Too Much of a Good Thing

Posted on August 19, 2007. Filed under: Energy Healing, Energy Transmission, Reiki |

I tend to over do things. Go a bit over board. Get a little too enthused and end up flattened. Like the time I had an acupuncture treatment to work on some deep emotional issues the day before I saw an energy healer for the same. Both are excellent practitioners of their respective arts doing powerful work. I ended up in overwhelm trying to detox and integrate the changes in my system too fast. I became ill in my usual spot with a rip-roaring sinus infection, soar throat, fever, etc. Trigger misery like that enough times even a stubborn enthusiast like me gets a Clue. Like next time I have the chance to see these two healers don’t do it the same week or at least space the treatments out.

So moral of this story: take your time with energy work. You don’t have to do it all at once. If you work with multiple healers tell them what the others are doing plus what work you do on yourself so they can tailor the treatment when necessary. When taking energy attunements don’t sign up for every system under the sun in one week or even one month. Space them out so you can learn about each properly not merely avoid excessive detox. Besides it is much more fun to savor the variations in the multitude of Reiki offshoots when you don’t feel like you were beaten head to toe so even your hair hurts. At least double check with your guides if the time is right for you to accept another attunement.


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