord Kuthumi, could I ask you, who are my spirit parents and how I may work more closely with them?

LK: Certainly. One moment please. Your spirit father is Lord Maitreya and your spirit mother Lady Nada. A way to work with them on a closer level is simply by calling them forth, acknowledging their presence and asking for guidance. Guidance comes in the form of thoughts impressed on the mind, an inspiration to, perhaps read a book, to go somewhere, to look at an aspect of Self. Trust that what comes will serve you and like you think of a loved one, do the same with your spirit parents and it will strengthen your connection to them. Is this clear?

Yes, thank you very much

You are most welcome.

Beloved ones, we need to now recalibrate the energies so we can complete the anchoring of the energies. Please connect your energies together by feeling the presence of all the beings still present within the crystal temple. PAUSE If there is any intentions you wish to put forth to the presence of the Grand Masters, do this now in the presence of your heart. PAUSE Take a deep breath in through your nose, exhaling through your mouth as all the energies recalibrate along your spinal column. PAUSE Feel the golden energy of Lord Ra pulsating from your crown to your base. PAUSE Feel the energies still created by the Sirians and the Pleadians walking the spiral around you. PAUSE They now take their place around you and the vortex is complete. PAUSE

In your mind, please repeat the words after me: “Divine company of heaven, I, and repeat your name, acknowledge the power and Light present within my being. I choose to give of this Light to serve in the name of all that is Light and open to receive all of that which is in Light. I acknowledge I AM a servant of the Light. I AM a Divine messenger of Mother-Father God. I AM a vessel of love. I AM a representative of the truth that resonates through the heart of all humanity.

Take a deep breath in, exhaling through your mouth as the energies move into another octave of Divine expression. PAUSE. Continue to breathe.

Lord Maitreya stands before you once more. He holds both his hands up so the hand chakra is in direct alignment with your heart chakra, and he emits brilliant white Light into your heart, opening all the dimensions of your heart, the 12 rays of your heart. This energy extends into your thymus, into your throat, your solar plexus, your sacral and your third eye, your crown and your base chakra. And down your arms and down your legs. Your body is filled with the vibration of this pure white Light. PAUSE

Lord Maitreya now steps closer to you. He places the palm of his right hand over your heart chakra and a Divine symbol manifests upon the skin of your heart chakra. This symbol is integrated into your heart, symbolising the initiation you have taken and the activation you have participated in. And all of those in the world of Light acknowledge you as an anchor of the Divinity of love that exists within all that is Light.

Beloved ones, the time has come now to give thanks to all the Beings of the Light who have been present with you today, Lord Ra, Lord Maitreya, Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Ariel. Feel the energies around you ensuring that for the next 180 days the energies will be maintained perfectly, harmoniously, gracefully, Divinely and magically. PAUSE Give thanks to the Sirians and the Pleadians for creating the new vortex around you. PAUSE Give thanks for the conscious knowledge of what it is that you are holding in service to that which has been created today. PAUSE Thank your personal guides, guardians, Angels and Masters. PAUSE And give thanks to yourself for choosing this experience. PAUSE

Beloved ones, we give thanks to you, for choosing this experience, for coming forward as Divine beacons of Light, in service to humanity. You are the arms, the eyes, the heart and the voice of spirit. You are the connection between heaven and earth. Trust in the many invisible arms that hold you, comfort you and carry you, and the many invisible hearts that love you unconditionally and very deeply. We come forth and bless you with all you need in the form of courage, insight, will, power, trust and any other quality you need to see your journey through to completion. Know that we are with you always in all ways. May the Light of Mother-Father God shine brightly upon the pathway before you, ensuring every step you take is a steady one. The wings of the Angels are wrapped around you keeping you warm and keeping you safe. Thank you brave souls. Continue, love, give and receive.

I am Kuthumi, Cohan of the golden ray of love and wisdom and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.


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You Are The Chosen One With Special Powers & Abilities!

Posted on October 14, 2007. Filed under: Hundredth Monkey, New Age, Paradigm Shift |

Actually the fact is we are all the chosen ones. Every last person on earth is. Even the ones who don’t act nice.

You see this time around it isn’t one chosen one saving the world. This time it is has been a massive group effort to improve the lot of all. It has been up to each and every one of us whether we go that way or take a different path such as Bad Example Highway (which sometimes joins with or Moat In Another’s Eye Lane for a bit).

So my fellow terranauts the mission, if we choose to accept, is not impossible. In fact it is inevitable at this point. The only difference we can make is how smooth can we make the transition to the new age.

You see so many times I read about what magnificent powerful and amazing we all are. We can manifest everything we desire. And so on and so forth. But then some put limits on this saying there still will be trials and tribulations, earth changes and physical destruction. After reading things like that for years I finally went ?!?!?!? and wondered if I and everyone else is so darned powerful why do we still have to experience that? Maybe expectation of destruction as the only path to change is one more thing to release. Then I found this channeling though Celia Fenn which gave me hope I wasn’t nuts to feel this way after all. I know how badly habits are hard to break and here is one many millennia old. And so I keep a space open in my heart and my mind to let this future reality come to gentle fruition. I try to let the old drop away like the autumn leaves, no longer needed, drift with ease from the trees knowing that in the spring a new vigorous set will burst forth bigger and stronger than before.

Diamond Heart

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New Earth, New Life Anchoring Channelling with Master Kuthumi and Mary Magdalene

Posted on October 12, 2007. Filed under: Channeling, Kuthumi, Mary Magdalene, Michelle Eloff, Paradigm Shift |

New Earth, New Life Anchoring Channelling with Master Kuthumi and Mary Magdalene 

Channelled through Michelle Eloff ©

Johannesburg, South Africa

29 September 2007

This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions that no information is altered or deleted or used for monetary gain, and the source of the information be acknowledged.

To find out more about Michelle & The Lightweaver please click here

Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with the Channelling being and a similar process facilitated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the presence of the channelling Master, however the effects are just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the channelling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose.

To download the recorded audio of this channelling, please click here.

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of trust, protection, synchronicity and divine inspiration. Greetings beloved ones.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved ones you have gathered at a time where there are many energies at play. Each of these energies influencing you on many levels. Each level that you are experiencing an influence upon is pulling you in a direction, one that is leading you down the pathway of complete and total soul liberation. For eons of time humanity has played out the game of self sacrifice. You have experienced many cycles of mastering self doubt, mastering self rejection, self hate, and many other such qualities. This is now the opportunity to embrace yourself on a new level and experience the new level of life which is being offered to you within a package called ‘the new earth new life’. You have witnessed how humanities insecurities and separation from love has created a world of deprivation. A world that sorely lacks the qualities that are considered godlike or goddess like. Today’s particular activation of grids requires of you the vigilance in terms of asserting yourself, asserting your Will, and saying no to those aspects of your lower ego that insist on keeping you trapped in the quagmire of old consciousness. Everything within you and around you, is changing. And any part of you or any aspect of you representing the old will be transmuted. Right now most of you, are experiencing more of the light qualities than you are the dark. Dark being negativity, or plain simply the absence of love. Where there is fear, love is lacking. So your personal fears are calling to you, for love. Now love is very limited in terms of what you understand the definition to be and this journey that all of you are embarking upon is a lesson in love, divine love, unconditional love, in fact all facets of love that exist. You have been exposed to conditional love, primarily, you have experienced some levels of unconditional love with people in your life but, the majority of your experience of love, has been conditional. These conditions are being disintegrated at this time for the matrix of conditional love has already been dismantled to a large extent. Some of you are probably aware of the fact that there are just a few aspects of your life experience that appear to be holding you back and those aspects are what embody conditional love. Conditional love is a label, yet it consists of many of your greatest challenges. In fact conditional love is what has created some of your greatest wounds. Your life experience has revealed to you, and perhaps for some of you this will be a new insight, but your past experience has revealed to you that you have attracted into your life the people who reflect your greatest pain, your darkest negativity, your worst fears and your greatest wounds. Think about it. Think about some of the people that you have attracted into your life that you have had immense challenges with and what they have supposedly done to you. No-one has done anything to you. The only thing that has ever happened is that you have brought upon yourself that which you believed you deserved. On a subconscious level, most of the time. Were you to accept the fact that you have attracted that to you because of your beliefs you are in that instant empowered because no longer are you giving your power away to a person or a situation that you have been holding onto, because oh my goodness, poor you, you were abused, you were betrayed, not to say that there is no sympathy or empathy for anyone who has experienced that. What we are saying is that record has now played itself to its end. You are now stepping into a new story where you are changing the course of your life, by saying goodbye to your history, by putting an end to the process of recreating your history, based on those attachments to people and events, that caused wounds in your life. Let me put it this way. As long as you choose to wallow in self pity or any other victim consciousness you will not experience the levels of freedom and soul liberation you yearn for. It is your responsibility and only your responsibility to change the course of your life by changing your perceptions of your reality.

The new earth is a place in which you can and will thrive. New life is literally that. New life. The opportunity to experience life like you have never experienced it before. Therefore there are new beginnings, new opportunities currently making its way toward you of epic proportions. New opportunities that will change your life forever and the only thing standing between you and the ‘new earth new life’ gifts is your lower ego, your attachments to your wounds, your self pity, your lack of self acceptance, your lack of self worth and any other aspect lacking love. Yes it is easier said than done, but for how long are you going to buy into that! Sometimes, if not every time, it is only your belief in the fact that it is easier said than done, that makes it difficult. Remember these words now. The lower ego complicates and the soul simplifies. So when you find yourself facing complications you are dealing with the lower ego aspect of whatever the situation is, being it the people in the group or the person you are interacting with or the energy that is feeding that particular creation. You are in a position and have the power to ensure that your life can be simplified to such a degree that the work of Spirit, God, whoever it is, that you relate to, can flow through you freely.

This does not ever mean that your lessons will come to an end, but as I have said before, the manner in which you master your lessons is more simplified, and you are able to extract that wisdom a lot quicker than the past or when you choose to react from that place of fear based lower ego belief systems. So what you as a group and individuals are currently experiencing today is the onset of one of the greatest waves of change to grace humanity. It is a tidal wave of new energy that will literally wash through all the fears and every single attachment the lower ego insists on hanging onto, therefore every person, every community, every country, every business, group whatever it is that comes together, will experience the foundations being washed away, if those foundations insist on remaining in the old paradigm.

Beloved ones this is certainly not a threat, it is a fact. It is happening. You have already experienced it and will continue to experience it. The difference is that the intensity of this energy is 200,000 times more intense than the energies you experienced as little as 6 months ago. The reason why these energies have intensified to the degree that they have is because your time has sped up and there are more and more souls requesting liberation from the old paradigm, and of that group of souls, yours was a voice, your soul requested exactly that, which is why you are here today. And every soul who makes the same choice in the future will come to hear these words. So, in order to fully experience the new earth and new life, you need to choose, choose between the old way of living, reacting, blaming, withdrawing and withholding life, energy, information, whatever it may be, for fear of it being taken away from you, for fear of going without, lack and loss.

The energy that is coming to earth and to every single one of you, on an individual and collective basis is coming to serve the greater good of the whole and those of you who are being called to service, to serve humanity, it is your responsibility, to share what you are given. To share the wisdom, to share the love. And wherever there are barriers placed around that love and wisdom, I assure you, it will be torn down. This is not a timeline for barriers and defences. And I can tell you, this is probably the most important challenge for humanity, is because you guard and protect your wounds, you hold onto all the defence mechanisms that will ensure you are never exposed to any level of pain again, accepting, not only does it protect you or shield you from negativity, it also isolates you, isolates you from love, from life, and you end up lonely, miserable, bitter and resentful. Is there anyone in this room today who would like that as their future? Is there anyone present who would like to imagine that that be their future or even entertain the idea that that is the future? So then, take up your sword of truth, slice through the chords that attach you to that which creates limitation and isolation in your life and make a choice today. A choice that empowers you and opens the pathways to soul liberation for you, like you have never experienced before. And today you will say yes to your soul choosing life, your soul choosing the gifts of the new earth which are new life.

Every one of you are messengers of the divine word. You are messengers of Divine Light, you are the movement of light which embody the most powerful love you could ever imagine experiencing. And I speak not of just romantic love. I speak of a love far greater than you have ever experienced. A love that is all consuming, that when you tap into it, it feels as if your own skin will burst open because you cannot contain it and the only way to manage it is by giving it out. Share it with all of those around you. Imagine feeling that level of love not only for those whom you love, but that level of love for humanity, for everything that is a part of you, seen and unseen, it is that love that becomes the tidal wave bringing cleansing, bringing the transmutations all of you have prayed for.

Right now there are three specific grids, which are like blankets around your planet. These grids are filtering all of the energies that impact on your base chakra, your sacral chakra and your solar plexus, within the physical realm of your physical life. These grids are also influencing the 12 chakra system which all of you will be operating from, in a very short space of time, that’s if some of you are not there already. You will experience higher levels of sensitivity to the two worlds, the old paradigm and the new paradigm. The 12 chakras amplify everything that you are experiencing, for a very good reason because it brings that sense of awareness that was lacking previously. When you are aware of the different worlds and how the old world affected you and how the new world is being created, you are in a conscious position to make decisions to enhance the creations of this new space, this new time, the new world that you have called into manifestation.

The millions of light workers on your planet which include all of you, has brought this about. Without your choice to move beyond the old paradigms, this would not have happened. Now there are choices available to humanity that serve every level of consciousness. In the past it was mainly the lower levels of consciousness that impacted on everyone. You were dealing with a very dense third dimensional reality. The astral plane is what fed your energy field. This is what has created many of the fear based stories that you buy into. I have said this before and for those of you who have heard these words, please bear with me, because there are others that will benefit from this, but I must tell you something, the belief in Satan or the devil, is an illusion. It is a creation that you have adopted and accepted as being a reality. The role that the fallen angel Lucifer played ended a long time ago. But it is humanities belief systems and perceptions that have kept that story playing over and over again. Tell me, what is the benefit of indulging in such a destructive belief system. How does it benefit humanity in any way to fear the devil, to fear Lucifer, Satan whatever name it is used. What is the benefit of keeping humanity in fear? What does it do to serve the greater good? And when I speak of the greater good, I speak of the vibrations of love that empower individuals, communities and nations.

The fear based grids of two and a half thousand years ago, some came in before that, need not be a part of your reality any longer. Think about the stories you have bought into. Think about the myths, think about the fears that govern you on a daily basis and ask yourself, how real are they? Where do they come from? And what good are they doing you? Your ego’s role is to keep you safe. That is your survival instinct. Fight, fright and flight. Your lower ego was manipulated, real good! To such an extent that it is the governing force in your life, and everything in your external environment continues to feed the fears of your lower ego.

This wave that is coming that I speak of, as a result of the grids today, will also challenge you to be highly aware of how the controlling forces of negativity are constantly trying to lure you into their webs. It is in your face all the time beloved ones, and your advertising and media are key players in it. On a subconscious level you are intimidated and overpowered by this propaganda. And you are in a position to shield yourself to all of this and choose to focus mainly on anchoring light. You are already on the road to experiencing what the new earth will be all about. The new earth is the world where Light reflects Light. Where every aspect of power in its light source and form will be reflected. And it is those of you who choose to live within the realms of the new earth consciousness, that will free the rest of the world from the old paradigm. But you need to master first what you will then teach. So over the next 18 months you’ll see many changes manifesting on a personal level as well as in communities, groups, organisations, business, and nations.

There are three major portals coming up beloved ones, 2010, 2011, and 2012. These major portals will come about as a result of the ascension wave that is already beginning, which will come to its apex in December 2008. You are in a position to relieve yourself of all the density that you have carried from your past life by this I mean the old paradigm, the life you are leaving behind. This is a time when you need to sit with yourself, to examine every aspect of your being, because the 12 chakras are like amplifiers, which will make it impossible for you to step into any programme related to denial. This is the time of facing yourself head on and embracing all the light aspects of yourself and forgiving or releasing those aspects of self that represent the old way. Each of you are a leader in your own right. I’ve always said there is only one way to lead and that is by example. There is never any other way. This is your time to shine, this is your time to choose your Self, to choose love and every single quality of life, so I ask you now to close your eyes please.

Begin by taking a deep breath in through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Relax the muscles of your body. Take a moment now to think about your old life, your past life. This may take you back to your teenage years or even younger, perhaps your early twenties. Think back to the times when you felt limitation, inhibition, confusion, shame and fear. Notice how your body reacts, your emotions change when you think back to those times, and I ask you now again, is this what you are going to choose for your future? Is this the quality energy you want influencing your future creations? If it is then by all means continue with your drama.

If not, you now have the power to step away from that, once and for all. Many of you have stepped away from a great deal of it, today is your final crossing over, the final step into ‘the new earth new life’ paradigm.

Now I want you to start focussing on everything that inspires you, think about the things that give you joy, the people who you love and who love you. Imagine all the things that represent freedom, peace and harmony for you. I want you now to evoke the full power and presence of your liberated Self. Open yourself to welcome that part of you who has achieved complete soul liberation and who is thriving in ‘the new earth new life’ grids. While you do this, the 12 chakras of your current spiritual system begin igniting like brilliant flames of light and as each flame ignites, it grows brighter with every new hope, new wish and choice to be motivated by love. Keep focussing on that energy. I will now step aside and Mary Magdalene will come through to continue this journey. Keep focussing on the Light.


I am Mary Magdalene. Welcome into this world, of new Light, a world where you are the co-creator, a world in which you have been called into. You are the leaders of this great new world and I have come in service to each of you, to assist you in crystallising all of these energies. Before we continue please will you invoke the power, the light, the love and presence of your personal guides, masters and governors.

Feel the energy vibrations rise as all these grand beings of Divine Love gather with us today. All the Lords and the Ladies of the Divine worlds of Light, empowerment, love, wisdom and truth are gathering around us. The Elohim of grace, the Elohim of divinity, the Elohim of honour, integrity, truth and justice, gather with us now. The Great White Brotherhood and The Great White Sisterhood, the Council of Freedom, and the Grand Master of all that is, with his feminine counterpart now stand within our presence.

Move your attention to your heart chakra. Feel this chakra opening like a flower greeting the rays of the sun. And feel the love from your unseen supporters filling you through this chakra. Feel the energy of their love, their wisdom, their support, their grace and their unconditional acceptance of you, enfolding you. As you are wrapped up in this blanket of energy, so it begins to expand and becomes a spiral galaxy around you. And this galaxy is filled with many forms of new life. This is the galaxy known as You.

I want you to just listen to the tone of my voice as you are now carried through the realms of light, into the expanded worlds of divine love, the world of power, of wisdom and unconditional love. Feel the cells of your body opening to receive the gentle caress of these energies. As each energy flows into the cells of your body, it moves into the molecules, it moves into the atoms. Your DNA is vibrating in response to this new energy. All the cells of mother earth’s body begin to respond. Her DNA, the molecules and atoms of her being, responding in unison with you, to receive, to choose this power, a power that is yours by divine right, a power that shall lead you into the realms of peace, harmony, abundance, magic and miracles.

Breathe in deeply, opening your chakras to receive this energy and codings. Open your heart to receive more of this divine light and the divine love. Now turn your palm chakras up to receive. Draw this energy into your body. As your energy expands, so the energy of your 12 chakra system is activated beyond the earth plane. Each template of the 12 chakras is expanded to unite with the 44th universe, the realm where all the new structures of divinity are created and where the structures of that divinity now become a part of your blueprint. As you are receiving through your left palm, we ask you to turn your right palm down, and as you receive, the energy moves through you, and you give to mother earth. And so it is, that which is in heaven, becomes one with the earth. Divine souls, you are the manifestation of the vessels through which the divinity of heaven becomes one with earth. You are the keys to the worlds of freedom in all its forms and in whatever form it represents itself in your life.

Breathe in deeply expanding your energy field even further and all those beings who are currently present with us all open their heart’s chakra extending the divine love of the universe and the grand master and that of his feminine counterpart to embrace you and so the three grids of the new world are absorbed into your heart chakra. Their energy extending into your solar plexus, then into your sacral chakra, and into your base chakra, the energy moves down the meridian of your legs, and into the chakra’s of the soles of your feet and into mother earth’s flesh.

Over the next three hours this energy will increase in its intensity and vibration adding to your energy another 33,000 systems of light. The 33,000 systems of light are linked to the higher universal dimensional energies. This raises the vibration that your lower ego has been accustomed to functioning within, to a new level. It is through this new system that you will be introduced to the new life you have chosen. Through this contributing to the creations of the new earth, you, divine ones, are the creators of the world that shall come into being after 2011. You are the ones joined by your fellow brothers and sisters all over the world who are ensuring that the old paradigm does not bleed into the new one and become the theme of consciousness yet again. So your responsibility is the most important to yourself for in the complete healing and liberation of yourself you liberate humanity.

I ask you now to turn the chakras of your hands onto your heart chakra. Begin to fill your heart chakra with love for yourself. Begin by acknowledging that you are a divine manifestation of the breathe of Father/Mother God. You are one aspect of the mighty presence of all that is. Therefore you are all of that and more. Acknowledge to yourself how much courage it has taken for you to master what you have mastered. Acknowledge how much you truly loved humanity, that is evident because you are on earth again. And it is only a being filled with an extraordinary capacity to love that could return to a dimension as dense as earth and overcome what you have overcome, to master what you have mastered in order to show mass consciousness the road to freedom. Take some of the love that you feel for those whom you love most and turn it on yourself. It is the self love that shall keep the grids of the new earth fully active. It is self love that shall overflow into unconditional love for everyone else around you, that will keep the gates to heaven open. And the gates to heaven are not something up in the sky. The gates to heaven are in fact on earth. There have been many powerful men and women who walked the earth before you did. Some of them were you! Why do you think such beings of immense power would do such a thing as come to a place filled with such hostility and density. They seeded the earth just like you do. Every step you take plants a seed upon mother earth’s body. Everything you say to another is a seed planted within their heart and within their mind. The hostility inside of you is not natural. Loving is natural. It is from this energy that you were created.

Breathe in deeply and as you exhale move your hand chakras to your solar plexus. And fill this chakra with the same love you filled your heart with. All the angles of your power are now drawn into alignment with the divine grids of the 44th universe and every single blueprint of every single being of power who walked the earth before you. All the seeds that the earth was encoded with, you have access to and that is what you will begin accessing from this day forward. All of you have been assigned with specific tasks in service to self and therefore to humanity. These seeds will now take roots within the physical world and will spurt forth as powerful trees of life, of knowledge and wisdom, from which humanity will be sustained. For it is the fruit from these trees that will feed them and you are that fruit! For it is your gems of wisdom, and knowledge that becomes the sustenance humanity now needs in order for them to make the final crossing. Feel the power of the almighty presence emerging inside of your solar plexus. You are now naturally powerful. And you know exactly what to do to empower yourself and humanity. Your period of forgetfulness is now fast coming to its end. While you concentrate on your solar plexus just listen to my words.

‘You are a divine manifestation of the divine essence of the Holy Mother and the Holy Father. Your chakras carry the blue print of each of them. The earth was seeded with your energy because you were entrusted with the role to liberate humanity. You have returned at this volatile time in earth’s spiritual history, in earth’s physical and economic history, to bring about changes that have never been witnessed in such a dense realm before. You are masters embodying light who are ready to remember the power inside of you. You are beings in a physical body, who know exactly what is needed at this time. Your confusion is an illusion. Your fears are an illusion. You are precisely in the place you need to be for it is where you are now that your energy is needed most. You do not need to be a saint, you do not need to be a healer to weave the magic of spirit. You are in a variety of walks of life for the reason that it will bring the light to all places. You are remembering, you will continue to remember, your body knows the truth, your authentic self is pushing through the veils of illusion revealing its power to you and it is safe for you to step in to the skin of your authentic self. Lead by example. Free your self by surrendering to that power. Let go of any need to hold onto anything that causes disharmony, limitation or pain.’

Breathe in gently as you move your hand chakras to your sacral chakra, and as you do this you embrace the love of our Divine Mother. This is the receptacle of life, the Holy Grail, the place in which all divine love from our sacred mother is fed into you. You sacral chakra is your water element. It is the chakra that governs your emotional body. Allow the energy to flow, for when you block your emotions, when you deny your truth or when you fight and resist that which chooses to come forth, your water element freezes, it becomes stagnant, and you are left in a state of isolation (ice-o-lation). When your sacral chakra is blocked, your base chakra is deprived of the energy it requires to ground everything you need in your physical reality on earth. Your sacral chakra is your feminine power. It is the creative force of the divine mother working through you, and when you reject her, you reject life. You reject your power and ability to attract to yourself everything you need to ensure that you are physically and materially taken care of. The Holy Grail is a receptacle of energy that is in a state of endless creation. It is meant to overflow, for it is the overflow that helps those who have not reached the same levels of realisation that ones such as yourselves have. Denying yourself your right to love, to receive and to give, deprives everyone. When you deprive yourself, you deprive our cosmic parents of your love. You turn your back on their support and no matter how loud they knock on the door of your heart you will not hear them because you are frozen in time, in the space of fear.

I ask you now to consciously open your sacral chakra to our divine mother, the feminine principle that attracts to you the divinity of your power, the power that is the inspiration for your world and within your world. Our divine mother is your creativity. Every time you create you are honouring her, you are honouring your own inner divine goddess, the divine feminine that is as essential as the divine masculine.

Breath in deeply expanding the energy of your sacral chakra to receive the light of the three grids. Your sacral chakra is connected to your subconscious mind, your subconscious is your divine feminine and works in one unity-consciousness with the sacral, as above so below. Your sacral chakra represents that which is below, your subconscious represents that which is above. It is the divine feminine that takes in everything that you impregnated it with through the conscious mind. Your conscious mind is your divine masculine which is represented through your base chakra. By honouring the sacredness of the power that is your divine feminine, you become acutely aware of how important it is to ensure that the conscious is seeding the subconscious with seeds of pristine intension. Therefore if your conscious mind focuses on fear, lack and loss, you are seeding your subconscious with those seeds and that is what the divine mother will deliver to you, for your seeds are held within gestation in the subconscious as well as your sacral chakra and the divine mother is your most loyal ally, for she gives you everything you believe in without fail. So the seeds of your belief systems become the reality of your life. Take a moment to bless the divine feminine inside of you through your sacral chakra extending it into your subconscious and make a commitment to yourself today that you will ensure that she is impregnated with only that which embodies pristine intension. Seeds that empower everyone. The divine mother honours what you believe you deserve. She will never ever give you anything less than what you believe you deserve. The new grids being woven through your 12 chakras will push you to examine all the aspects of your belief systems so that you can see the power of the divine feminine working in your life. Everything that you have manifested in your life to date, is based on what you believe and the seeds that you have planted in your subconscious. The consciousness embodies the belief systems in your sacral chakra.

Now keep the hand chakra on your left hand, on your sacral chakra and move the palm of your right hand to your base chakra. Open your energy to receive the blessings of our divine cosmic father, the masculine presence that is there as eternal support. The active part of all areas of life. This is your earth element. This is what grounds you to the earth. This is what ensures that everything that you have agreed to do in service manifests physically. By rejecting the base chakra and the sacral chakra it is impossible to manifest on earth that which you have created and secured within the heavens. Your base chakra is as important as your crown chakra. Your sacral chakra is as powerful and important as your third eye chakra. Your solar plexus is the seat of power which is expressed through your throat chakra and your heart merges and sustains all three above and below. Your base chakra is linked to your conscious mind. It is the active part of you. The part of you that impregnates the divine feminine. It is the part of you that actively responds to the divine inspiration that you have tuned into through your sacral chakra and through your subconscious.

I, Mary Magdalene assisted by your personal guides will work with you for the remainder of this day taking you through an advanced healing of the subconscious mind. For the next few days, approximately 7 days, you will experience of the falling away of the old paradigms that have been stored within the subconscious, offering you an opportunity to continue with a clean slate. Your ability to seed the subconscious will be amplified, intensified, and the time for it to come into manifestation will happen a lot quicker than what you are accustomed to in the past.

Take a deep breath in as you feel the light and support of all your personal guides and masters projecting energy to your base chakra. The energy of your base chakra now moves down your legs, into your feet, out through the soles of your feet rooting you firmly to mother earth. This energy extends to the very core of her being, uniting you as one, for when you are connected to mother earth, she too can support you in your physical reality by ensuring that you are safe, and that all your needs are honoured within her realm.

You are a divine being of power, a co-creator, you are a spark of light within the collective journey of life. You represent the sparks of love in which you were created. You are not meant to walk alone. Yes you are individual but you are all one. This sacred time is a time of merging the grids of unification consciousness so that all the sparks of love within the journey of life can come together and in so doing strengthening the power of love, and strengthening the life force and vitality of life, offering everyone a network of support, a grid of safety, a home in which all of you can co-create.

All the beings who are present with all of us will remain in this presence, holding the energy until all of that which you have agreed to do as a group is completed. I Mary Magdalene honour each of you for the journey you have chosen. And again I wish to remind you, you are remembering! It is safe for you to release your grid on your fears, to let go of all the old ways, all the old ways of doing things, and embrace this new way. I assure you, life will never be the same again, when you choose. So choose for your life never to be the same again.

The three grids that you are absorbing now, will dissolve over the next 72 hours, making way for the next level of the three grids to come into being. Their will be four levels all together, which you will absorb into your heart chakra all of which will merge with the 12 chakras. This will take place over a period of 14 days. This is now fully active in your energy field and will be completed. May each of you honour the truth that resides in you, that truth that lurks beneath the veils of illusion that you have adopted and the stories that you have bought into that do not represent the truth. May all of you be liberated in your desire to be what you were created to be. I am Mary Magdalene. Au Revoir.

I am Kuthumi, I return very briefly beloved ones, just to emphasise that what Mary Magdalene has conducted with you today is a process that you may not understand to its full extent however you will see the effects of this in your life over the next 18 months. There are still many new grids that shall come forth, leading up to the final portal of 2012 but what is most important is what you are doing with your life now, how you are living your life now.

I, Kuthumi, Cohan of the golden ray of love and wisdom will continue to be every present ensuring that each of you extract the wisdom from the lessons of life by applying love, by experiencing and accepting love.

It is vital that you all recognise that the structures of the old world do not work and cannot serve in the new world. The old world is based on a completely different set of rules and laws that do not honour the greater wisdom of all that is. Many of the original laws were omitted. Now in the new earth new life grids, you will be exposed to the laws that you were denied in the past. And it is these laws, these principles, that will fuel your life resulting in greater expanded awareness, accelerated spiritual development at the same time the accelerated release of the lower ego. Therefore, anything embodying fear, or attachment to the old world, will dissolve. Whether you like it not! However the gifts of that will far outweigh any level of discomfort that you may feel at the time of the changes taking place.

So beloved ones we wish to thank all of you for making the choice to gather upon this day. Welcome the new life that you have now opened your heart to receive. The new journey you have said yes to. You are a leader. You are a light worker. You are everything that is and more because you are you. Unique, divine and powerful. And every single one of you embody a unique seed, one that no-one else carries, which is why your role is so important and your contribution in services is so important because when all those seeds are rooted and they take life, your earth will be re-ignited. May all that your soul requires at this time to ensure that you are fully liberated from the old paradigm come into being, under grace, in perfect, harmonious and miraculous ways. Look to those who walk your life path with you. Acknowledge the Christ within them, recognise their light, that your light shine through. Allow the higher purpose of soul ego to be your motivating force, for it shall show others, how to do the same. Be firm in the truth that you have chosen. May your boundaries be one of love. Do not be afraid to speak your truth when the voice of the old paradigm confronts you. Stand your ground and walk tall.

Trust in the many invisible arms that hold you knowing that there is not ever a moment that you walk alone, for we are all one, with you, always, in all ways. May the light of Father/Mother God shine brightly upon the path you have chosen, and may every step you take be a steady one.

I am Kuthumi, Cohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom. I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.

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